Sort file:- Deal, February, 2024.

Page Updated:- Wednesday, 07 February, 2024.


Earliest 1700s

Magnet Inn

Closed May 2020

267 London Road (Turnpike Road 1861Census)


01304 271045

Magnet circa 1930

Above photograph showing an old photo of the "Magnet," on the right, date circa 1900.

Magnet in Deal Magnet in Deal Magnet Inn sign 1998Magnet sign in Deal

Above sign left, 1998, sign right, 2014.

With thanks from Brian Curtis

Magnet April 2019

Above photo, April 2019, kindly sent by Steve Glover.

Magnet Inn April 2019

Above photo, April 2019, kindly sent by Steve Glover.


The Magnet once had its own bowling green besides it. Peter Foat remembers. 'The little pavilion still had the named lockers for the members of Ye Old Deale Bowling Club with their bowls still inside.'

Bowls was obviously an important part of life for the earliest known licensee, William Verrier, as Richard Verrier (relationship unknown at present) had the "Bowling Green" at the same time.


From an email received 3 February, 2013.

Hi there,

You may be interested in this my grandparents were Henry Thomas Hazelwood (Sergeant Major RMLI) and Ethel Grace Verrier. I have them located at 101 Canada Road, Deal, in the 1911 census. Her father – my great grandfather – was William Pittock Verrier, named as the first licensed landlord of the Magnet who gave the pub up shortly before his death in 1871. I was born and brought up in Glasgow so I had only infrequent contact with my father's side of the family, but I was always told that the Verriers were part of the refugee French Huguenot community, their name indicating that they were glassmakers.

I made trip to the Magent a few days ago from our home in Derbyshire and had a beer and a chat with the current tenant, John. He has an old piece of paper (from the 30/40s I think) that charts the history of the pub. I was just delighted to find it Open 2014+, and in the CAMRA Good Beer guide as well! John told me that the building was originally a bakery (as depicted in its sign below – you can clearly see the oven pictured on the right)

Magnet Plaque

and that very occasionally in the cellar, he can still detect the smell of baking bread. I'm not sure how reliable that observation is.


Barry Hazelwood.


From the Deal, Walmer & District and Kingsdown Telegram, 11 July 1863.

Annual Tea Party at "Magnet" Upper Deal when on the green attached to the premises, a very pleasant evening was spent, the time being occupied playing bowles and other rustic sports.


From the Deal, Walmer, and Sandwich Mercury, 20 March, 1875. 1d.


Mm George Verrier, landlord of the "Magnet Inn" obtained permission to keep his house open till twelve o'clock on Tuesday.


From the East Kent Mercury, 26 November, 1998


Magnet licensee 1989

WELL DONE: Lesley Corroyer (centre) with Mary Curnock-Cook and Jonathan Neame.

Landlady Lesley Corroyer has been praised by a national organisation to her commitment to her pub in Deal.

The licensee of the "Magnet Inn" in London Road was congratulated by Mary Curnock-Cook the director of the British Institute of Innkeeping and awarded the institute accreditation induction certificate.

Jonathan Neame of the Kent brewery Shepherd Neame, was also at the presentation ceremony.

Mrs. Curnock-Cook said: "It is no longer enough to be able to run a good cellar and create a great atmosphere.

"Today pubs are highly competitive businesses. People achieving BII certificates have shown their commitment to acquiring the skills required for running a successful pub."



An outlet of Cobb & Co. in 1974. Library archives 1974

Up to early 2000s there was still not a domestic kitchen on site then so purely a wet lead pub full of character. To attract the customers they had pool, darts and bar-billiard teams. They also had the free willy club, (I am informed this was a charity club, named after the film of the same name, and they often had a huge inflatable whale floating outside the building.)

Latest news is the pub closed in April 2019, reason as yet unknown. Hopefully to open again soon.

Latest news, open again in May 2019.


From the Dover Mercury, Wednesday 19 June, 2019.

Landlord drawn towards Magnet

Paul Penders 2019

A new face is running a popular pub in Deal.

Paul Penders, 49, is the new licensee at The Magnet in London Road.

He previously ran another Shepherd Neame pub in Deal, The "Telegraph," and before that managed a pub in Borden, near Sittingbourne.

He said: “When Shepherd Neame told me that The Magnet was available, I was delighted.

“It is a fantastic community pub with a lot of potential.”

