Sort file:- Tonbridge, December, 2023.

Page Updated:- Tuesday, 12 December, 2023.


Earliest 1806-


Latest 1864+

Hadlow Road



A premises called the "Crown" in Tonbridge has been mentioned in an advertisement for an auction in the Morning Chronicle, 18 June 1806.

Further reference has been found for another auction in 1864.

These may, however, refer to the "Rose and Crown."

I have also found another "Crown" mentioned in Capel.


Morning Chronicle, 18 June 1806.

Goudhurst and Cranbrook, Kent.

By Messrs. Skinner, Dyke and Co. on Tuesday next, at 12, at Garraways in six lots.

Very desirable freehold estates, situate in and near the town of Goudhurst, 3 miles from Lamberhurst, 10 from Tunbridge Wells, 13 from Maidstone, and 43 from London. Consisting of a genteel dwelling house, offices, stabling, and good garden, on a delightful entrance commanding beautiful and extensive prospects, 10 acres of rich meadow land and hop garden, and old established draper and grocer's shop, and two cottages and gardens. Also an eligible Leasehold Estate, held of the Dean and Chapter of Rochester, and renewable according to custom; consisting of the "Star and Crown Inn" and about 50 acres of rich meadow, hop garden, and productive wood land. A freehold substantial Brick Dwelling House and Shop most desirable situate for trade, opposite the market house, in the town of Cranbrook, late the market house of S. F. Waddington, Esq. Land Tax is redeemed. Immediate possession may be had of the several lots.

To be viewed, and particulars may be had at the "Star and Crown Inn;" Goudhurst; "George," Cranbrook; of Mr. Blake, Printer, Maidstone, at the "Crown," Tonbridge; Place of Sale, and of Messrs. Skinner, Dyke and Co. Aldersgate Street.


South Eastern Gazette, 18 October 1853.

TUNBRIDGE. (sic) Petty Sessions. (Before W. C. Morland, Esq., chairman, A. Pott and G. Nottidge, Esqn.)

Job Leonard, labourer, was charged by Thomas Owen, with feloniously stealing twopence from the person of the said Thomas Owen. Prosecutor deposed that he lived at Tunbridge; (sic) was at the "Crown tap" there about eleven o’clock on the night of the 11th inst. Prisoner put his hand into his (prosecutor's) jacket pocket and took two penny pieces therefrom. Prosecutor caught hold of his hand, and saw the money in it.

Committed for trial.


South Eastern Gazette, 10 April, 1860. Spotted Dog


Freehold Beer-house, Grocer’s Shop, Butcher’s Shop, Furniture Warehouse, Dwelling-house, and Cottages, on Smart's Hill.

Messrs, CHARLTON WILL SELL by AUCTION, at the "Crown Hotel," Tonbridge, on Tuesday, the 17th of April, 1860, at Three for Four o’clock, the following Property, in two lots:—

Lot 1. That desirable BEER-HOUSE, GROCER’S SHOP, FURNITURE WAREHOUSE, three COTTAGES, outbuildings and garden ground, with a pump and well of excellent water, in the occupation of Mr. Frederick Hardwick and his under-tenants.

Lot 2. A BUTCHER’S SHOP, DWELLING-HOUSE, two COTTAGES, and garden ground as stumped out, adjoining the last lot, in the occupation of Mr. James Still, Thomas May, and John Adams.

Particulars and conditions of sale may be had fourteen days previously, at the "Leicester Arms," Penshurst; "Crown," Tonbridge and Sevenoaks; "Kentish Hotel," Tonbridge Wells; of Messrs. Carnell, Gorham, and Warner, Solicitors, Tonbridge; or of Messrs. Charlton, Auctioneers and Estate Agents, Tonbridge.


South Eastern Gazette, Tuesday 27 September 1864.

Tonbridge, Kent.

To Brewers, Innkeeper's, Butchers, and Capitalists.

The valuable freehold inn and stabling, known as the "Red Lion," Dwelling House, Butcher's Shop, Cottage, Slaughterhouse, and Premises.

Messes Charlton will sell by auction, at the "Crown Hotel," Tonbridge, on Tuesday, 4th of October, 1864, at 3 for 4 o'clock, the following valuable property, into lots.

Lot 1. That desirable freehold Inn, known as the "Red Lion," with convenient stabling, yard, and outbuildings, in a commanding situation in the High Street of Tonbridge, opposite the entrance to the stock market, where a lucrative business is carried on. The premises are in good repair and possession may be had at Michaelmas.

Lot 2. A freehold Dwelling House, Butcher's Shop, Cottage, Slaughterhouse, Yard, and Stabling in a prominent situation, adjoining the "Red Lion Inn," with a frontage of 24 feet to the High Street, and 116 feet to Church Street, in the occupation of Mr. Henry Richardson and another, at the very moderate rent of £44.

Particulars and conditions of sale to be held at the "Sussex Hotel," Tunbridge Wells; "Crown," Tonbridge and Sevenoaks; "Bull," Maidstone; Messrs. Goreham and Warner, Solicitors, Tonbridge; or of Messrs. Charlton, Land Agents and Surveyors, Tonbridge.




If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
