Sort file:- Malling, September, 2024.

Page Updated:- Tuesday, 10 September, 2024.


Earliest 1770-


Closed 2003-

54 High Street

East Malling


Above photo, date unknown. (Is this the Ship?)

Ship 2015

Above photo, kindly sent by Tricia Francis, 21 March 2015.


One time Charrington's house, this closed and was converted into housing by 2003.


Kentish Gazette 23 October 1770.

Joseph Drywood, from Cranbrooke, Worsted and Yarn Maker, in Mill-Lane, Maidstone. Advertising his products, also continues that he delivers the Kentish Gazette every Tuesday & Saturday, setting out from his house or the "Bull."

While delivering the papers he calls at the following named Public-Houses, to collect parcels & orders.

The "Ship" at Eastmalling, ......


From the Maidstone Telegraph, Rochester and Chatham Gazette, 8 June 1861.

Henry Palmer, and Albert Jones were charged with stealing a quantity of shrimps, of the value of 5s. on Whit Monday, the property of Daniel Neville.

The complainant was at the "Ship Inn," at East Malling, and whilst he was turned round to speak to some one his shrimps were taken. He saw the defendant Jones take them and put some of them into a girl's lap. Palmer took up his basket and walked off with it, and when he came back nearly all his shrimps had disappeared. He was willing to settle the matter as the parties had offered to pay him for the shrimps and expenses but as Mr. Tassell, one of the magistrates, stated that parties were constantly in the habit of taking the poor man's shrimps it was necessary that a stop should be put to them, and the prisoners, for their frolic, we're committed to for 7 days' hard labour.


Kentish Gazette, Tuesday 9 November 1869.

Proposed Cottage Gardeners' Mutual Improvement Association.

On Tuesday last a meeting was held at the "Ship Inn," East Malling, to take into consideration the question of forming a Cottage Gardeners' Mutual Improvement Association. The room was well filled. Mr. Dyson showed some good chrysanthemums measuring 17 inches in circumference. Mr. Free exhibited a very fine Savoy cabbage, and Mr. Goff some large onions, 14 and a half inches round. Some beautiful celery, 3 feet 10 inches in height, brought by Mr. Botten, was much admired. It was proposed to hold another meeting on Tuesday, the 16th inst.


Kent & Sussex Courier, Friday 18 September 1908.

Unfortunate family Jar.

William Edward Smith, of East Malling, was summoned by his brother, Frederick T. Smith, of Northfleet, for assault on September 3rd at East Malling.

Mr. Clarke Hutton, of Gravesend, appeared for the complainant, and Mr. G. Clinch, of Gravesend, defended.

Complainant said that on the day in question after attending a brothers funeral at Yalding, he went to the "King and Queen" public house, East Malling, with a Mr. Kemsel. While in the bar his brother William came in and demanded an apology from witness, for, as he said, insulting his wife. Witness made no reply, and Mr. Kemsel tried to pacify defendant and advised him to go home. Shortly afterwards witness left the public house, and when he got outside someone took hold of him, and he recognised his brother's voice. In self-defence he closed with defendant and they fell to the ground. Witness, after a struggle, got up, and went back to the public house, where he showed his clothes, which were dusty, to Mr. Kemsel. Later on witness again left the "King and Queen" to go to the station, but when he got outside his brother was still there, and they had another struggle, during which defendant struck three violent blows in the face.

Cross examined by Mr. Clinch, witness said the "Ship Inn," East Malling, belonged to his father, and during the past eight years defendant had taken over the management of the inn for him. His brother defendant and his wife looked after his father and mother, who were old people. Witness went to see his sister at East Malling sometime before, and he admitted that whilst there he said he did not mind seeing his father, but he did not want to see his brother or his wife. He was not jealous because his brother took over the "Ship Inn," although he had not spoken to him for 8 years. Defendant invited him to go to his house and see their father whilst they were at the funeral. He went to the house and saw his father, and there were several others there, but he did not know where the defendant's wife was among them. If defendant's wife was at the house when he called he did not see her offer to shake hands with him.

James Kemsel, of East Malling, also gave evidence.

Mr. Clinch, for the Defence, pointed out the complainant seemed to have become jealous because his brother had taken over the "Ship Inn."

Defendant, in the box, said he asked his brother to call and see their father after the funeral was over. Owing to a certain communication made to him by his wife he went to the "King and Queen" and demanded an apology from his brother. He was certain his brother knew his (witness's) wife. When they got outside he again asked his brother if he would apologise, and he pushed witness. When they were struggling the second time, complainant bit witnesses hand, and defending retaliated with a blow.

In reply to Mr. Hutton, defendant said he remained outside the public house when his brother went in again, because he did not know what he would do, and he did not want a row close to the is home.

P.C. Waters spoke to seeing defendant's hand, which was bleeding. It appear to have been bitten.

The Bench did not desire to hear any further evidence, and dismissed the case.



JESSOP Edward 1832+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34

JESSOP Lydia (widow) 1841+ (age 64 in 1841Census)

SMITH Charles 1874-91+

SMITH William Edward 1901-22+ (also fly proprietor age 27 in 1901Census) Kelly's 1903

STRONG Frederick Henry 1930+

GODDEN Edward 1938+


Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34


Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
