The Riverside / Allington Lock
01622 717251
Above postcard circa 1909. Kindly submitted by Rory Kehoe. Showing it
was a tied house within the estate of Isherwood, Foster & Stacey's Lower
Brewery, Maidstone. |
Above photo 1937, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above photo 1937, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above photo, date unknown. |
Above photo, from a 1955 month of May calendar. |
Above postcard, circa 1966, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. Originally a tied
house of Isherwood, Foster and Stacey's Lower Brewery, in 1929 the Malta
became a Fremlin's pub, when Isherwood, Foster and Stacey was taken over
and closed. This remained the case until about a year after this
photograph was taken, when Whitbread's snapped up Fremlin's in 1967. |
Above postcard circa 1980s. Kindly submitted by Rory Kehoe. |
Above postcard, date unknown, kindly sent by Michael Coomber. |
Above postcard, circa 1987, from Ray Newman. |
Above photo October 2014, kindly sent by Eric Hartland.
Above photo 2014.
Photos taken by David Dixon in 2013 from |
Above photo February 2022, kindly sent by Tricia Francis. |
The pub is operating as a Beefeater Inn.
Kentish Gazette, 24 February 1852.
The Late Mysterious Disappearance.
In our last impression, we stated that the poor man Cheeseman, whose
mysterious disappearance (on the night of the 24th ult.) caused such a
painful sensation in the neighbourhood of Sandling, where he had lived
for several years, had not then been heard of, and that no trace of him
had been discovered, beyond a handsaw and axe, which were found by the
river side, where he was supposed to have fallen in.
The conjecture as
to the untimely fate of the poor man has proved but too true—his body
having been found near the Allington Lock, on Tuesday evening. It was
very much swollen and disfigured, from the length of time it had
remained under water, but the features were easily recognised.
The body
was taken to the "Malta" beer-house, where it lay until Thursday, when
an inquest was held on it, by J. N. Dudlow, Esq., (one of the coroners
of West Kent).
The evidence went to show that the unfortunate man left
the "Malta" beer-house about eight o'clock on the night in question,
perfectly sober. He had received, from Mr. Bartlett (the landlord), his
week's wages, and the sum so paid him was found quite safe in his
pocket. The night was a very dark one, and it was raining hard, and
blowing almost a storm, so that it is probable deceased mistook his
path, and walked or slipped into the river.
To account for the length of
time the body remained under water, it is conjectured it had got
entangled in the weeds, at the bottom of the river. Having heard the
evidence of Mr. Bartlett, and of the man who found the body, the jury
agreed to a verdict:— "That the deceased slipped into the river, and was
accidentally drowned."
Southeastern Gazette, 13 September 1853.
BEARSTED. Petty Sessions.
Mr. John Bartlett, of the "Malta" beer-house, Boxley, also
applied for a spirit license. Mr. Hughes opposed the application.
Kent Times, 31 May 1862.
ALLINGTON. Supposed Suicide On The North Kent Railway.
On Monday morning last, on the platelayers employed in the Allington
cutting, on the North Kent line, going to their work, between three
and four o'clock, they were horrified at finding the body of a
respectably dressed young man lying by the side of the line, while
his head, which had been completely severed from the body, lay
between the rails. From the position in which the body was found
there was no doubt a deliberate suicide had been committed. The men
removed the body to Allington church. It appears that at about a
quarter to 1 o'clock on Sunday afternoon the deceased visited the
"Malta" beer-shop, near to Allington, and almost opposite to the
spot where he was found. He stayed at the "Malta" till three
o’clock, but the house being closed during divine service, he sat
outside until the time of opening again, when he returned into the
house, end remained till half-past 9 in the evening. He appeared to
have something on his mind, and called for three pints of beer, but
only drank a small portion of the third. It is quite evident that
after leaving this place he went direct to the line (having to cross
the lock in doing so), and from the position in which the body and
head were found there can be no doubt that he deliberately laid his
neck across the line, with his chest to the ground, and his arms
folded across his body; and in this position the 10 o'clock train
must have passed over him, as there was no other train after that
time. Beside the neck there was no portion of his person injured.
His description is as follows:- Light complexion, dark brown hair,
inclined to be curly, and cut short behind; black cloth suit, with
linen shirt and cotton stockings; red braces, with white leathern
straps; eyelet holed boots, with patent fronts and morocco tops; a
plaid silk scarf, with white and plum-coloured stripes; brown cap
with leathern peak. Fivepence in coppers was found in his pocket. It
has been ascertained that the deceased's name was John Barnaby, and
that he was a deserter from Chatham, who had committed a robbery.
Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser, 3 September 1866.
Mr. Monckton applied for a spirit license on behalf of Edwin Sills,
"Malta" beerhouse, Boxley.
Mr. Goodwin opposed the application on behalf of Mr. Verey, of the
"Gibraltar Inn."
The magistrates granted this license on account of the increased traffic
on the Medway, on the banks of which the house in question is situate.
From the Dover Express, 21 May, 1875.
An inquest was held at the "Malta Inn," Sandling, on Thursday
afternoon last, before J. N. Dudlow, Esquire, coroner, on the body of James
George Coulthard, and ex-governor of Dover Gaol, and a County Court
deputy bailiff, which was put out of the river on Monday last. The
following evidence was taken:-
Alfred Hall, Dover, said:- Deceased John
George Coulthard was his uncle. He was lately County Court deputy-bailiff. He was about 63 years of age. Witness last saw him a fortnight
ago at Dover. He appeared very haggard and caraworn. He left on the
following Saturday and was traced to Chatham, then to an inn at Brompton and
he visited Chatham dockyard on Tuesday. Last Thursday he was seen
at Borstal, and he appeared at that time to be very despondent. He was
addicted to drinking, and very excited in his conduct. He was
married but had left no family.
Alfred Barnes, of Wolf Lane, Maidstone,
a labourer, deposed that at 6 o'clock on Monday afternoon last, he saw
the body of the deceased in the River opposite the "Gibraltar inn."
He obtained assistance and pulled the body out of the water. There was six large
stones and one small one in the coat pockets.
Police constable John
Cheney produces stones and Property found on the body.
Mr W Hall,
surgeon, Maidstone, deposed that he examined the body on Tuesday
afternoon. There was no marks of violence. The body that
evidently been in the water several days and was in a state of
decomposition. Witness afterwards made a post mortem examination. The body
was well nourished and healthy. Witness had no doubt death was caused by
Drowning comma and not by violence or improper treatment.
The jury
returned an open verdict of "found drowned."
Kent & Sussex Courier 09 June 1939.
Monkeys are very like humans, and there must be something in the Darwin
Theory after all. Two young Rhesus Monkeys, finding a weak spot in the
roof of their cage at the Maidstone Zoo on Saturday morning last,
decided they would have a week-end off—nasty busy place the Zoo at
Very much up-to-date, their first place of call was a dairy farm, a milk
bar, of course. The second, on Saturday after-noon, another but quite
different bar, the "Malta Inn," so nice and cool by the River Medway,
most hospitable people the yachting fraternity—plenty to eat and drink;
where they slept it all off they alone know.
What could be nicer than a Sunday on a farm?—cool, quiet, and chicken
food is quite nice.
They were reported amongst the poultry at The Park, Sandling. By this
time, however, their owner was on their track. A chicken house was
converted into trap, fruit the bait—nice ripe bananas and apples—and by
5 p.m. No. 1 was caught. He was used as a decoy (in a safe cage, too),
and No. 2 joined him, and by 9.30 p.m. both were brought home. A very
enjoyable week-end—such a change from a crowded zoo, too.
The Stage, Thursday 11 November 1976.
Kentish is where the hops really come from. That fact alone makes the
County pubs Country! And pubs are big business on the showbiz front
today. You can forget the idea that down here that all the pubs are
oak-beamed and full of yokels moving at a snail's pace.
Entertainment is IN at the INNS take my word. No, don't take my word
just listen to the people I've been talking to in an in-depth round up.
The "Malta Inn," beautifully set on the banks of the river Medway, near
Maidstone, is a hot spot for music. The electric organ is a big
attraction and draws people like bees to a honey pot - which is more
than a jukebox ever did in a pub.
I think I will - and pop out for a ginger ale.
Jimmy Hodge Jnr.
From the By Guy Bell, 21 June 2018.
Maidstone: Adam Aldosari took own life following split from girlfriend.
A heartbroken Waitrose worker took his own life after breaking up
with his girlfriend.
Adam Aldosari was seen hanging from a tree by a passer-by along the
River Medway towpath close to the "Malta Inn."
The 20-year-old had moved to England from his native Poland in the
summer of 2016 to be with his girlfriend, but their relationship ended.
Police were called to the site, opposite Allington Castle, at around 6am
on April 1 following reports a body had been seen.
Adam Aldosari took his own life following his separation from his
Mr Aldosari was cut down by police officers who started CPR before
medics arrived and confirmed he had died.
Investigators found a backpack belonging to him containing a note pad
with words and phrases such as “kill yourself”.
