Sort file:- Greenwich, June, 2024.

Page Updated:- Monday, 03 June, 2024.


Earliest 1826-

Crown and Sceptre

Closed ????

High Bridges (Crane StreetPigot's Directory 1832-34)


Crown and Sceptre painting

Above painting by J T Wilson circa 1870. [This also shows the "Three Crowns" (with the name-board with a raised centre section) , then Moss's Wharf, then the old "Yacht" before its mid-20th century rebuild]

Crown and Sceptre 1874

Above print, 1874.

Crown and Sceptre 1890

Above photo, 1890, showing the "Yacht" right also showing the "Three Crowns" and the "Crown and Sceptre."

Crown and Sceptre painting

Above painting, I believe by Lian O'Farrell to look like 30's style. Showing the "Conservative Club" with "Crown and Sceptre" to the left. [The painting is in the 'Trafalgar' collection but the 'Club' building had gone by 1934]

Crown and Sceptre 1882

Above photo, 1882, kindly submitted by Richard Evans.


Addressed as High Bridge east in 1862 & Crane Street in 1874 & 1882.

I was under the impression that the pub was demolished in the late nineteenth century. However, my licensee list at present goes up to 1911 and I am also told by Lynne Hampson that the Curlew Rowing Club which was formed in 1866 in order to rent the "Crown and Sceptre" as their clubhouse, this continued until it was demolished in 1934 and since then and till 2003 has been operating from a clubhouse in the "Trafalgar Tavern." Perhaps they financed a rebuilding in 1866. [This is wrong. The Curlew started earlier and moved to the Crown and Sceptre in 1882, then from 1934, just before it was demolished, to the ground floor of the 'Trafalgar' which was also flats on the upper floors until reconverted as a pub by Watney's in 1966/7. At that point Greenwich Council were persuaded to buy Moss's Wharf (11-13 Crane Street) and build the present Globe Rowing Centre on the site, leasing the building to the Curlew and the Globe Rowing Club (which had latterly shared the Trafalgar with the Curlew). That remains the current situation.  


Further information supplied by Pieter van de Merwe tells me the following:-

A largely weatherboarded timber building, but with a masonry facade to the river on the ground floor, dating back as a pub to at least the 1770s. It was out of use as such by 1882 when it became premises of the Curlew Club until 1934.

In 1836 Samuel and/or James Lovegrove were joined in the proprietorship by Thomas Quartermaine (d. 1867) who also ran premises in Blackfriars and they rapidly added a large banqueting hall to the west in neo-classical style and with large windows towards the river. This was designed by George Smith (1782-1869) and his pupil/partner at that time, William Barnes, who showed the design drawing for it at the 1837 Royal Academy annual exhibition (no. 1126) while it was being completed.

 Smith - then based in Old Jewry in the City - was well known and did a great deal of local work, including building a house for himself ('Brooklands') in Blackheath. The new hall came into use from May 1837: on 1 July the Duke of Wellington took the chair at a prestigious charity dinner for 200 there, in aid of the Kent Dispensary, at which he proposed the toast to the young Queen Victoria, then just over ten days into her reign. For many years following, it vied with the 'Trafalgar' as a public venue for grand dinners, under Quartermaine's sole management from 1843, when his partnership with James Lovegrove ended, and in tandem with the "Ship Hotel" which he opened in 1855 on the present site, since 1954, of the 'Cutty Sark'. (This was the final 'Ship' tavern, superseding both the 'old Ship' at the east end of Fisher Lane and the 'Ship Torbay' built behind Greenwich Pier at the west end in c.1840: the latter probably only lasted into the 1850s, as Greenwich Hospital finally cleared the Fisher Lane area completely.)

From 1882, when the pub became the Curlew Rowing Club, the banqueting hall became the Greenwich Conservative Club and is shown as such on the 1897 OS. The hall was demolished at a date as yet unclear in the early 1900s, and possibly as late as the 1920s, ahead of the wooden pub/club building. That was removed in about 1935/6. The utilitarian brick Highbridge Wharf buildings still occupying its site and the hall's as far west as the foreshore drawdock gates at north end of Eastney Street, were complete and being advertised to let by the spring of 1937.


From Perry's Bankrupt and Insolvent Gazette (London, England), Saturday, May 20, 1843; pg. 341/342; Issue 788.


James Lovegrove and Thomas Quartermaine, Hotel Keepers, Greenwich and New Bridge-St., Blackfriars, 6th May. Debts By Quartermaine.


From The Standard (London, England ), Wednesday, September 24, 1845; pg. 5; Issue 6600.


