Page Updated:- Tuesday, 25 June, 2024.


Earliest 1846-

Windmill Inn

Open 2024+

32 Eyhorne Street


01622 889000

Windmill Inn 1909

Above postcard postmarked, 26 March 1909. Kindly sent by Shaun Gardiner.


Above postcard, date unknown. Kindly sent by Mick Norman.

Windmill 1950s

Above photo 1950s.

Windmill Inn 2001

Above photo 2001, kindly submitted by Roy Hopkins.

Windmill 2019

Above photo 2019.

Windmill sign 1980sWindmill sign 2012

Above sign left, 1980s, sign right, 2012.

With thanks from Brian Curtis

Windmill metal signWindmill metal sign

Above aluminium card issued 1950. Sign series 2 number 36.


In 1869-70 the pub was part of a consortium who were advertising their goods of selling tea in response to grocers' selling beer and wine. (Click for further details.)


From the South Eastern Gazette, Tuesday 24 November 1846.

Hollingbourne burglary.

On Monday night, or early on Tuesday morning, some thief or thieves got into the "Windmill Hill Inn," kept by Mr. Gladdish, and stole therefrom six silver teaspoons, marked M.W.G., two table cloths, and about 2s. in silver and copper. We understand that the parishioners intend to appoint watchmen for the winter months.


Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser, Tuesday 11 January 1853.

The annual smoking club dinner came off at the "Windmill Inn," on Monday last, when Mr. B. Roper. Junior, most ably presided, and Mr. G. Harrison, with his usual good humour and wit officiated as vice.

This society, consisting of respectable Farmers and Tradesmen of the neighbourhood, has been established for upward of half a century, and one of the members, who was present, (Mr James West, sen.) has regularly attended it for the long period of fotry years. The health of Her Majesty, Prince Albert, and every branch of the Royal Family, with every other loyal toast was duly honoured. The evening's divisions bore testimony to the good and brotherly feeling which constitutes the character of the men and gentlemen. The excellent dinner and it's necessary accompaniments, together with a kind of tension of Mr. and Mrs. Sivyer, merited and received the fullest appropriation of the numerous guests.


Maidstone Telegraph, Saturday 3 June 1871.

Hollingbourne. Club Anniversary.

On Monday last the members of the United Men of Kent Benefits Society celebrated their anniversary at the clubhouse, the "Windmill Inn." The members of the society met in the morning and headed by the Sutton brass band, under the direction of Mr. A. Maytum; and with colours flying and a garland of flowers, paraded the village, also visiting some of the houses of the gentry in the neighbourhood. Then they proceeded to church, where and appropriate sermon was preached by the Rev. W. G. Gibson, M.A. After the service at the church a first class dinner was provided by Host George Humphrey, to which about 80 sat down, the Rev. W. G. Gibson presiding, who was supported by Messrs J. Taylor, W. Marshall, and Isaac Weston. The Rev. Chairman proposed the toast of "Success to the United Men of Kent Benefit Society," which was ably responded to by Mr. W. Warman, the secretary. It appears from the balance sheet that although a large amount has been paid for sickness during the past year, the receipt still exceeded the expenditure, and there is a good reserve fund. Several gentleman in the neighbourhood have subscribed liberally to the funds of the society. After dinner and an adjournment was made to the green at the back of the house where the usual old English games were indulged in, not only by the members of the club, but by a number of visitors. A number of the inmates of the Whiteheath Union were present, for the entertainment of whom a gentleman subscribed a liberal sum of money.


Kent & Sussex Courier 14 December 1906.


Edward Ernest Cross of Dover, was charged with obtaining 3s, by false pretences from Henry Sutton, of "Windmill Inn," Hollingbourne, on December 3rd.

From the evidence it appeared that prisoner told him he was in the employ of Mr. Palmer, of Stockbury, and was looking for some ponies which had strayed. He further stated that they were on Mr. Fremlin's estate, and that the bailiff refused to give them up unless 3s., the expense of keeping them was paid. He, therefore, asked Mr. Sutton to lend him the 3s. This he did. The tale however, proved to be false, and prisoner was sentenced to one month's hard labour.





SWYER  James 1851+ (age 32 in 1851Census)

BOTTEN George 1861-62+ (age 32 in 1861Census)

WOOLHOUSE W 1869-70+

POTTER John 1874-81+ (age 56 in 1881Census)

WILSON George 1891+ (age 61 in 1891Census)

INGE Walter A 1901+ (age 43 in 1901Census)

COOK Harry 1913+

SIMMS Arthur Edward 1922+

MEARS Frederick Walter 1930+

TEBBITT Arthur 1938+




If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-