Sort file:- Maidstone, May, 2024.

Page Updated Maidstone:- Friday, 10 May, 2024.


Earliest 1839-

(Name from)

Windsor Castle

Latest 1903+

72 Week Street


72 Week Street 2019

Above Google image, May 2019, showing 72 Week Street being the relatively new William Hill building. It stands next to to Cashino Gaming building whish has a plaque on it saying Lombard House 1888.

Windsor Castle flogon 1861

Above flagon circa 1861.


Previously known as the "Anchor and Hope."


Southeastern Gazette, 5 July 1853.

Friday. (Before the Mayor, and T. Franklyn, Esq.)

William Freed, labourer, charged with being drunk and disorderly on Tuesday week, and breaking some squares of glass at the "Windsor Castle" public-house, was discharged with a caution as to his future conduct, no one appearing against him to press the charge.


South Eastern Gazette, 14 February, 1860.

Transfer of Licenses.

At the Maidstone Police Court, on Saturday, before the Mayor (J. C. Stephens, Esq.), and C. Ellis, Esq., the following transfers of licenses were made.

An application was also made for the transfer of the license of the "Windsor Castle," Week-street, from William Fenner to Alfred Stroud; but the applicant having been in occupation for a fortnight, and the house during that time having been conducted in a very disorderly manner, the magistrates did not feel justified in granting the transfer, which was accordingly refused.


From the Maidstone Telegraph, Rochester and Chatham Gazette, 18 February, 1860.


Alfred Stroud, the present occupier of the "Windsor Castle", also applied for the transfer of that license to him. The license was refused in consequence of a report given in by Superintendent Blundell and Inspector Fancett, that the house was conducted in a very disorderly manner.


From the Maidstone Telegraph, Rochester and Chatham Gazette, Saturday 25 February 1860. Price 1d.


An application was made on behalf of the “Windsor Castle” public-house, by Mr. Morgan, who appeared on the part of the occupant, while Mr. Beale attended for Messrs. Brenchley and Stacey, the landlords of the house.

The application was that the license (which was refused to Mr. Strood, the occupier of the house, on the previous Saturday week) might be endorsed until the next transfer day, or otherwise it would not only injure the property of Messrs. Brenchley and Stacey, but the person who had advanced a sum of money to Mr. Stroud to enable him to take the house. If the Magistrates would but grant this request a fit and proper person might in the interval be selected for a landlord.

The magistrates were of opinion that as the Mayor and C. Ellis, Esq., were on the bench on the previous occasion, and the case was decided by them, if an application was to be made on the part of Messrs. Brenchley and Stacey, or for the occupier, it should be made to those gentlemen. They did not feel inclined to reverse the decision already made.

The application was consequently postponed.


From the Maidstone Telegraph, Rochester and Chatham Gazette, Saturday 3 March, 1860. Price 1d.


The application for an endorsement of the license of the “Windsor Castle,” to Alfred Stroud, was again made. Mr. Morgan appearing for Stroud, and Mr. Beale for the landlords of the house, Messrs. Brenchley and Stacey.

The case has been twice before our readers, and was fully reported in our last Saturday's edition. After hearing the learned gentlemen, the magistrates retired to their private room. On their return his worship said they had decided on not granting the license to the applicant Stroud.


South Eastern Gazette, 24 July, 1860.

Innkeepers’ Licenses.

The following transfer of public-house licenses were also granted last week.

The "Windsor Castle," Week-street, from Wm. Fenner to Wm. Stray.


From the Maidstone Telegraph, Rochester and Chatham Gazette, Saturday 23 February 1861.

Maidstone Petty Sessions.

Before the Mayor (C. Ellis, Esq.), and R. Cooper, Esq.

Sarah Walker was charged with assaulting Ann Hills, and damaging her clothes to the amount of 9s.

It appeared that on the morning of the 9th inst., complainant and defendant, two unfortunates, were at the "Windsor Castle" public house, where they quarrelled and fought. During the scuffle complainant alleged that a bonnet and cloak was spoilt by the defendant.

There were faults on both sides, and his worship dismissed the case.


From the Maidstone Telegraph, Rochester and Chatham Gazette, 14 September 1861.

Maidstone Petty Sessions. Saturday.

Before C. Ellis. Esq., (Moyor), H. W. Joy, Esq., and R. Cooper, Esq.

William Wing, a quarryman, residing in Stone Street, was charged with being drunk and disorderly in Week Street, early on the morning of the 6th inst.

It appears that the prisoner was drunk and asleep, lying on a form at the "Windsor Castle." The landlord not being able to get him out of the house, sent for the police. Police Constable Brooks persuaded the prisoner to leave the house, but as soon as he came into the street he lay down on the pavement and refused to go any further. The Constable tried to get him up, when he seized hold of him and was so violent that assistance was obliged to be obtained to take him to the station house.

The prisoner had nothing to say in his defence. He was sorry for what had occurred but was drunk, and did not remember anything about it.

The Bench said it was fortunate for him he had not been charged with a more heinous offence of assaulting the police, or he would have been more severely dealt with. As it was, nothing being known against him previously, he would be fined in the mitigating penalty of 5s. with 6s. costs.


Kent Times, 12 April 1862.

MAIDSTONE. Supposed Suicide of a Publican.

On Friday an inquest was held at the "George Inn," Aylesford, before J. N. Dudlow, Esq., on the body of William Stray, 29, which had been found in the river Medway. Deceased, who was a healthy, robust man, was landlord of the "Windsor Castle," Week-street, Maidstone, which he had occupied for the past two years. On the 14th March he Suddenly left his home, and about 7 o’clock in the evening of the same to the "Gibraltar Inn," where he drank half-a-quartern of rum. At that time he was observed to look very pale and excited, and nothing more was Seen or heard of him until Friday 4th inst., when a bargeman named Garnham found his lifeless body in a state of decomposition floating in the river Medway, near the Borstal, Aylesford. In deceased’s pocket, 1s. 6d. was found, also a pin in his scarf. The body was conveyed to the "George Inn," Aylesford, to await the inquest. The jury returned the following verdict, "Found dead in the river, but there was no evidence to show how the deceased came there."

It is stated that Stray, who has left a widow and three children, was in pecuniary embarrassment, and there is little doubt that he committed suicide.




Local knowledge, further pictures, and licensee information would be appreciated.

I will be adding the historical information when I find or are sent it, but this project is a very big one, and I do not know when or where the information will come from.

All emails are answered.



FEATHERSTONE William 1839-41+ (age 42 in 1841Census)

APPLETON Henry David 1851-55+

WRAITH Miss Sarah 1858+

FENNER William to July/1860 Maidstone Telegraph

STRAY William July/1860-Apr/62 dec'd (age 29 in 1861Census) Maidstone Telegraph

STRAY Mary Ann Mrs Apr/1862+

LAMPARD Richard 1867+ Post Office Directory 1867

LAMPARD Paul 1871+ (age 36 in 1871Census)

SKERRETT Peter 1874+

BRAMBLE Eliza 1881-91+ (widow age 64 in 1891Census)

BROWN William 1903+ Kelly's 1903



Maidstone TelegraphMaidstone Telegraph

Post Office Directory 1867From the Post Office Directory 1867

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-