Lower Hayesden Lane

Above photo, 1899, kindly sent by Guy Sankey. The sign calls it the
"Royal Tavern," but there is the sign of an oak tree between the words.
I am assuming it is indeed this pub, but aren't certain. |
Above photo, date unknown. |
Above photo, date unknown, kindly sent by Nigel Humphrey. |
I am informed by Nigel Humphrey that the pub was open in 2001 but has
been closed for quite a long time (information 2016)
and is now an attractive private house.
Above photo, circa 2015 unknown by Darkstar. |
I also have reference to another "Royal
Oak" addressed at Shipbourne Road / Cage Green, there may be some
confusion over the licensees regarding the two.
I am informed that the owner of this one also owned the "Hook
and Hatchet" in Hucking during the late 1980s.
South Eastern Gazette, Tuesday 9 November 1847.
Freehold Property, Tonbridge, Kent.
Mr. J. Chantler has the honour to announce that he has received
instructions from the Devisees in Trust under the will of the late
Mr. Henry West, to submit by auction, on Monday, 22nd November,
1847, at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, in three lots, at the "Dorset
Arms Inn," High Street.
Lot 2.
All that Freehold House and premises, used as a Beer House,
and called by the sign of the "Royal Oak," situate at Haysden in the
parish of Tonbridge, in the occupation of Richard Couchman, having a
frontage of about 120 feet, and a garden about 60 feet square.
Lots one and two are let to a most respectable tenant on lease for
21 years, from January 6th, 1847, at the respective rent of £46 and
£12 per annum, payable quarterly.
The property may be viewed by permission of the tenants, and
particulars had, 7 days previous to the sale, of Messrs. Stenning
and Carnell, Solicitors, Tonbridge; at the "Dorset Arms," Tonbridge;
"Kentish Hotel," Tunbridge Wells; and of the Auctioneer,
Sevenoaks Chronicle and Kentish Advertiser 11 February 1949.
An application by Maurice William Brough, "Royal Oak," Tonbridge, was
referred to the adjourned sessions on March 8, as was one by Frederick
Ernest Perrin, "Rose and Crown," Hadlow.
The reference to the "Royal Oak" could well
refer to the "Royal
Oak" addressed as Shipbourne Road. Paul Skelton.
From the Kentish Gazette, 18 August 1857.
Jeremiah Peacock, of the "Royal Oak" beer-house, Tonbridge, was
charged with keeping his house open after hours on the 13th July.
Fined 5s. and costs.
COUCHMAN Richard 1847+
PEACOCK Jeremiah 1851-61+ (also agricultural labourer age 28 in 1851 )
PEACOCK Francis "Fanny" 1871-Jan/1889 dec'd (widow age 53 in
1881 )

EXEREST Joseph Jan/1889+

FULLER/FILLER William 1891+ (age 28 in 1891 )
FAULKNER Harry 1901+ (age 26 in 1891 )
HEAD George 1911-Dec/1926 (age 65 in 1911 )

SEARLE Bertram Henty Dec/1926-38+

and Sussex Courier