Page Updated:- Wednesday, 04 September, 2024.


Earliest 1869

Dew Drop

Open 2024+

100-102 Hawthorne Avenue / Begonia Avenue


01634 232173

Dew Drop 2008

Above photo 2008 by David Anstiss Creative Commons Licence.

Dewdrop 2011

Above photo 2011, from by Ben Levick.

Dewdrop 2024

Above photo, 2024, kindly sent by Michael Harris.

Dew Drop sign 1964

Above sign 1964.

With thanks from Brian Curtis

Dew Drop sign 1978Dew Drop sign 2010

Above sign left, 1978, sign right 2010.


The license of this pub was moved from the pub of the same name in Brompton, which closed in 1956. The old Brompton "Dew Drop Inn" burning down on the 31st January 1958 and being cleared for the sum of £60.


Information below by Ben Levick

A fashionable punning name from the mid-19th century (Dewdrop Inn/Do drop in), the Dewdrop was built in about 1869 and closed in 1956.

When it first opened it was only licensed as a Beer House. In February 1949 a wine licence was added. It did not get a full Publican's licence until it moved to Twydall.

On 2 Mar 1956 the licence was transferred to an, as yet, unbuilt premises at the junction of Begonia Avenue and Hawthorne Avenue in Twydall. The licence was confirmed to Albert Edward Bird on the 12th April 1956, but was declared final on 2nd December 1957 (presumably when the new premises opened) in the name of Alfred Frederick. James Elsey. Gillingham Borough Council Minutes (57/58, P.669, Min. 2074) records the demolition of the pub after a fire on Friday 31st January 1958. A fire occurred on the premises which left the building in a dangerous condition. Arrangements were made with Mr. G. J. Green for the demolition prior to a formal contract at a cost of £60.


From the local paper 20 December 1957. Kindly sent by Martyn Wade.

The Mayor who does not like pints! Opens new Dewdrop public house at Gillingham.

Dewdrop opening 1957

Above photo, 20th December, 1957. Hoisting the beer garland after opening the new "Dewdrop Inn" assisted by Mr. Laurie Neame.

GILLINGHAM’S new public house, the "Dewdrop," was officially opened by Gillingham's Mayor, Alderman F. A Wade, on Friday. The ceremony was literally champagne affair.

Many civic heads heard Alderman Wade say: "I think the "Dewdrop" will meet a great need in this area."

Mr. L. B. Neame, joint managing director of the brewers, Shepherd Neame Ltd., welcomed representatives from many companies and organisations.

He explained the licence for this new public house in Begonia Avenue had been transformed from the old "Dewdrop" in Wood Street, Brompton.

Gillingham Council, he said, wanted some time ago to put a road through the site of the old house, which meant the house had to come down.

"Now we have this one we are quite happy that a road should go through the old one," he said.

Mr. Neame continued that they took, over the old "Dewdrop" from its former brewers, Masons, who were the people who had the plans drawn up for the new house.


He said he thought the architect, Mr. D. M. Hall, had made an excellent job of the new house.

Mr. Neame welcomed many of the licensing justices, including their chairman, Mr. A. H. Hardy, and their clerk, Mr. E. F. Barren.

He congratulated the contractors and said they had made "a good job" of the house and had finished it off very well.

Mr. J. Williams, "the man who saw our work through court," Det. Chief Inspr. D. Hambrook, head of Medway Towns' C.I.D., many directors from Fremlins brewery, Mr. C. V. Stratton, of Courage and Barclay brewery. Customs and Excise representatives, and his own directors and members of the staff, were also given a particular welcome by Mr. Neame.

He concluded by wishing the new tenants. Mr. and Mrs. A. Elsey, "the best of luck" in their new venture.

Several members of Gillingham Council and Corporation were among the guests. Many friends had a special welcome for Mr. Jasper Neame, chairman and joint managing director of Shepherd Neame, who was making his first public appearance after a recent illness.

Alderman Wade, before officially declaring the house open, said the council did not like seeing old buildings pulled down, but under their scheme for Wood Street—which will be widened and made one way—the old "Dewdrop" had to go. He congratulated all those connected with building the new house.


Because, he said, he did not like drinking pints, he would pull two half-pints and drink the success of the new house with Mr. L. Neame.

A bouquet was presented to Mrs. P. A. Wade, Gillingham’s Mayoress, by Mr Robert Neame, a director.

The licensee. Mr. E. Elsey, gave a party for his patrons on Friday evening. The house, which includes spacious bars, a children's room and an off-sales department is pleasantly decorated and furnished in contemporary style. It seems the eastern part of the large new Twydall Estate.


From the Kent Messenger, 18 March, 2016.


Pub landlords Val and Dick Elvy have served their last customers after running the "Dewdrop" in Twydall for the past decade.

Val and Dick Elvy 2016

Before taking over the pub in Begonia Avenue, the couple ran the "United Services" pub in Arden street, Gillingham for three years. Mr. and Mrs. Elvy have raised thousands of pounds for good causes with the help of their customers, and at one stage set up a youth club at the pub to get youngsters off the street.

 The couple organised the Twydall Youth Project with the help of former Gillingham MP Paul Clark and police. Young people could enjoy activities including pool, arts and crafts, playing Wii, and could make videos and music.

The pair have retired because Mr. Elvy, 74, recently suffered two strokes which have effected his eyesight.

Mrs. Elvy, also 74, said: "Myself and Dick would like to thank everyone who has supported us and out charity causes over the years.

They have helped to raise thousands of pounds for good causes. We have made some good friends too and will stay in touch with them, but for the time being, we are going to take things easy.

The "Dewdrop" is staying in the family, as it will now be run by Mrs. Elvy's daughter, Janet Harris.



ELSEY E Mr Dec/1957+

Last pub licensee had ELVY Val & Dick 2006-Mar/16

HARRIS Janet Mar/2016+

Last pub licensee had PENDERS Paul May/20


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
