Sort file:- Sevenoaks, August, 2024.

Page Updated:- Wednesday, 14 August, 2024.


Earliest 1861-

Railway Tavern

Latest ????

(Name to)

143 St Johns Hill


Raiulway Hotel 1913

Above photo 1913.

Railway Tavern 1950

Above photo, 1950. Also showing the "Bat and Ball." (Centre)

Railway Tavern

Above photo, date unknown.

Railway Tavern sign

Above sign, date unknown.

With thanks from Brian Curtis


Kent Times, 7 June 1862.

Vagrancy and Assault.

Alfred Rossiter, a railway navvy, was charged before William Lamharde, Esq., at the magistrates clerk’s office, on Thursday, with begging of Mr. J. Peache, at the "Railway Tavern," on the previous evening. Mr Peache stated that the prisoner came into his house on Wednesday, and began to beg, and on being requested to leave the premises, struck him, (the complainant), a violent blow in the eye. Prisoner, in answer to the charge, said he was drunk, and there being some difficulty as to the charge for begging, he was discharged, but subsequently apprehended on a warrant, for the assault, and brought up again yesterday, (Friday) when he was remanded until today, (Saturday).


Dover Express, Friday, May 10, 1867; pg. 2; Issue 458.

Samuel Jesse, a stranger, was charged with attempting to pass a counterfeit shilling at Mr. Peache's "Railway Tavern," Sevenoaks. Mr Thompson recognised the prisoner as having attempted to pass a counterfeit shilling at his booth. The prisoner bolted, but Sothern, 166 K.C.C., pursued and caught the prisoner, who showed symptoms of having something in his mouth. The constable caught him by the throat and thrust his finger into his mouth. He was bitten, but succeeded in bringing out four counterfeit shillings, which the prisoner was evidently attempting to swallow.


From the Kent and Sussex Courier 11 July, 1873. Price 1d.

SEVENOAKS. Fatal Accident.

On Tuesday afternoon last a serious accident occurred at a sandpit near the London Chatham and Dover Railway Station, to three men named James Heath, Henry Sharrard, and William Huggent, the last named receiving injuries that terminated fatally. It appeared that the men were employed in falling the sand and carrying it to the Station, and while pecking at the bottom of a fall a quantity of between 70 and 80 tons suddenly slipped, entirely burying Huggett, and his companions. When Huggett was dug out life was found to be extinct. An inquest was held at the “Railway Tavern,” yesterday (Thursday), before H. D Wilds, Esq., deputy coroner, when a verdict of accidentally killed, was returned. After the verdict was given, Mr. Bailey, the lessee of the pit was called and several suggestions were given to him for working the pit in a safer manner.


From the Kent and Sussex Courier, 1 May 1874.

Sevenoaks. A Drunken Betting Man.

William Taylor was charged with being drunk and disorderly, at Sevenoaks, on the previous day.

Sergeant Watson said that on the previous evening, about 9 o'clock, he was on duty near the railway station, Tub's Hill, and he saw the defendant with others in the "Railway Tavern." He wanted to toss for a sovereign, but the landlord would not allow it, and he was put outside by his friends a few minutes afterwards, in a very excited state, and he appeared as if he had been fighting. He was very abusive, and he locked him up. He was very drunk. A man named Dawes told him that he had been struck by the defendant.

Superintendent Okill said that the defendant was a betting man, and frequented the races.

Find 10s. and 8s. 9d. costs.

He was then further charged with assaulting James Dawes.

Complainant, a cab driver, said that about 9 o'clock, a gentleman told him there was a man lying in the road. He went out and took the defendant into the taproom of the "Railway Tavern." He was going to bathe his face, when he jumped up and struck him in the face. He did not wish to press the charge, as he thought the defendant did not know what he was doing.

Find 10s. and 5s. costs, or 14 days.


Sevenoaks Chronicle and Kentish Advertiser 07 September 1906.


All persons having claims against the estate of Mary Ann Barber, late of the "Railway Tavern," St. John's, Sevenoaks, (who died on the 4th instant), are requested to send particulars of such claims to us, the undersigned, at 130, High Street, Sevenoaks.

Carnell and Richardson, Solicitors for the Excecutors, 7th September, 1906


Sevenoaks Chronicle and Kentish Advertiser 07 December 1906.


Plans of proposed alterations to the "Coachmakers Arms," Sevenoaks, and the "Railway Tavern," "Bat and Ball," Sevenoaks, were produced by Mr Percy F Potter, architect, Sevenoaks, and accepted by the bench.


From the Kent and Sussex Courier, 30 January, 1914.

At the "Railway Tavern," Sevenoaks, on Monday, Mr. Coroner T. Buss held an inquest on the body of George William Stevens, a master plumber, who met with a fatal accident whilst cycling from Sevenoaks to Kemsing on the previous Thursday. Deceased side-slipped and fell in front of a traction engine, and died on Saturday morning as a result of the injuries he received.

P.C. Fry deposed to taking deceased to the Holmesdale Cottage Hospital. On the way he said, "It is my own fault. There is no one to blame."

Dr. Taylor deposed that deceased had sustained the following injuries:- On the left side of the body four ribs had been broken and pressed on to the lungs, heart, and other organs; the viscera and the abdomen had been crushed; the left forearm was crushed, and both bones broken in several places; the right leg was also crushed, and both bones broken in a similar way. The deceased rallied somewhat at first, but died as a result of shock, accelerated chiefly by the injuries to the chest. Witness was of opinion that the engine wheel went over the deceased, or at any rate, up against him.

The Jury returned a verdict in accordance with the medical evidence, and exonerated the driver.


Sevenoaks Chronicle and Kentish Advertiser 02 June 1944.


Mr. Fred Oliver, licensee of the "Railway Tavern," Sevenoaks, has hit on a novel method of helping the local hospital and, at the same time, swelling the total of investments in "Salute the Soldier " Week.

In one of his bars is to be found a model Nazi cruiser. which patrons are invited to try and torpedo. The cost of three torpedoes is a 6d. Savings stamp. Competitors are provided with a small metal ball (the torpedo), which they have to aim at a button placed In the hull or the cruiser near the water line. When the button is struck correctly the ship Is completely disintegrated, guns, funnels, etc., flying in all directions.

Mr. Oliver said that already he had collected a goodly sum by this means and it was his intention to hand all the proceeds up to the opening of the "Salute the Soldier" Week to the Sevenoaks and Holmesdale Hospital in the form of Savings certificates.

Mr. Oliver said all members of the local Licensed Victuallers' Association were making a special effort on behalf of the Week, and another idea he has for raising money is by means of a primer from the charge which launched the torpedo at the Scharnhorst. This is temporarily in Mr. Oliver's possession, having been loaned by the mother of Able Seaman Burgess, D.S.M. Mr. Oliver Intends to charge a Savings stamp to all who wish to receive a description of the primer.



PAIGE William 1861+ (age 46 in 1861Census)

PEACHE J Mr 1862-67+

SEWELL Thomas 1871+ (age 41 in 1871Census)

BARBER Mary Ann Mrs 1874-1906 dec'd (widow age 59 in 1881Census) Kelly's 1903

JUDD Henry George 1913-22+

OLIVER Frederick Thomas 1930-44+


Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-