Sort file:- Minster on Sea, August, 2024.

Page Updated:- Monday, 19 August, 2024.


Earliest 1792-

Halfway House

Closed Sept 2017

Halfway Road

Minster on Sea (Sheppey)

Original Halfway House

The above "Halfway House" preceded the one there today and was on the opposite side of the road. Above photo, date unknown, kindly sent by Debi Birkin.

Original Halfway House

Above photo, date unknown. By kind permission of Trevor Edwards.

Oddfellows Arms

Above photo, showing the "Oddfellows Arms" on the left and the "Halfway House" on the right, date unknown, kindly sent by Patrick O'Grady.

Halfway House

Above photo showing the above blown up.

Original Halfway House site.

Above image from Google, July 2009, showing the site of the original "Halfway House."

Halfway House

Above photo showing the new "Halfway House" date unknown, kindly sent by Debi Birkin.

Halfway House 2009

Above photo February 2009. By Trevor Edwards.


From the Kentish Gazette, Friday 9 November, 1792.

Thomas Goodwin from Sheerness begs leave to acquaint the Ladies and Gentlemen in the Isle of Sheppey and the public in general, that he has taken the "Halfway House Inn," in the parish of Minster, and humbly solicits their favours, ensuring them every attention to ensure their approbation; and they may depend upon being accommodated with the best of wines and all other liquors.

Ladies and Gentlemen travelling into the Isle of Sheppey, will find it a comfortable lodging house, as every attention will be paid to the neatest and well airing of beds.

The "Halfway House" is two miles from Sheerness two from Minster and one from Queensborough.

N.B. Good saddle horses and chaise to let.

Minster, October 29th, 1792.


Kentish Gazette, 16 June 1820.


June 6, Mrs. Dye, wife of Mr. Robert Dye, landlord of the "Half-way House," Minster.


Kentish Gazette, 11 May, 1821.

Mr. Dye, at the "Halfway House," in the parish of Minster, in Sheppey, at this time possesses an ewe sheep, dropped with three legs only, which has produced nine lambs within the first five years, and has now thirty-seven of its own progeny running in the same field with her.


Southeastern Gazette, 5 July 1853.

Stealing Money at Sheppy.

Ebenezer Turner, 21, shoemaker, was charged with stealing a half-crown, three shillings, and a sixpence, the money of Charles Jenkins, from his person, at Minster in Sheppy.

It appeared that the son of prosecutor, a lad of fourteen years of age, agreed to go "primrosing" with the prisoner, and they went to the "Halfway House" between Minster and Sheerness, where they had two pennyworth of bread and cheese, for which the lad (who had then the money named in the indictment in his pocket) paid, and also for a pennyworth of milk. They then went into a field, and Jenkins, after counting his money, said he had 6s. 3d. left. Prisoner said he did not believe he had, and on Jenkins taking it out to show him he took 6s., saying it was his, and refused to give it up. The lad afterwards told a young man named Harris of the robbery, who overtook prisoner, and questioned him about it, when he admitted taking the money, but said the lad’s mother owed it to him, and he meant to "stick to it." He was very violent and threatened to knock the young man down, but on a constable (Pratton) making his appearance, he offered the lad 3s. 6d. of the money, which Harp prevented his taking, and he was then taken into custody.

The prisoner put in a written statement, in which he admitted taking the money, but denied having any intention of stealing it, and stated that he afterwards offered the whole of the money to the lad.

The jury returned a verdict of Not Guilty.


Kentish Gazette, 28 February 1854.

Eliza Hills, of the "Half-way House Inn," in the parish of Minster, was fined 10s. and 18s. 6d. costs, for keeping her house open, and suffering persons to be drinking therein, during the hours of divine service, in the forenoon of Sunday, the 12th inst.

The two case was brought forward by the newly appointed superintending constable of that division, Mr. Green.

Maidstone journal and Kentish Advertiser, Saturday 4th July 1857.

Sheppey and Sheerness.

A match of cricket was played on Thursday in a field at the "Halfway House," between 11 Gentlemen of the Royal Artillery and 11 Gentlemen of Her Majesty's Ship Edinburgh. The play on both sides was excellent, the latter gentlemen winning by 4 wickets. The day being fine, very many ladies of the town honoured them with their presence. A luncheon was afterwards provided by the landlady, which gave general satisfaction.


