18 Beresford Square (Greens End 1832)
Above photo 1930s. |
Above photo late 1940s. |
Above Google image, September 2017. |
Above photo, 2017, by Ian Wood. |
Above photo, circa 2017 by Ian Wood. |
Above photo 20 July 2024. |
Changed name to "O'Connors" some time before February 2007.
Appears to have changed back to the "Ordnance Arms" again in May 2016,
where it is also known as the "Old Gun Pit."
South Eastern Gazette 22 April 1856.
James Leadbetter, formerly of the "Lads of the Village Tavern," the
Manor Way, Charlton, licensed victualler and dealer in tobacco, and
trading in co-partnership with James Newman, at Hale's Factory, Manor
Way, Charlton, under the style or firm of "Newman and Leadbetter," as
waterproof fabric manufacturers; and late of the "Ordnance Arms,"
Woolwich, assistant to Mrs Randall.
Mr. Morgan, supported the insolvent. - Adjourned until the 5th May.
From the Borough of Greenwich Free Press, 5 June, 1858.
On Thursday afternoon an inquest was held at the "Ordnance Arms
tavern," Beresford-square, Woolwich, before Mr. C. J. Carttar, on
the body of Mr. Francis Pellatt, principal Military Storekeeper at
the Royal Arsenal, who died from the results of an accident which
occurred on the previous Monday evening.
Mr. Wm. Baker deposed, that on the evening of Monday last, about a
quarter to 9 o'clock, he was at Green’s-end, Woolwich, when he saw
the deceased driving his horse and chaise towards his residence at
the Royal Arsenal. The up train, which leaves the Arsenal station of
the North Kent Railway at 8.46 a.m., was, at the time, passing under
the bridge which crosses the main street, and the steam from the
engine appeared to startle the horse which the deceased was driving.
The animal rushed along at a gallop, and on arriving at the
Plumstead-road the vehicle came in collision with a lamp-past, when
the deceased and Mrs. Pellatt were thrown out with great violence.
Witness assisted to remove the deceased and his lady to the
residence of Mr. Coleman, the nearest surgeon, but the deceased was
entirely insensible, and his head, which fell against the lamp
column, was fearfully injured.
The jury after suggesting that the Railway Company should cover over
the line with a roof of corrugated iron for a distance of several
yards from each bridge which crossed a street of large traffic,
returned a verdict to the following effect "That death resulted from
an accident, which was caused by the horse which the deceased was
driving becoming restive, from the steam arising from the engine of
a train on the North Kent Railway."
The funeral of Mr. Pellatt will take place this day, with full
military honours, as the deceased, in accordance with the recent
regulations ranked a» Lieutenant-Colonel. The artizans and labourers
of the several departments of the Royal Arsenal have forwarded a
request to the authorities to be allowed to exhibit their respect
for the deceased by attending the funeral, and it is expected the
establishment will be closed for the day.
Apparently closed in June 2024, where the management have been served a
notice of repossession for goods on the premises. They obviously hadn't been
paying their rent.
MONTGOMERY Robert 1823+

TRENCH George 1832+

FARNFIELD Samuel Jan/1847-66+ (age 51 in 1851 )
WALTON William 1874+
BARRETT Henry 1882+
BROWN Peter E 1891+ (widower age 65 in 1891 )
BROWN & Sons 1896+
GAGE Tom 1901
GAGE Lilian N 1901+ (widow age 34 in 1901 )
PAMMENT L M Mrs 1904+
SMITH William Arthur 1911+
POOLE Frederick William 1919+
From the Pigot's Directory 1823
the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34