Sort file:- Chatham, February, 2025.

Page Updated:- Monday, 10 February, 2025.


Earliest 1827-

(Name from)

Crown and Anchor

Latest 1970s

72 (397Kelly's 1903) High Street


Crown and Anchor

Above photo, circa 1960, kindly sent by Tony Smith.

Crown and Anchor

Above photo, date unknown.


The Licensing Records of 1872 stated that the building had burnt down, but up to that time had been operating under a Full license.

I also have reference to a pub with that name also burning down in 1820.

There is suggestion that at one time the pub was called the "Malt Shovel" and perhaps this was the "Malt Shovel" before the fire; if this is the case then there must have been another pub with the same name of the "Crown and Anchor".

I believe this building was demolished some time in the 1970s as the Pembroke Court buildings have been erected on the same spot by 1984.

Also certain confusion come into play when the road was renumbered and the location today is addressed 397 High Street


Pembrook Court 2017

Above photo 2017.


From the Kentish Gazette, 16 March 1810.


March 11, at Chatham Church, Mr. ---- Ayres, of the "Little George" public-house, Chatham, to Mrs. Loader, widow of Mr. ----Loader, of the "Crown and Anchor" public-house.


Kentish Gazette, 7 March 1820.

We are exceedingly concerned to state that the town of Chatham has been visited by one of the utmost destructive fires which it ever experienced. The conflagration commenced about two o'clock on Friday morning at the house of Mr. Hill, a baker, residing at 69, High-street. Before any assistance could be afforded, it had gained such strength as to put an end to all hopes of saving Mr. Hill's house, or that next to it, with which the flames had almost immediately communicated. The attention of those who first came to the spot was then directed to the adjoining houses, and those opposite, towards which the flames were driven by a violent North Westerly wind, which continue to blow strongly until a late hour in the morning. From Mr. Hill's house, and from those of Mr. Watson, a linen Draper; of Mr. Cohen, a pawnbroker; and two or three others which intervened, the devouring element reach the "Sun Tavern," a very extensive pile of building, and the principal Inn at Chatham. When this house caught fire the scene was most awful, the flames had been driven by the violence of the wind, to the opposite side of the street, which then presented to the eye a pile of burning buildings, between which, from the narrowness of the place, the passage was in some places impassable, and, in all extremely dangerous. About half-past four or five, the roof of the "Sun Tavern" fell with a tremendous crash, and shortly after only a very small part of the walls were still standing. At one time the brewery of Mr. Best was thought to be in such danger that it's otter rain was looking upon as inevitable; providentially, however, by the prompt assistance of great numbers of the town's people, aided by the active exertions of the military, it escaped with comparatively trifling danger. Mr. Best was not so fortunate with respect to his dwelling house, which, with several adjoining houses, also his property, were entirely consumed. The walls of Mr. Best's house were, from their great solidarity, the only parts which were not levelled with the Earth. At four, and between that and six o'clock, the confusion which resigned in the town was beyond description. From the appearance of the flames at the latter hour, it was thought that all the houses south-east of that where the fire began, would fall a sacrifice to its rage. So strong was this impression, that many families, considerably removed from the immediate scene of danger, had taken down there bedsteads and other articles of furniture, and had removed a large part of them to a still greater distance.

