Sort file:- Sevenoaks, August, 2024.

Page Updated:- Wednesday, 14 August, 2024.


Earliest 1828-

Bat and Ball

Closed 2014-

168 St Johns Hill


Bat and Ball 1912

Above photo, circa 1912, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. Showing Mr. M Moorcroft and family. Not sure if they were licensees or not.

Bat and Ball 1912

Above photo, circa 1912, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. Again showing the Moorcroft family.

Bat and Ball 1950

Above photo, 1950. Also showing the "Railway Tavern." (Right)

Bat and Ball 2014

Above image from Google, October 2014.

Former Bat and Ball 2022

Above Google image 2022.

Bat and Ball sign 2014

Above sign 2014.


From the Maidstone Telegraph, Rochester and Chatham Gazette, Saturday 3 March, 1860. Price 1d.

Edwin Dyer, a young man was charged with assaulting Alfred Taylor, about 12 years of age, at Sevenoaks, on the 2nd February. It appeared that the complainant said to the defendant, who was ostler at the “Bat and Ball,” “You are a tidy chap,” for which he struck him about the head and trod on his hands when he was on the ground. Defendant said that the complainant was constantly in the habit of using insulting language towards him, and part of the assault was an accident.

Fined 6d., costs 5s.


South Eastern Gazette, 1 May, 1860.

SEVENOAKS. Suicide in a Water Tank.

On Thursday afternoon an inquest was held at Mr. Richard Malyon's, "Bat and Ball Inn," before J N. Dudlnw, Esq., coroner, touching the death of Mr. Jonathan Sells, aged 56, a turner and cricket bat maker, residing at St. John’s hill, who had been found dead in a tank on his own premises. It appeared that the deceased, who was in easy circumstances and was much respected in the parish, resided alone with his daughter, and for some past he had been in a low nervous way, so much so that by the advice of his friends he called in medical advice, although he believed it would be of no avail. His daughter was cautioned to watch him closely, and she had removed his razors. On Tuesday last, having been getting gradually worse, he had an impression that the police were after him, and between eight and nine o’clock he went out with the intention, as she supposed, of looking round the premises, but in two or three minutes after the daughter went out and heard a noise in the tank on the premises. She immediately raised an alarm, and persons living close by fastened to the place, but were too late to render any assistance except to get the body out. The tank in which the unfortunate man's body was found was about 10ft. deep from the surface, and contained over 6ft. of water. It was closed by a stone about 18in. square, which was never removed, and it was supposed that the deceased removed the stone and then threw himself in head foremost. Evidence having been given of other members of the family having been of unsound mind, the jury immediately returned a verdict that "The deceased drowned himself, not being in a sound state of mind."


From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 5 May 1860. Price 1d.


On Thursday afternoon an inquest was held at Mr. Richard Malyon's, "Bat and Ball" Inn, before J. N. Dudlow, Esq., coroner, touching the death of Mr. Jonathan Sells, aged 56, a turner and cricket bat maker, residing at St. John's hill, who had been found dead in a tank on his own premises. It appeared that the deceased, who was in easy circumstances and was much respected in the parish, resided with his daughter, and for some time past he had been in a low nervous way, so much so that by the advice of his friends he called in medical advice, although he believed it would be of no avail. His daughter was cautioned to watch him closely, and she had removed his razors. On Tuesday last, having been gradually getting worse, he had an impression that the police were after him, and between eight and nine o'clock he went out with the intention, as was supposed, of looking round the premises, but in two or three minutes after the daughter went out and heard a noise in the tank on the premises. She immediately raised an alarm, and persons living close by hastened to the place, but were too late to render any assistance except to get the body out. The tank in which the unfortunate man's body was found was about 10ft. deep from the surface, and contained over 5ft. of water. It was closed by a stone about 18in. square, which was never removed, and it was supposed that the deceased removed the stone and then threw himself in head foremost. Evidence having been given of other members of the family having been of unsound mind, the jury returned a verdict that "The deceased drowned himself, not being in a sound state of mind.”


South Eastern Gazette, 31 July, 1860.


On Tuesday last an inquest was held before J. N. Dudlow, Esq., at the "Bat and Ball" public-house, to enquire into the death of Mr. John Kemp, who was found hanging in his own house on the previous Sunday. The evidence given was in accordance with that stated by us last week, and the jury returned a verdict of "Temporary insanity."


Maidstone Telegraph, Rochester and Chatham Gazette, Saturday 4th August 1860.


On Tuesday and inquest was held before J. N. Dudlowe, Esq., at the "Bat and Ball" public house, to enquire into the death of Mr. John Kemp, who was found hanging in his own house on the previous Sunday.

