58 Minster Street (2 Chapel Row 1891 )
Minster on Sea (Sheppey)
Above photo, 1970, then a private house, and I believe demolished and
new houses built upon. |
Above photo, 1925, showing the pub extreme right, near the top. Kindly
sent by Roger Betts. |
Above showing a close-up view of the pub, which is the building central. |

Above Google image, July 2009. Showing the location of the pub
which was said to be next to the Post Office. However, Wendy James
suggests it might have been where Falcon Gardens is now. This would be
the house on the left of the post office. |
From the South Eastern Gazette, 15 September, 1857.
Relfe, of the "Sons of Sheppey" beer-house, Minster, was fined £1 and
10s. costs, for having his house open on Sunday morning, the 23rd inst.
From The South Eastern Gazette, Tuesday, 21 September, 1858.
At the Petty Sessions, last week, Samuel Beeching, of the "Star,"
Sittingbourne; Henry Kitchingham, of the "George and Dragon," Lower Rainham, and Alfred Gardler, of the "Sons of Sheppy," Minster, were
fined for having their houses open at unlawful hours.
Sheerness Guardian 10 September 1859.
Before the Revs. J Poore, D.D., and G. B. Moore, E. Twopenny, Esq.,
W. Bland, Esq, and J. D. Dyke, Esq.
Alfred Gardler, of the "Sons of Sheppey," beer house, Minster Street,
was summoned by the police for having his house open for the sale of
beer at a quarter past 11 o’clock, on Saturday night the 20th
August. Police-constable 20, Alfred Barnes, stated that he visited
defendant’s house at between a quarter and twenty minutes past 11 on
the night of the 20th August, and found two men in the kitchen
talking to Mr. Gardler. On entering the tap-room he found five more
men, one of whom was drinking from a quart pot, and a quart pot
stood on the table half full of beer. Mr. Gardler urged in defence,
that no beer had been drawn since 11 o’clock and he could not get
the men out. The magistrates however considered the case proved, and
inflicted a fine of £1 10s. and costs.
From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 17 April, 1875.
School Board Meeting.
Mr. Ward presided at a meeting of this Board, held on Wednesday.
A letter was read from Mr. Flight with respect to the purchase of some
land at Minster on which to erect a school. It stated that he had
forwarded the Board’s letter to the freeholders, but he had not yet
received a reply.
The Clerk also produced a letter which he had received from Mr. Wiseman,
the owner of the land next to the "Sons of Sheppey" stating that he had
no particular desire to sell the land in question, but if he did he
should wont £300 for it, and the tenant who has stocked the ground would
require £60.
The consideration of the matter was adjourned.
From the Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette, 14 March 1908.
There were three licences from Minster (Sheppey) that had been
adjourned. One of three—that of the Greyhound—was referred for
compensation, but the licence of the "Highlanders" was renewed, as was
that of the "King's Arms," on the understanding that the brewers
(Messrs. Style and Winch) would not oppose the reference next year of
the licence of the "Sons of Sheppey" another house belonging to that
Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald 12 February 1910.
The Licensing Sessions for the Sittingbourne Division were held on
Monday, before Messrs. R. G. E. Locke (chairman), G. H. Dean, R. Mercer,
T. E. Denson, H. Payne, C. Ingleton, J. Copland, W. R. Elgar, H. L.
Webb, and W. N. Rule, and Lieut.-Colonel Thompson, C.I.E.
The annual report of Superintendent Crowhurst mentioned that two
ale-houses and two beer-houses that had been referred for compensation
were closed on December 31st last. These houses were the "Jolly
Sailors," Milton; the "Criterion," Sheerness; the "Good Intent,"
Sheerness: and the "Sons of Sheppy," Minster.
Alfred Gardler was the younger brother of Isaac Gardler of the "Prince
of Waterloo."
It has been said that the pub was still serving beer up to the start of
the Great War in 1914, but at present I haven't found the proof for this
Wendy Evergreen suggests that the building was known as Belmont Lodge
after the pub closed.
I have been informed that the pub was probably demolished around about
1970 and it is said that when it was being knocked down a lorry ended up
falling through into the cellar.
RELFE ???? 1857+
GARDLER Alfred 1858-62+ (age 29 in 1861 )
HUSSEY Isaac 1881+ (age 48 in 1881 )
GARLINGE Thomas 1891-1901+ (age 54 in 1901 )