Page Updated:- Saturday, 11 September, 2021.


Earliest 1990s

(Name from)

Star and Crowne

2014 (Name to)

High Street


Star and Crowne

Above postcard, date unknown, kindly sent by Mark Jennings. The building on the right is the "Eight Bells."

King's Speech 1924

Above photo, kindly sent by Colin Goulding, showing the High Street in Goudhurst, in the early days of wireless, April 23rd 1924. Villagers listening to the King's Speech at the opening of the Wembley Exhibition, broadcast by the first loudspeaker used  in Goudhurst, by Mr. Nicklinson, of the "Star and Crown."

Star and Crowne 2013

Above photos, 19 August 2013, taken by Eric Hartland.


Morning Chronicle, 18 June 1806.

Goudhurst and Cranbrook, Kent.

By Messrs. Skinner, Dyke and Co. on Tuesday next, at 12, at Garraways in six lots.

Very desirable freehold estates, situate in and near the town of Goudhurst, 3 miles from Lamberhurst, 10 from Tunbridge Wells, 13 from Maidstone, and 43 from London. Consisting of a genteel dwelling house, offices, stabling, and good garden, on a delightful entrance commanding beautiful and extensive prospects, 10 acres of rich meadow land and hop garden, and old established draper and grocer's shop, and two cottages and gardens. Also an eligible Leasehold Estate, held of the Dean and Chapter of Rochester, and renewable according to custom; consisting of the "Star and Crown Inn" and about 50 acres of rich meadow, hop garden, and productive wood land. A freehold substantial Brick Dwelling House and Shop most desirable situate for trade, opposite the market house, in the town of Cranbrook, late the market house of S. F. Waddington, Esq. Land Tax is redeemed. Immediate possession may be had of the several lots.

To be viewed, and particulars may be had at the "Star and Crown Inn;" Goudhurst; "George," Cranbrook; of Mr. Blake, Printer, Maidstone, at the "Crown," Tonbridge; Place of Sale, and of Messrs. Skinner, Dyke and Co. Aldersgate Street.


From Kentish Gazette 11 October 1842.


Late the Property of Samuel Shepherd, Esq. deceased, and by his Will directed to be sold.


At the "Saracen's Head Inn," in Ashford, on Tuesday, the 1st day of November, 1842, at Four for Five o'clock precisely in the afternoon,

Lot 12. - The "Star and Crown Inn," with the Yard, Garden, Out-buildings, and several pieces of Meadow or Pasture and Wood Land adjoining or near and used therewith, containing about - (nothing shown) Acres, at Goudhurst, in the occupation of Richard Austen, held under Lease from the Dean and Chapter of Rochester for a term of 21 years, of which 16 years were unexpired at Lady-day, 1842, renewable in the usual manner at the reserved Rent of 18s, 9d., and £3 10s for Redeemed Land Tax.


South Eastern Gazette 11 July 1848.

Notice is hereby given, that Richard Austen, of Goudhurst, in the county of Kent, Victualler, hath by indenture bearing date the 22nd day of June, 1848, and made between the said Richard Austen of the first part, William Henry Lidbetter, of Tunbridge Wells, in the said county of Kent, Brewer, George Prentis, of Maidstone, in the south county of Kent, Wine and Spirit Merchant, and Thomas Neal, of Tunbridge Wells for said, Wine and Spirit Merchants, of the second part, and the several other person's executing the said Indenture, being creditors of the said Richard Austen, of the third part, assigned all his estates and effects to the said William Henry Lidbetter, George Prentis, and Thomas Neal, the executors, administrators, and assigns, in trust for the equal benefit of the creditors of the said Richard Austen as therein mentioned; which said indenture was duly executed by the said Richard Austen on the 22nd day of June, 1848, and by the said William Lidbetter and Thomas Neal on the first day of July, 1848, in the presence of and respectively attested by George Hinds, of Goudhurst, Attorney-at-law; and the same indenture was duly executed by the St George Prentis on the 6th day of July, 1848, in the presence of the attested by William Kentish, clerk to the said George Prentis, Maidstone; and the same indenture is now lying at the offices of Messieurs Miller and Hinds, solicitors, Goudhurst, for the execution by the creditors of the said Richard Austen.

All persons having any claim upon the estate of the said Richard Austen are requested to send the particulars thereof to the said Messieurs Miller and Hinds, within one month from the date hereof.


South Eastern Gazette, 10 April 1849.

Notice is hereby given, that the meeting of the creditors of Richard Austen, late of the "Star and Crown Inn," Goudhurst, will be holding on Monday, the 16th day of April instant, at the "Star and Crown Inn," Goudhurst, at 12 o'clock, when the trustees will be prepared to declare and pay a final dividend.

All persons not having sent in their claims upon the estate, and who do refuse to sign the deed of release, will be excluded the benefits of the trusts of the said deed.

By order of the trustees, Miller and Hinds,

Goudhurst, 7th April, 1849.


Kentish Gazette, 13 January 1852.


The annual pigeon shooting commenced on the land of Mr. Wm. Bearsby, "Star and Crown Inn," on Monday, between 19 competitors, for a beautiful hog, estimated at nearly 70 stones; 5 birds each, 21 yards rise.

At the conclusion it was brought to two ties, which was competed for by Mr. Grey, of Boughton, and Mr. Kinyon of Goudhurst, and the next three birds each were all killed. Of the following three Mr. Grey killed two, Mr. Kinvon only one; Mr. Grey thus became the champion.
Some excellent shooting for a sweep followed. There was a large concourse of spectators.




AUSTEN Richard 1841-July/1848 (age 43 in 1841Census)

DENSLEY William 1851+ (age 49 in 1851Census)

BEARSBY William 1852+

KNIGHT William 1858+

AUSTIN Edward 1861-62+ (also farmer age 36 in 1851Census)

FRY Frederick 1871-1903 (former carpenter now farmer age 48 in 1881Census) Kelly's 1903

THOMAS Alfred Henry 1911-18+ (age 48 in 1911Census)

BROWN William 1922+

CLUNES James 1930+

PICKERING Jack S 1938+



Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