The jury river terms a verdict of "Temporary insanity."


From the Maidstone and Kentish Journal, 8 August 1870.


Mr. John Horton Turner, of the “Bat and Ball Inn,” was summoned for having his house open during the hours of Divine service.

P.S. Pope said that on Sunday morning the 10th ult. He visited defendant’s house about a quarter past 11 o’clock in the morning, he saw two men in the inn named Dawes and Catt, they were not travellers. Dawes lived about a quarter of a mile from the Inn, and Catt at Seal. He saw Dawes with the beer in his hand, and thought he drank some. Saw Catt drinking. Defendant called David Catt, harness-maker, Seal, to prove that he had been employed to repair a whip for defendant. Defendant’s man asked him on the Saturday night previous to take it home, and he did so on the morning in question. Dawes gave him a ride part of the way to Seal, and Mrs. Turner gave them some beer for their trouble, neither of them paid for it. James Dawes, fly driver, St John’s Hill, said he took the Rev. Mr. Thompson from the station to the Rev. Mr. Blackwell’s at Seal, and thence to the church, and then returned to Sevenoaks, and on his way overtook Catt who was proceeding towards the “Bat and Ball” with a whip, he took him up and I put him down on the corner. Afterwards he went to Mr. Turner’s to borrow this whip, and some beer was given them. Neither of them paid for it. He heard the man ask Mrs. Turner to give them some beer which she did. Summons dismissed.


Maidstone Telegraph, Saturday 13 August 1870.

Mr. John H. Turner, of the "Bat and Ball Inn," Sevenoaks, with similarly charged, and this case was also defended by Mr. Carnall.

Sergeant Pope, K.C.C., visited the house about 11:15 on Sunday, 10th July, and he saw two men - Dawes, who lived about a quarter of a mile off, and Catt, who lived at Seal. They were in front of the bar, and there was a half pint glass nearly full of ale, and very little more in a quart pot.

Mr. Connell said that Catt, a harness maker at Seal, had taken a whip over to the defendant's and that Dawes, who was a fly driver, had overtaken him on the road, and have given him a lift to the house. The beer was given to them by Mrs. Turner. He might have taken the objection that the men were travellers in the eye of the law, but he preferred to let the case rest upon it's merits. He then called Catt and Dawes, both of whom said that the beer was given to them by Mrs. Turner, and that the sergeant came in while they were drinking it.

Earl Stanhope said that's the case have been satisfactorily answered, and must be dismissed.


Maidstone Telegraph, Saturday 13 August 1870.

George Weston was charged with travelling on the London, Chatham, and Dover Railway without having previously paid his fair, and with intent to avoid payment thereof.

Mr. Inspector Harris appeared to prosecute on behalf of the company, with which the defendant was collected at the time of the occurrence as porter, from which he had since been dismissed.

Mr. R. Fryer, station-master at the "Bat and Ball" said that on Sunday, 10th July, the defendant arrived at his station, by the train leaving Victoria at 5:20 p.m., and that he had a ticket for the previous day of Brixton only, and with which he was not eligible to travel to Sevenoaks.

John Thomas Bowen, a clerk at the station, who collected the tickets by that train, said that when the ticket was offered to him by the defendant he told him it was not a correct one, but he went away without offering to pay the fair. He knew defendant from his having been a company's servant at Sevenoaks.

The Noble Chairman said there was no doubt the defendant intended to do what was unfair. It was quite necessary to protect the company, and he would therefore have to pay a penalty of 10s. with 17s. 6d costs.


From the Kent and Sussex Courier, 10 October, 1873.


Before S. Wreford, Esq. (in the chair), and C. R. C. Petley, Esq.


Henry Walker was charged with stealing 2s. 8d., the money of Henry Hutchings, at Sevenoaks, on the 28th Sept.

It appeared that the parties were lodging at the "Bat and Ball," Sevenoaks, and slept in the same room. As the prosecutor was going to bed, at about six o’clock on Sunday morning, some money fell from his pockets on to the floor, but which he did not attempt to pick up, and when he got up about twelve o’clock the money was gone. On the following Wednesday, the prisoner admitted to him that he picked up 2s. 8d., and when he was apprehended by Foad, 168, K.C.C., he said that he did pick up 2s. 8d., believing that it belonged to his mate, who had robbed him on the Saturday night, and he took that to outset it. He also said that after he left he found his own money, about 17s. 6d., and he stuck to it and spent the lot, and that he would sooner give the prosecutor 40s. than he should have him locked up for it. The prisoner also admitted taking the money to Wiliam Bailey, whom he at first accused of stealing what he called his own money. He now pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to a month’s hard labour.


