Sort file:- Chatham, December, 2024.

Page Updated:- Tuesday, 24 December, 2024.


Earliest 1828-

Little Crown

Closed 2017-

346 High Street


Little Crown 1885

Above photo, date 1885, kindly sent by Debi Birkin.

Little Crown 1915

Above photo, circa 1915, showing licensee Edward Ambrose Billinghurst standing in the doorway. Kindly sent by Marian Thornley.

Little Crown

Above photo, 1985, kindly sent to me by Mike Barnard. Also showing the former "Castle" centre of picture.

Little Crown

Above photo, by Chris Whippet Creative Commons Licence.

Little Crown 2013

Above photo 2013.

Little Crown 2016

Above photo, 2016. Kindly sent by Philip MacDougall author of 'Lost Chatham' published in 2024.

Little Crown

Above photo, date unknown.

Little Crown sign 1991

Above sign, October 1991.

Thanks from Brian Curtis


As seen from the above photo, the building was obviously rebuilt in the year 1892. It is not known whether this was built on the same foundations as the original one.

I also appear to have the "Royal Oak" address as 346 High Street, so believe there may be a renumbering at one time as the dates overlap.


Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal 13 February 1818.


Feb. 3, suddenly, Mrs. Jeyes, wife of Mr. Jeyes, of the "Little Crown" public-house, Chatham.


Kentish Gazette, 6 August 1850.

Michael Stanton, 24, stealing one handkerchief, the property of Thomas Richard Blackman, at Chatham. On the 11th of July the prisoner was at the "Little Crown" public house, in Chatham, and was turned out about 10 o'clock, intoxicated. The following morning a silk handkerchief was missing, which was afterwards found on him. Prisoner received a good character.



From the Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser, 2 December, 1856.


The following publicans and beershop-keepers were convicted of having their houses open after hours of closing, on the night of Saturday, the 15th inst. The cases were proved by Superintendent-constable Everist and Constables Bridges and Hulse.

Thomas Richard Blackman, "Little Crown," public-house, Chatham.

Fined 20s., and 20s. costs.

The penalties were paid.


South Eastern Gazette, 12 March, 1860.

Conviction of Publicans.

The following licensed victuallers of Chatham were summoned before the magistrates at Rochester, on Friday last, on the information of Police-sergeant Fisher, and convicted in various penalties, for having their houses open for the sale of liquors at prohibited hours on Sunday.

Alfred Bear, "Little Crown," High-street, fined 10s. and costs.



Old maps suggest that the 1892 pub of the name was built a few yards west of the older one, perhaps leaving space between the two sites for the wide pathway through to the New Road called Market Place, which still exists.

Licensee Edward Ambrose Billinghurst 1913-22+ was a Mason and Mayor of Chatham for several years.


Still open in 2013 but reported as being closed and boarded up in 2017.



JAYES Edward 1818-28+ Pigot's Directory 1828-29

WHITE William 1832+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34

ELLINGTON William 1838-41+ (age 55 in 1841Census) Wright's Topography 1838

BLACKMAN Thomas Richard W 1856-58+

BEAR Alfred Joseph 1860-74+

BLACKMAN Thomas W 1879+

BEAR Alfred Joseph 1881-82+ (age 49 in 1881Census)

GROVES Elizabeth 1891+ (widow age 77 in 1891Census)

NUTTON John Thomas 1897+

PEPPER Thomas John 1903+ Kelly's 1903

BILLINGHURST Edward Ambrose 1913-22+

DICKS James 1930+

DICKS Dorothy Mrs 1938+

WILLEY Reginald T 1955-Mid 60s


Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Wright's Topography 1838Wright's Topography 1838

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-