Dating back to the 17th century, The Magnet was originally built as a private dwelling and has been a pub since 1847.

The pub, which screens BT Sport, has three darts boards and a pool table, and is popular with local teams, currently hosting mens’ darts on Monday, ladies’ darts on Wednesday, and pool clubs on Tuesday and Wednesday.

There is also an open poker match every Thursday.

Mr Penders is introducing entertainment every Friday, ranging from live music and karaoke to a quiz or race night.

Paul said: “We won’t be serving food at The Magnet.

“It is a proper pub where the local community can come together and enjoy a drink in a relaxed environment.”

The Magnet is open from 3pm to 11pm, Monday to Friday, and from noon to 11pm on Saturday and Sunday.


From Facebook 20 May 2020.

Well as many of you know we are leaving the "Magnet" tomorrow, the pub has been sold, and I believe it will be for development.

Both Trina and I would like to thank you all for your support while we have been in Deal at the "Telegraph" and then the "Magnet," we have had some great times in both, and have met some amazing people who we are pleased to say are now good friends.

We are moving to the "Dewdrop" Gillingham (if any of you want to visit). we are going to the beach near the royal car park at about 5pm tonight if any of you want to say goodbye. (social distancing will apply).

If you cant make it don't worry we love and miss you all.

Stay safe.

Paul Penders.

From the Dover Mercury, 19 August 2020. By Beth Robson.

Drive to be moved closer to A road junction.

Worry over access as pub is set to become a house.

New plans to convert a Deal pub into a single home have already prompted safety fears concerning access for vehicles.

The new owners of the "Magnet Inn" in London Road have this week submitted a formal request for a change of use.

Former Magnet Inn 2020

The former Shepherd Neame pub was sold because it was considered "no longer viable as a traditional tied tenancy" according to the brewery’s commercial estates manager John Barnes.

The existing and proposed site plan, submitted as part of the application, show parking spaces for two vehicles will be moved into the area that was the pub garden.

The pub's car park will be the subject of a separate application, the drawings say.

Magnet Inn map 2020

Access for the cars for this application will be created closer to the pavement curve at the junction of Hayward Close with London Road - a main A-road.

Raymond Waldron has objected and said: "Moving the drop down nearer to London Road would cause problems getting in and out of Hayward Close as cars and vans park opposite the proposed drop down as most of these vehicles are not residents of the close."

Stephen Franks said: "The existing entrance to the car park caused several near misses when the pub was open.

"Moving the entrance closer to London Road, will increase the risk on accidents, especially as the number of residences in Hayward Close has increased."

The public consultation for ref 20/00814. has begun and can be viewed and commented upon at



VERRIER William Pittock 1847-July/70 (beerhouse Bagshaw's Directory 1847)(alehouse 1850) (age 66 in 1861Census) Deal Mercury

VERRIER George Albert July/1870-82+ (age 30 in 1881Census) Deal MercuryPost Office Directory 1874Post Office Directory 1882

BUSHELL John Samuel 1891+ Post Office Directory 1891

PARTRIDGE Walter Samuel 1899-1903+ Kelly's 1899Kelly's 1903

BEAR Alfred 1908+ Pikes 1908

MOCKETT John 1913-14+ Post Office Directory 1913Deal library 1914

VERRIER L M Mrs 1922+ Post Office Directory 1922

Last pub licensee had NEEVE George W 1938+ Post Office Directory 1938

THOMPSON Reginald 1974+ Library archives 1974 Cobb & Co

CORROYER Lesley 1998+ Deal Mercury

JARRETT Cliff & Laura 2000-02

WRIGHT Jason Mar/2002-Jan/2003+

JUDD Ms V 2009-Apr/19

Last pub licensee had PENDERS Paul May/2019-May/20 Next pub licensee had


Bagshaw's Directory 1847From Bagshaw Directory 1847

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Post Office Directory 1891From the Post Office Directory 1891

Kelly's 1899From the Kelly's Directory 1899

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Pikes 1908From Pikes 1908

Post Office Directory 1913From the Post Office Directory 1913

Deal library 1914Deal Library List 1914

Post Office Directory 1922From the Post Office Directory 1922

Post Office Directory 1938From the Post Office Directory 1938

Library archives 1974Library archives 1974

Deal MercuryFrom the Deal Walmer & Sandwich Mercury


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