He had also told his ex-girlfriend that he “may as well kill himself”
but turned down the offer of help from her and the suggestion of seeing
a psychologist.
Assistant Coroner Ian Wade recorded a conclusion of suicide during an
inquest held at Archbishops Palace.
He said: “I am satisfied that the medical cause of death is suspension.
That was plainly caused by the act of hanging.
“There is no evidence to suggest anybody else was involved. What
happened was entirely due to Adam’s own and deliberate actions.
“He was perhaps feeling a little adrift in this country. He was someone
who appeared to have become dejected and unhappy at his particular life
in late March and early April.
“The discovery of a note in his backpack which contains significant
readings indicated a desire to end his life.
“I conclude they are Adam’s words written in direct reference to a
decision to take his own life. It was Adam’s wish and his right to take
the particular steps he did.”
If you feel like you need to speak to somebody about your mental health
or are experiencing suicidal thoughts you can contact Samaritans at 116
From the By Ben Ashton , 21 June 2018.
The tragic note left by a young man who took his own life near the River Medway in Maidstone.
A 20-year-old had recently split up with his girlfriend before killing himself.
A young man who was found dead near the River Medway had left a
heartbreaking note before taking his own life, an inquest heard.
Adam Aldosari, who was originally from Poland, was discovered on a
footpath near the "Malta Inn" pub in Maidstone by a passer-by shortly
after 6am on April 1 this year.
The 20-year-old had moved to England with his girlfriend Julia in the
summer of 2016 and went on to secure a job at Waitrose.
An inquest into his death at Archbishop’s Palace in Maidstone today
(June 21) heard how the couple then separated in late 2017.
Adam struggled to come terms with the end of the relationship and at the
end of March, he sent a series of messages to his ex-partner suggesting
he felt he was a “burden to everyone else” and that he “might as well go
and kill himself”.
Julia offered to assist him in seeking mental help and also offered to
go with him, but Adam told her that a psychologist “would not be able to
help him”.
'No cause for concern.'
Det Sgt Paul Raines said: “On March 31, he called into work to say he
was sick. Julia got in touch with him but he said he wanted to be alone.
“They spoke on the phone that evening but he did not seem to be upset.
“There were not any arguments and nothing that alerted Julia that there
was any problem.
“From Julia’s point of view, she could have had no suspicion or cause
for concern.”
That was the final contact Julia had with Adam, who was last seen alive
by two housemates at his Clifford Way home when he stepped outside the
front of the house to smoke a cigarette in the evening.
Just hours later, he was dead.
'These are my last words.'
Adam Aldosari left a tragic note in his backpack.
At the scene of his death opposite Allington Castle, a backpack
containing his personal belongings, including a notepad, was found
On one of the pages, Adam wrote: “These are my last words. Sorry what I
"I know you can’t follow my last steps. I was not worth you.
“If found, return to Clifford Way. That is my last is wish.
“As always, not a lot to say. XD.”
He also wrote a number of phrases on the notepad, including “kill
yourself”, “finally solution” and “no turning back”.
DS Raines, who ruled out any third party involvement, said: “They were
quite scribbled notes, almost like exclamations.”
Assistant coroner Ian Wade recorded a verdict of suicide and said:
“Those notes are strongly indicative that he had decided he would end
his life.
“He did have things on his mind but he did not share them with anybody.
He was not known to mental health services."
'No blame attached to those who loved him'
Mr Wade concluded: “He was perhaps feeling a little bit adrift in this
country. He appears to have become dejected and unhappy with his life in
late March, early April.
“There was a discovery of a notepad which contains significant writings
indicating his desire to end his life and in effect, he was saying
“I conclude they are Adam’s words and are written in reference to the
decision he had made to end his own life.
“He was last seen the night before but I am satisfied that he died
relatively soon before he was discovered in the early hours of April 1,
“I am satisfied that Adam did the act and that he did the act intending
to cause his own death.
“He had every opportunity from those who loved him to seek help. There
is no blame attached to those who loved him in these circumstances.
“When a young man resolves to do this, there is very little that we can
“In the circumstances, the only conclusion I can record, with great
sadness, is suicide.”
BARTLETT John 1851-52+ (age 39 in 1851 )
SILLS Edward 1866+
SILLS Elizabeth Mrs 1874-82+
BALLARD William R 1891+ (age 44 in 1891 )
CLEGG Thomas William 1901-Dec/1908 (widower age 75 in 1901 )
TREMAINE Frederick Dec/1904-08+

GOULDEN Harold Vincent 1911+ (age 65 in 1911 )
CHAFFEN Charles 1930+
and Sussex Courier
From the Kelly's Directory 1903