Page Updated:- Sunday, 01 September, 2024.


Earliest 1732-

Lion and Lamb

Latest 1899

(Name to)

70 High Street


Lion and Lamb 1890

Above photo 1890.

Lion and Lamn pre 1899

Above postcard, pre 1899, kindly sent by James Fribbins.

Lion and Lamb engraving

Above engraving, pre 1899, obviously taken from the above picture

Lion and Lamb painting

Above painting by J T Wilson, 1800s.


I have reference to a baptism at St Mary's church on the 11 October 1732 that says the following:- "Thomas a Foundling at the Lyon & Lamb doore." I am assuming that this is the same pub, but without an address I could be wrong and the mention is for another pub with the same name.

Further information sent to me from Stevesw19 shows a passage from a 1757 document, stating:- John Bolton killed by a waggon at the Bridge near the Lion -  (& Lamb) crossed out.

The "Lion and Lamb" was originally addressed as 70 Lewisham High Street but the pub was renamed the "Salisbury" in 1899 and by 1911 the location renamed as 86 High Street.


Kentish Gazette, 22 Nov 1793.

Lot No. 6.

The "Lion and Lamb" Public House, yard, garden and field, containing about one acre, at Lewisham aforesaid, in the occupation of George Holt or his undertenants, under a term, of which 23 years were unexpired at Michaelmas, 1793, at the yearly rent of £30. clear of taxes and repairs.

The tenants will shew the premises.

For further particulars enquire of Mess. WILLIAM and EDWARD TWOPENNY, Attornies, Rochester.


From the Baptism records 1811.

 Baptism 10 Sep 1811 for Ann & Joshua born at the "Lion & Lamb" 1810 & 1811 to parents John Meade and his wife Sarah.


From the Maidstone Gazette and West Kent Courier, 26 January 1830.

A short time ago, a rumour very generally prevailed throughout the neighbourhood of Lewisham and Lee, in this County, that a young female, named Francis Balcomb, servant to a Miss Gray, who died on the 5th of the present month, had fallen victim to starvation, and the want of fire to preserve her from the in inclement of the weather.

Application was, therefore, made to Mr. Carttar, the Coroner for the County, who at once directed a Jury to be summoned, and and inquisition accordingly sat at the "Lion and lamb Tavern," Lewisham, at 5 o'clock on Saturday evening, for the purpose of ascertaining the real cause of the deceased's death. The decision was not made, however, until 10 o'clock on Monday night, the case having been adjourned for further enquiry.

Mr. Smith, solicitor, attended as the legal advisor of Miss. Gray, to watch the proceedings. A great number of witnesses were examined, and the medical gentlemen gave it as their decided opinion that the deceased died from an inflammation of the stomach.

The Jury found a verdict "Died a natural death," to which they attached some extra judicial observation, which we refrain from publishing.


Dublin Evening Packet and Correspondent, Saturday 27 June 1835.

Extra ordinary self-destruction.

On Tuesday an inquisition was taken before C. J. Carttar, Esq., the coroner for Kent, and respectable Jury, at the "Lion and Lamb Tavern" Lewisham, on the body of George Douglas, formerly and extensive shipowner and man of property, who was found dead in Forest Wood, near Brockley, on Friday.

A number of medical gentlemen were in attendance throughout the enquiry, the deceased having of late years held a situation in St. Thomas's Hospital, to which he was recommended by the Princess Sophia.

William Belcher, shopman to the apothecary of St. Thomas's Hospital, stated that he had known the deceased between four and five years, at which period he was admitted a patient in St. Thomas's. Witness saw him last alive about a quarter before eight on Friday morning, when he came to the apothecary's shop, and asked for a little prussic acid to kill two dogs with. He has been on several former occasions for the same thing, as he was connected with the dissecting-room, where dogs are killed for the purpose of experiments. Witness gave him about two drachms, and the deceased held up the phial, and looking sternly at it, remarked that he thought it was scarcely enough; but witness assured him to the contrary. He appeared rather grave at the time, but there was nothing particularly unusual in his manner.

Charles Penfield, of Forest Hill, gardener, depose that he discovered the body of the deceased on Friday in Forest Wood, near the footpath, on his back, his arms close to his sides. There were several papers around him. The witness first saw him he thought it was a drunken man, but having called him thrice to get up, in vain, he procured assistance, and he was removed on a shutter to a neighbouring public house, where it was ascertained he was dead.

Mr. Samuel Hill, surgeon of St Thomas's, stated that he saw the deceased about 9:30 on Thursday night. He told witnessed that Miss Fuller had been to consult him about a pain in her head. Witnessed asked if he was his old sweetheart and he replied in the affirmative. He appeared to be rather downcast. Two drachms of prussic acid and more than sufficient to produce death.

The Coroner handed Mr. Hill the following letter found by the deceased's side in Forest wood, and which were proved to be in his handwriting. They were all written in pencil.


"To all whom it may concern - I hereby certify with my own hand that I am perfectly sane, and that I bequeath my body to the lecturers, &c, of St. Thomas's Hospital, to be made use of for the benefits of society, as they think fit. Written on Nunhead Hill by me."
Signed George Douglas.


2d. "Whoever may chance first to see me will pleased to forward these notes as directed, and they have the well wishes of an unhappy man."


3d. Mr. M'Murdo:- Tomorrow you will owe me 35 s. pay it to my widow - she is honest and virtuous, and desires your protection and assistance. I die the victim of unmerited jealousy."

