21 (36) Wood Street

Above photo, date 1907. This picture is a cutting from Medway Extra comprising a reproduction
of photograph of street frontage of "Dewdrop" public house, 21 Wood Street,
when the landlord was a Mr P. J. Acott, who may be one of the men in the
picture. It shows six men and a boy in civilian working dress and Royal
Navy sailor in sailor's suit and cap, all looking at camera. Just to the
right of the picture is the "Beresford Arms." Couchman's
accompanying notes suggest central figure (in the hat) is a Mr. Shrub,
cab owner and the figure on extreme right is W. E. Dennord. |
Above photo circa 1920-40. The demolished building to the left might
suggest a date in the 1940s or 50s when the slum clearances were being
carried out. |

A group perhaps an outing from the "Dewdrop Pub" in Brompton in about
1923. They may well have been heading off on a trip to the coast
somewhere nearby, or to a park in the horse drawn charabanc. |
The Dewdrop was established in about 1869 and closed in 1956. It was built right next to the
"Shepherd and Shepherdess" at number 19 (later the "Beresford Arms"), one of Brompton's oldest
pubs. Shortly after WW2, during the 'slum clearances', this pub (along with
a large part of the Brompton population) moved to Twydall.
When it first opened it was only licensed as a Beer House. In February
1949 a wine licence was added. It did not get a full Publican's licence
until it moved to Twydall.
On 2 Mar 1956 the licence was transferred to an, as yet, unbuilt premises
at the junction of Begonia Avenue and Hawthorne Avenue in Twydall. The
licence was confirmed to Albert Edward Bird on the 12th April 1956, but was
declared final on 2nd December 1957 (presumably when the new premises
opened) in the name of Alfred Frederick James Elsey. Gillingham Borough Council
Minutes (57/58, P.669, Min. 2074) records the demolition of the pub after a
fire on Friday 31st January 1958. A fire occurred on the premises which left
the building in a dangerous condition. Arrangements were made with Mr. G. J.
Green for the demolition prior to a formal contract at a cost of £60.
Above photo shows the same view in 2010. The centre of the picture would
have been the "Dew Drop" and to the right the "Beresford Arms." |
Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser 21 September 1889.
Mary McCarthy, landlady of the "Dewdrop" beerhouse, Old Brompton, was
summoned for unlawfully having her house open for the sale of beer
during prohibited hours, on the 20th August last. Mr Greathead appeared
for the defendant, who, upon his advice, pleaded not guilty.
P.C. Mepstead's evidence went to show that he was passing the house about one
o'clock on the morning in question, and saw a woman come out with
something under her apron, which he afterwards found to be a bottle
containing two quarts of beer. He took her back to the house, and asked
the defendant why she sold beer at that hour in the morning. She first
denied that she had done so, but upon the constable saying he should
report her, she offered him a sovereign not to say anything, at the same
time adding, "I know that I have done wrong and I hope you will not
take any more notice of it." The constable refused, and said as several
complaints had been made, he should report her, and again she offered
him anything not to do so. Three times the defendant followed the
witness out and asked him to have something to drink. The landlady had
the appearance of having just got out of bed.
Alice McDonald, of
Broad-alley, deposed to going to defendant's premises to get some beer
at one o'clock on the 20th August (as she had some friends at her house
who had got tired of drinking whiskey). Mrs McCarthy served her with two
quarts of beer, and upon her corning out of the house she was stopped by
the constable, which frightened her so that she went into hysterics. She
had come that morning to the court to give her evidence voluntarily.
The defendant was sworn and said that she first refused to serve the
beer, and denied offering money or drink to the constable, but she did
say that what-ever she could do for him she would.
Mr G. W. Prall
appeared to watch the case on behalf of the owners, Messrs Mason,
brewers, of Maidstone, and asked the Bench not to endorse the licence;
the defendant had held the house for nine years and had conducted it in
proper manner.
The Magistrates having retired to consult, convicted the
defendant, and fined her £3 and 12s. costs, but decided not to endorse
the licence.
From a letter from E. Mason & Co. 17 August 1922. Edward L Baker Esq.
Clerk to the Licensing Justices
County Justices Clerk's Office
Court, Police Court,
Dear Sir,
"Dew Drop" Brompton.
We beg to acknowledge the receipt of your notice of conviction of
George Robert Knight, licensee of the above Beerhouse.
We, of course, very much regret Mr. Knight's conduct and have given
him his notice terminating his tenancy.
Yours faithfully,
E. Mason and Co. |
The pub closed in 1956 and the license was transferred to Twydall to
another "Dew Drop."
G.B.C. Minutes for 1957/8, Min. No. 2074 (p.669) is for “The Dew Drop”
Public House, Wood Street – Demolition.
CLARK William 1869+
SWAIN Mrs 1870+
LAND/LANE John 1872-77+
HUDSON Jared 1880+
McCARTHY Mary 1882-94+
McGINN Albert Albon 1897-1904+
ACOTT/ASCOTT John Peter 1905+11+
KNIGHT George Robert 1912-Aug/22
WEBB Walter Owen 1923-24+
McALPINE Edward Thomas 1925-27+
PANTON Henry 1928+
WRIGHT George 1929-Aug/31
SHEARMAN Edwin H 10/Aug/1931-Mar/48
VARREL William 1/Mar1948-16/Apr/51
TEAGUE Kenneth George 16/Apr/1951-26/May/52
BIRD Albert Edward 26/May1952-2/Mar/56