From the Kentish Chronicle, Saturday 2 August, 1862.


On Wednesday the body of a man dressed in very mean apparel, was found in a wheat field, near Barrow Hill, in the parish of Minster, Sheppy, not far from the road side, quite dead, and apparently murdered from the number of gun-shot wounds on his person. From enquiries in the neighbourhood, we learnt that the name of the deceased was Elliott, that he was a labourer in the Dockyard at Sheerness, but resided or lodged with a brother at Queenborough, and that it was his practice to take a walk after having his supper.

On Tuesday evening, deceased had his supper about half-past eight o'clock, and afterwards went out for his accustomed walk, he was met a little before nine o’clock, near the spot where the body was found by a boy who bade him “good night.” About half-past nine some persona living near the same place heard the report of two gun-shots, and thought that some depredator was shooting rabbits.

The body was found in the morning by some men going to their work, who raised an alarm, and on the body being examined by a surgeon, about 120 gun shot wounds were found on the chest and face, and on one hand. There was not any weapon found, and from the nature of the wounds it is thought that the deceased could not have committed suicide The affair is involved in mystery.

An inquest was held on Thursday of the body. The first witness called was John Cheeseman, who identified the body as that of William Elliott, a labourer in Sheerness Dockyard. Edward Stride, surgeon, was next called, and stated that he had made a careful examination of the body. He found external marks of gunshot wounds on the right side of the chest, also on the left side, on the forehead, and the whole of the face. On opening the body, he found that the shot from the right side, with a few exceptions, had entered the lung, and lodged in the substance; these on the left had not penetrated so much. Most of the shots on face were severe, one haying knocked away one of the top front teeth and one shot entered the right eye. Most of them had gone in a direct line. He considered the injuries to be the effect of one charge only. The cause of death was haemorrhage of the lungs. T. M. Green, superintendent Kent county constabulary, deposed, from information received about 7.30 a.m., he went to a field called Pheasants-field about one mile from the “Halfway House,” and found the body of a man lying on its back, with one hand by its side, the other Slightly folded on the abdomen. The coroner adjourned the inquiry till the 11th of August, to enable the police to prosecute their inquiries with the view of discovering the perpetrator of the murder.


From the Maidstone and Kentish Journal, 2 September 1862.


The Sittingbourne Police Court was crowded on Wednesday, in consequence of the re-apprehension of William and Edward Johnson, charged with the murder of William Elliot, at Sheerness. The magistrates on the Bench were the Rev. G. B. Moore, and E. Twopeny, Esq, Mr. Johnson, of Faversham, defended the prisoners. The additional evidence was somewhat singular in its nature. It was given by Thomas Gurnett, who deposed:- I am a schoolmaster at Queenborough National School. Have known the prisoners fifteen years. On Monday, August 18, I was coming from Minster, and hearing a cart near, asked them to give me a ride. One of them said, "No; I cannot" I recognised it to be William Johnson's voice, and said, “Oh, it's Mr. Johnson;” who replied. “Halloo, is it you, Tom?” I then said, “I do not want to ride” but he said. “Get up, get up.” I got up, and soon after said. “I hope and believe you are innocent.” He said, “What do people say?” I replied, “Some say guilty, others not.” After a little more conversation the elder prisoner said, with much emotion. “The man I shot I never saw!” I said “Hold your tongue, hold your tongue.” Johnson was about to make another observation, when the younger Johnson said. “For God's sake, father, hold your tongue.” Other conversation ensued, but nothing material. When we got to the turning to Sheerness I left them, and went home. I told my wife that my opinion of Johnson was altered, and that I believed him guilty, or words to that effect. I mentioned to a policeman that I knew a little, but declined to tell him what till Monday last, when Sergeant Noakes called on me. I then told him what I have now stated. In cross-examination the witness explained the reason of his saying “I do not want to ride” after asking for one, that to be seen the company with suspected persons was not pleasant. John Mackerell deposed:- On the evening of the 29th July I was going from “Halfway House” to Neat’s Court, across Thirteen-acre-field, when about forty yards from the entrance to the field I saw the flash and heard the report of a gun, in the direction of where the body was found; the time I judge to be about ten minutes after nine.