About 11 o'clock, the fury of the flames was checked by the partial destruction of some houses on the same side of the street where it began, and by the total demolition of one or two on the opposite side, which the flames of not then reached, but which were judged proper to take down, to prevent the further spread of the configuration. The whole number of houses destroyed in High Street is 38; and there were several small buildings destroyed in the rear of each. The violence of the wind was such that large flakes of burning matter were conveyed to some 100 yards' distance. One of those flakes fell upon a large stack of hay about 150 yards from High Street, which consumed that, and two others, which were close by. There was a considerable quality of hay besides these stacks, which fortunately escaped. From the extraordinary rapidity with which the flames spread, and the danger of which threatened, in a narrow street, both sides of which, for a great part, on fire, and immensity of property was destroyed, which, had the weather been more mild, might have been saved. Several houses, and those principally belonging to persons whose ruin must be the consequence, are wholly uninsured. It is, however, a satisfaction, and relating this melancholy accident, to be able to state that no life was lost on the occasion. One or two persons were hurt by the falling of a wall, but not dangerously. At an early hour of the day the news of the fire reached London, from which some engines were dispatched; but before their arrival the flames had been nearly subdued. The engines from Rochester and Maidstone on on the spot as soon as possible after the accident had reached those places. The Sun fire engine, drawn by 6 horses, reached Chatham at 6 in the afternoon. Great inconvenience was experience from the wants of a plentiful supply of water. In some places it was conveyed in casks to the spot where the engines were at work, and there emptied into the street. The fire is supposed to have originated from the carelessness of one of the baker's men, who carried out some hot ashes, which he emptied near a rick of faggotts, and which was fanned into a blaze by the excessive high winds.

This is the third severe visitation by fire which Chatham has experience within the last half-century. About 20 years ago a fire broke out nearly in the same place as the present one, which consumes nearly 70 houses; and about 22 years before that period a fire happened in the same street, to which 80 or 90 houses fell a pray.

Another Account.

The following are some further particulars which we have learned.
The family of Mr. Hill, at whose house the configuration commenced, and also that at the "Sun Tavern," had merely time to snatch a few garments, so rapid was the progress of the flames, there being only two small engines, that belong to the town, and a private one. When the flames reached Best's brewhouse, a large stone fronted building, the engines were supplied, owing to the scarcity of water with beer, to the amount of nearly 100 butts. The wind blew with considerable fury, and both sides of the street, which is very narrow, being in flames at the same time the falling ruins rounded it dangerous for persons to pass, or to render assistance. The watch-houses and places of confinement, it is lamentable to add, were filled with the lower order of townsfolks, who took advantage of their neighbours' distress and got intoxicated at their expense; and such was a scene of distress, that nothing less than the utter ruin of the town was expected. On the side of the High Street, next the Medway, there are about 15 houses destroyed. On the opposite side about 12, besides the number of courts and alleys.

The letter of a correspondent gives the following as a correct list of the person whose houses have been destroyed and much damaged by the dreadful configuration.

On The North Side.

Mr. Schnebbelie, confectioner, Mr. Benjamin; Mr. Hills, baker; Mrs. Burdett, tallow chandley; Mr. Watson, ironmonger; "Crown and Anchor;" Mr. Cohen, pawnbroker; Mr. Hall, tailor; "Sun Tavern," Mrs. Etherington, stationery; Mr. Whitehead, sadler; Mr. Fisher, draper; Mr. Stronghill, glazier; "Kings Head," entirely destroyed.

Mr. Hendy, breeches maker, Mr. Large, shoemaker, Mr Williams, draper, Mr. Delasour, silversmith, much damaged.


On The South Side.

Mr. Catchpool, draper; Mr. Thompson, grocer; Mr. Crockford, cabinet-maker; Mr. Poole, hatter; Mr. Harris, green-grocer; Mr. Hawkins, fishmonger; Mr. Appleby, stay-maker; Mr. Pye, butcher; Mr. Frid, pawnbroker; Mr. G. Miller; Mr. Matthews, tailor; Mr. Brittain, hair-dresser; Mr. E. Wickham; Mr. H. Wickham; entirely destroyed.

The mansion of J. Best esq. burnt and Brewhouse very much damaged.

Mr. Godfrey, surgeon, Mr Bishop, grocer; Mr. Lucas, slopseller; Mr. Ray, butcher; Mr. Davis, ironmonger; very much damaged. Several small houses and back premises on both sides the way, burnt down, it is supposed that £100,000 will not repair the loss.




GURR John 1790 dec'd

GURR M 1793+ Trade Directory 1793

JAYES E J 1828+ Pigot's Directory 1828-29

BONNIWELL William 1832+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34

HILLS William 1838+ Wright's Topography 1838

STYLES Emmeline Mrs 1903+ Kelly's 1903


Trade Directory 1793Universal British Directory of Trade 1793

Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Wright's Topography 1838Wright's Topography 1838


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-