From the Kent and Sussex Courier, Friday 5 September 1879.

The Annual Brewster Sessions.

Mr William Cook, who keeps the "Bat and Ball," Sevenoaks, was fined 20s. and 18s. costs, at the last Petty Sessions for permitting drunkenness. In this case Supt Okill had served the statutory notice of his intention to oppose the renewal of the licenses.

The Bat and Ball.

Supt. Okill said that Mr. Cook, the landlord of the above house, had been convicted of permitting drunkenness. He opposed the renewal of the licence to him is consequence of that, and also that he was totally unfit to conduct a house. He served the notice on the 23rd, and if the Bench were against him on that, he must apply for an adjournment.

Mr. W. C. Cripps, solicitor, of Tunbridge Wells, appeared to apply for a renewal, on behalf of Messrs. Martin and Co., brewers, of Westerham.

Mr. Dadds, manager to Messrs. Martin and Co., said that a new tenant would be found for the house and would shortly be in possession.

The Bench accordingly said that the renewal of the licence would be considered at the adjourned licensing meeting.


Sevenoaks Chronicle and Kentish Advertiser 07 December 1906.


Plans of proposed alterations to the "Coachmakers Arms," Sevenoaks, and the "Railway Tavern," "Bat and Ball," Sevenoaks, were produced by Mr Percy F Potter, architect, Sevenoaks, and accepted by the bench.


The 1828 Pigot's Directory named this the "Batt and Ball" with two T's.

The premises as of 2014 appears to be called the "Bat and Ball Studio," and is no longer operating as a public house.

The Bat and Ball Railway station, opened in 1862 was named after the pub.


From the Kent and Sussex Courier, 10 October, 1873.

Wednesday, Oct. 8th. Before Lieutenant-Colonel Northey.

Stealing an umbrella.

Charles Larddy was charged with stealing a silk umbrella, value 12s., the property of the London, Chatham, and Dover Railway Company, at Sevenoaks, on the 7th inst.

Richard Fryer, station-master at the "Bat and Ball Station," said that on the previous night the umbrella produced was in the charge of the Company, having been left there by the owner. It was in the parcels' office. During the absence of the clerk it was taken, and when the owner came for it, it was missed, and on looking about for it, it was found in the possession of the prisoner. A constable happened to be at the station at the time, and prisoner was given into custody. It was between eight and nine o’clock when it was left in the office, and about nine it was found in the hands of the prisoner. The owner did not have a ticket given him, but he knew that it was left there, and he considered that the umbrella was in the charge of the Company. The owner was Mr. James Bryant.

Relf, K.C.C., said that he received information of the robbery. The prisoner was on the station standing at the booking-office. He noticed a stick or an umbrella sticking out beyond his coat. His arms were tight round it. He searched him, and found the umbrella produced under his coat. He asked him how he came by it, and he said that he bought it from a man for 1s. 6d.

Prisoner said that he bought the umbrella for 1s. 6d. off a man at the station.

He was committed for trial.


Sevenoaks Chronicle and Kentish Advertiser, Friday 2 June 1972.

No plans yet to demolish the bat.

There are no plans to demolish the "Bat and Ball" public house, Sevenoaks in the foreseeable future.

A Kent County Council spokesman said this week that a long-term plan for widening the junction at Bat and Ball had been discussed, but it certainly would not happen in the near future.

He added:- "The plan does include the possibility of demolishing the "Bat and Ball" public house, but it may never happen."

Mr. James Kelly, the landlord, said this week:- "I was worried to hear rumours that the pub might be coming down in the immediate future. I enjoy it here and look forward to serving my customers for a long time to come."




MILES John 1828+ Pigot's Directory 1828-29

PACKHAM Sarah 1841+ (age 40 in 1841Census)

MARLON/MAHON Richard 1855-61 (age 47 in 1861Census) Whitstable Times

LONGHURST Stephen 1861+ (age 54 in 1861Census)

TURNER John Horton 1870-71+ (age 51 in 1871Census)

KNIGHT William 1874+ (also Livery Stable Keeper)

KNIGHT Alfred Christopher 1881-82+ (age 35 in 1881Census)

CRONK Henry 1891+ (age 58 in 1891Census)

CRONK Maud M Mrs 1901-03+ (age 47 in 1901Census) Kelly's 1903

LISNEY William 1904+

CARD Joseph Norman 1913+

ROFE Frederick Emanuel 1918-30+


BARBER Mrs dec'd to Oct/1906

Last pub licensee had JUDD Harry Oct/1906+


Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Whitstable TimesWhitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-