I knew the time by the Sheerness gun. Heard a cart stop before the gun fired, and it sounded to be at the same place. Could not see the cart; it was too dark. Heard another cart; did not see either. After the shot had been fired about five minutes, the cart, that seemed to have stopped near the place went on towards the “Halfway House.” I told the bailiff what I had heard, but no one else till the 6th instant, when I mentioned it at a public house in Queensborough. Superintendent Green applied for a remand, and the solicitor for the defence said he should reserve his remarks until the evidence closed. They were then remanded until Wednesday next. It is said that witnesses will be found next Wednesday to prove that Johnson attempted to get them to swear falsely as to his whereabouts on the night of the murder.


From the Kentish Gazette, Saturday, 21 March, 1863.


The Grand Jury have ignored the bill against the two prisoners charged with the murder at Queenborough.


From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, Saturday 12 January, 1867. Price 1d.

Henry Harwood Williams, landlord of the “Halfway House,” Minster, was charged with drawing liquor during prohibited hours on Sunday, 16th December last.

The case was dearly proved by P.C. Gillett and P.C. Harman, who found the house open as if on a week day. Over 40 persons were in the house, and several pots of beer were standing about.

Mr. Hayward, on the part of the defendant, endeavoured to show that the persons in the house were travellers, but the Bench held they were not so.

Fined £5 19s. 8d. including costs.

Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald 01 April 1876.


March 25th, at Minster Church, Sheppy, Mr. Thomas Gest, of Woolwich, to Lydia, the fifth and youngest daughter of Mr. John Ward, of the "Halfway House," Minster-Road, formerly of the "Coal Exchange," Faversham.


From the 30 June 2011 by Gemma Constable.


Halfway House blaze 2011

Firefighters tackling the blaze at the Halfway House pub

A popular pub's kitchen was destroyed after it was engulfed in flames today.

It is thought the blaze started in cooking equipment in the ground floor kitchen at the "Halfway House" pub at about 3pm.

Fire crews from Sheppey and Sittingbourne were on the scene within minutes and managed to stop flames spreading to the rest of the building.

The main pub area has been slightly damaged by smoke.

Queenborough Road was closed to traffic while the three crews fought the blaze wearing breathing apparatus.

Witnesses described seeing smoke pouring from the roof and front of the building and fire-fighters worked to remove the tiles from the roof to tackle it.

There had been people in the pub, which is also home to the Attic's Spice restaurant, but they managed to evacuate before it really took hold.

The fire was under control by about 4pm and fire-fighters were able to reopen the road shortly afterwards.

Halfway resident Linda Brinklow said she was alerted to the fire when she smelt the smoke and went to investigate.

"I got closer, the smoke was getting thicker and thicker and people were coming out onto the streets to watch," she said.

Watch manager Andy Bridger-Smart said after tackling the blaze initially they turned their attention to stopping it spreading to the rest of the pub.

He said: "After the extremely hard work of the crews, damaged has been limited to the kitchen and extension roof.

"The cause is under investigation but it is believed to have started in cooking equipment.

"It's not being treated as suspicious."


This pub is one in the list of my "Project 2014."

As such I have found a picture of the pub, but to date have no other information. Local knowledge, further pictures, and licensee information would be appreciated.

I will be adding the historical information when I find or are sent it, but this project is a very big one, and I do not know when or where the information will come from.

All emails are answered.



DYE Robert 1820+

HILL Walter 1851+ (age 42 in 1851Census)

HILLS Eliza 1854-62+ (widow age 49 in 1861Census)

WILLIAMS Henry Harwood 1867+ Whitstable Times

SHRUBSOLE Joseph William 1874+

Last pub licensee had WARD John 1876+

BAKER Walker 1881+ (age 48 in 1881Census)

HAWES James 1891+ (age 39 in 1891Census)

COPPENS George 1901+ (age 55 in 1911Census)

GRANT Louis 1903-13+ Kelly's 1903


LUTMAN Robert H 1930-38+


Whitstable TimesWhitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald


Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