Directed, Mr. M'Mundo, surgeon &c., Old Broad Street, City.


4th. Mr. Hill, I have done my duty towards you honestly and as diligently, and would do so still, but, alas my doom is out, and I must say farewell! Miss Fuller, by her wicked artifices, has destroyed all that happiness existing between me and my wife, and I can't survive her hatred; therefore end with prussic acid my misfortunes.

Signed G. G.

"To Mr. S. Hill. St. Thomas's Hospital, Borough


5th. My dearest wife - You have given me one awfully convincing proof that you cannot love me more, and to prove to you I cannot live without your love, I die; but before I close this life, I wish you to understand that I was never for one moments false to you since we wedded, and that I died a virtuous and honest man, as far as regards the cause of all our distresses. Farewell, may you live long and be happy in the embrace of some one as true as I have been to you, and more fortunate. You will now believe me when I say that for you alone I lived, and through you die. Before you get this letter I shall be no more.

Signed George Douglas.

Directed to Mrs. Ann Douglas, 8, New Way, St Thomas's, Southwark.


6th. "Eliza Fuller - Your revenge is now as complete as you could wish. My wife is an unhappy widow, and I am a self damned wretch, be satisfied, and I forgive you all you've cost me - that is, a loving wife, and my own soul's salvation. Eliza, you are your own destroyer."

Signed G. D.

Address to "Elisa Fuller, 10, Union Court, Red Cross Street, Borough.


Mr. Hill explains that the 35s. alleged by the deceased to be due to him, was for his last weeks wages. Mr. M'Murdo was lecturer of the hospital. The deceased had not being married to his wife above five weeks.

A Juror:- Has the deceased not undergone an operation?

Mr. Hill:- Yes, and a very painful one; he lost his nose, as he said, from being frostbitten, and Mr. Green, of St. Thomas's, cutaway part of his scalp and brought it down over his face, so as to form a nose. He (deceased) also had a lip made out of a piece of his neck.

Juror:- Would not that operation disturb his mind?

Mr. Hill:- I should say not, for the operation of the nose was performed above three years ago.

Coroner:- Was it done by his own consent?

Mr Hill:- Oh yes, perfectly; he wrote to Mr. Green requesting that gentleman to perform the operation, and although it took above an hour and a half he did not make one single murmur.

By the Coroner:- The deceased was a passionate man and easily excited; he was of very fine and acute feelings.

Robert Fuller, of 10, Union Court, Borough, tailor, here stood forward, and said he was the father of Eliza Fuller, to whom the deceased had addressed a note. The deceased had paid his addresses to his daughter for about two years and had frequently requested his consent to marry her; but he declined it until January, considering up to that period that the deceased was insane from the strange boasts he would make of General Hay and others being indebted to him in large sums of money, which was not the case. In January he consented to the union, and the deceased fixed some day in May for the celebration of their marriage; but in the beginning of April he suddenly, and without any explanation, discontinued his visits. At the latter end of the same month he was married to another woman. The following extraordinary letter he wrote to his daughter just before his marriage.

"Dear Eliza - Pardon me for not having performed by promise, for truly I cannot. I have made several attempts to come to you but my heart fails me. Deem me not frozen-hearted. The time is not yet, but will come when you shall see a wretch, and from his this here a dismal fate - dismal, indeed, though yet to mortal ear has never been divulged - then you will know it is not for nothing I am thus sunk low in sorrows hateful gulph. Yes, you behold a wretch despaired, feared, yea, even damned, a monster, buy those whom I by word or action ne'er did injury to, but who's calumnious tongues would make me seem all that man should depreciate and scorn. Then you will be convinced that you have been dealt mercifully to by your real well wisher. Till then, farewell.

I am, with unfeigned respect.

Signed George Douglas.

"If you will look out what books, &c., of mine that are of my use to you, and let Thomas know when to call for them, you will much obliged me. Recollect I want no earthly things from you that can be of service to you in any shape at all, and if you wish me well, as I believe you do, you will keep all within your own breast that you know of a most unhappy being who is not what he seems to be. Wednesday morning, 1 o'clock.


The inquest room was cleared of strangers, and after a short deliberation, 13 out of 15 of the Jury returned a verdict. "That the deceased destroyed himself, being at the time in a fit of temporary mental derangement;" the other two Jurymen were of opinion that the deceased was sane at the time.


From the Borough of Greenwich Free Press, 10 November, 1855.


On the 2nd Inst, aged 52, after a sudden illness, at the "Lion and Lamb," Lewisham, Mr. William Holmes.





HOLT George to 1793+

MEADE John 1810-41+ (age 55 in 1841Census) Pigot's Directory 1832-34

GOODISON Richard 1852+

HOLMES George Cracklow 1862-Aug/72

MEEKINS Algernon Aug/1872+

MORRIS Thomas 1874+

HOWLETT James to May/1881 Kentish Mercury

DENNIS Charles John May/1881-82+ (age 46 in 1881Census) Kentish Mercury

OVENDEN Isobelle to Nov/1890 Woolwich Gazette

HOWARD Arthur Baxter Nov/1890+ Woolwich Gazette

HOWLETT Isabell Mrs 1891+

GRIFFIN Robert 1894+


Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34


Woolwich GazetteWoolwich Gazette

Kentish MercuryKentish Mercury


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