The season for this far-famed luxury being nearly concluded, the third anniversary dinner of the friends of Thomas Quartermaine took place on Monday, at the "Crown and Sceptre Tavern."

The chair was most ably filled by W. Shaw, Esq., who was supported by Admiral Dundas, M. P. for Greenwich, Alderman John Johnson, Alderman Sir James Duke, W. Fisher Hobbs, Esq, and upwards of 150 leading City merchants and inhabitants of the borough. The entertainment was of the most sumptuous and costly description, and fully sustained the high character Mr. Quartermaine has acquired for himself as a caterer for the luxurious comforts of his extensive connections. The chairman's observations, in proposing the "Navy and Army," drew from the gallant admiral present a graceful acknowledgement, with an earnest and most gratifying assurance of the present efficient state of our naval service. The health of Mr. Quartermaine was received by the company in a manner which must have been highly flattering to him also.


Kentish Mercury, Saturday 27 June 1846.

Greenwich Impudent Robbery.

An extensive and impedance robbery was committed one day last week at the "Crown and Sceptre Hotel," Greenwich. The following property was stolen.:- A silver plate, gadroon edge, marked on the front, "Crown and Sceptre," with coat of arms and four quarterings on the back, No. 49, 16oz; three plane-handled table forks, marked "Crown and Sceptre" on handle; to ditto, ditto, ditto; four fiddle-handled forks, marked "Crown and Sceptre," J. S. M., on front of handle, and numbers 4, 17, 31, and 46; two fiddle-handled forks, marked "Crown and Sceptre;" four fiddle-handled tablespoons, marked "Crown and Sceptre" in the Bowl, J. S. M. on handle, and numbered 15, 39, 40, and 50. A reward of £20 has been offered on recovery of the property, or conviction of the offender or offenders.


Kentish Mercury, Saturday 27 June 1846.

Court of Conservancy for the County of Kent.

On Thursday week the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor, accompanied by Alderman Farebrother, the Common Sergeant, and the usual civic offices, proceeded to Greenwich by water, landed at the "Crown and Sceptre Hotel," when his Lordship proceeded to hold a Court of Conservancy for the County of Kent. Mr. H. Mitchell, of the "Admiral Hardy," Clarence Street, Greenwich, having been elected foreman, and the jury sworn in, the Common Sergeant, in the absence of the Recorder, who was detained by London by his judicial duties at the Old Bailey, proceeded to address the jury on the nature of their duties, and particularly called the attention to the reckless manner in which the numerous steamboats when navigated through the pool, as also the floating piers. It would be their duty impartially to consider whether these latter were or were not a nuisance and an obstruction to the River Thames. After a few other observations of general character the learning gentleman concluded his charge. The presentment will be made on Friday, 17th of July, to which day the court adjourned.


From The Era (London, England ), Sunday, February 15, 1852; Issue 699.


Thomas Quartermaine, informs the Nobility and Public, that he has taken a fresh lease of the above House, and intends re-openming for the White Bait Season, on Thursday, the 1st of April next when he respectfully solicits a continuation of the Patronage he has now for Nineteen Years been favoured with.

Orders taken at his London House, the York Hotel, New Bridge-street, Ludgate-hill.

February 7th, 1852.


Kentish Mercury, Saturday 11 May, 1867.

Crown and Sceptre Hotel, Greenwich.

J. F. Gordon begs respectfully to inform the Nobility and Gentry, that the above old establishment is now open, replete with every accommodation for large or small dinners.

Wines of the finest vintages, and all charges 20 per Cent. below the usual Taverns charges.

G. F. Gordon, proprietor and manager.

February 23rd.

Whitebait in Perfection



LOVEGROVE Samuel 1826+

CLARK Joseph 1826-33+

LOVEGROVE Samuel & James 1832+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34

QUARTERMAINE Thomas 1833-58+ Next pub licensee had (age 43 in 1851Census)

PYCROFT Thomas T 1871+ (age 26 in 1871Census)

QUARTERMAINE Thomas 1862-69+

GORDON John Frederick 1862-74+ (age 42 in 1871Census)

PYCROFT Thomas 1874+

WYLLIE John E to May/1881 Kentish Mercury

McADAMS Robert Charles May/1881-82+ (age 30 in 1881Census) Kentish Mercury

BALE William Thomas 1882-1907+ (age 33 in 1881Census)

CATTANACH William 1908+

ABBOTT Walter John 1911+ (age 36 in 1911Census)


Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34


Kentish MercuryKentish Mercury


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-