Page Updated:- Saturday, 27 May, 2023.


Earliest 1861-

Red Bull

Open 2023+

1 Mackenders Lane


01622 718135

Red Bull

Above postcard, date unknown.

Red Bull 2009

Above Google image, February 2009.

Above photo February 2015. Kindly sent by Roy Moore.

Red Bull 2019

Above photo 2019.

Red Bull sign 2013Red Bull sign 2015

Above sign left, 2013, sign right, February 2015, by Roy Moore.


Local knowledge, further pictures, and licensee information would be appreciated.

I will be adding the historical information when I find or are sent it, but this project is a very big one, and I do not know when or where the information will come from.

All emails are answered.


From the Maidstone Telegraph, Rochester and Chatham Gazette, 7 September 1861.

Petty sessions, Monday.

This was a general annual licensing meeting. There were five applications for new licences, namely, Mrs. Fannie Walter, of the "Fountain," East Peckham, supported by Mr. Langham, Uckfield, and opposed by Mr. C. Hoare, of Maidstone.

Thomas Kemsley, of the "Walnut Tree," Aylesford, supported by Mr. E. Hoare, and opposed by Mr. J. Monckton, of Maidstone.

George Butler, of the "Red Bull," Bull Lane, Aylesford, supported by Mr. R. Prall, of Rochester, and opposed by Mr. Monckton.

Ann Brooker, of the "Windmill," Burham, supported by Mr. Prall and opposed by Mr. Monckton.

Thomas Barton, of the "Prince of Orange," High Street, West Malling, supported by Mr. Monckton and opposed by Mr. Hoar.

The licence was granted to Mrs. Walter, who, it appeared, had applied 16 times, and the others were refused.


Kent Messenger & Gravesend Telegraph, Saturday 30 May 1914.

Shocking accident at Burham.

Mr. T. Buss, County Coroner, held and inquest at the "Red Bull Inn," Eccles, on Monday afternoon, concerning the death of Horace James Coppard, a 36, of the Rocks, East Malling, who was killed by a full of earth while working for the Associated Portland Cement Company in Great Culand Quarry, Burham, on Friday morning. Mr. H. Walker, H.M. Inspector of Mines and Quarries, attended the enquiry, and Mr. Robert Hoar represented the relatives. Mr. Frederick Hart was chosen foreman of the jury.

Mrs. Coppard, the widow, having giving evidence of identification, Thomas Randall of Aylesford, said he had worked with deceased since Christmas. On Friday morning three of them was shovelling earth which had been dug out of the bank into a truck. The length of the opening in the bank was about 15 feet, and they had excavated some 18 inches. About 7 o'clock witness noticed a little piece of callow breaking away at the top of the chamber, and anticipating that this indicated a fall, he shouted "Look out" to his mates. Witness and a man named Gadd managed to get out of the way, but before deceased could get clear the whole section had fallen upon him and completely buried him. Assistance was immediately obtained, but it took 10 minutes to dig him out. He was quite dead, the body being doubled up, with his head on the feet. A few minutes before the accident the foreman was standing on the top of the earth which gave way. Witness had never known a similar occurrence during the three years he had worked for the company.

The Coroner:- Is any examination made before you commence work in the morning?


Are there any instructions given from day-to-day, or do you proceed with your job without reference to any one?

There is no occasion.

Is there any systematic or periodical inspection?

The foreman comes around to see that everything is alright.

Every day?


Mr. Bailey (a juryman). Did the truck into which a shovelling obstruct you and getting away?

It did partly obstruct the deceased. I ran one side of it and the other man round the other side.

Would deceased have got away if he could have run straight out?

He was working in the middle, and I don't think he would have got clear.

Have you a lookout man on the top?


Are there any regulations issued by the company as to how far you are to cut underneath the bank?

I cannot say.

He cut in as far as you like?


Do you think that you take more risks on piecework and in doing day work?


Mr. Walker:- You had this face undercut?


Have you any legs in it all?

Yes, one at each end.

You had not cut them out?


Leonard Gadd, labourer, Bluebell Hill, corroborated the last witness.

Arthur Huggens, Scotland Cottages, Burham, who has been foreman at the works for 4 years, stated that he was on top of the bank shortly before the accident, and never noticed anything.

The Coroner:- You had not been down below to examine how far the men have cutting?


Is there any regulation as to how far a man may cut in?

No, they use their own discretion.

Can you account for this fall?


Have you ever known a similar accident?

On the other side we had a fall once, and a man was hurt. After that it was always an understood thing that two "legs" were to be left, one on each side.

Do the men work under regulations or according to circumstances?

We never set any regulations for them except as to leave in the "legs" in.

Mr. Bailey:- Have you ever warned men they were working under too great a risk?

No, I have never seen them doing it.

Do you ever have a look out man on the top when they are shovelling underneath?

When they are undermining the men have one of their own number watching on the top that is when they take the legs out.

These three men was shovelling underneath, but there is no man on the top?

No, because it was not ready to come down.

Mr. Hoar:- If it had been ready to fall would you have had a look out man?

Yes, one of the three men would have been on the lock out.

Mr. Edwin Butler, manager of the Burham branch of the A.P.C.C. was also called, and agreed with the other witness's that there were no particular regulations.

Dr. Gregory said the man was quite dead when he arrived at 7:40. The post-mortem examination showed that he had fractures of the neck, back, thigh, and four ribs, and the number of other injuries, and that death must have been instantaneous.

The Coroner:- Do you think that death resulted from the injuries rather than suffocation?

Oh, yes, there was no evidence of suffocation at all.

In summing up the facts to the jury, the Coroner said it seemed impossible to set rules which the men must follow in carrying out this work, and they had to proceed according to their own judgement and as experience dictated, but any suggestion which the jury might make would, he felt sure, be carried out, if possible, by the company.

Mr. Bailey wanted the jury to recommend that there should be a look out man on the top when others are working underneath; but others demurred.

Mr. Butler hoped it would not be thought there was lack of supervision. Forman had visited the work several times each day and he always went round at least once. However, the company would fall in with any reasonable suggestions that might be made.

The Coroner pointed out to the jury, who continued to discuss the question, that Mr. Walker, the Home Office Inspector, was an expert and, having heard the evidence and visited the quarry, any recommendation for the safety of the men which he could make would be communicated to the company.

The jury returned a verdict of Accidental Death.

Mr. Butler said he would like to express very sincere sympathy with the relatives of the deceased. The company always greatly regretted these accidents, and they took all possible precautions to secure the safety of their employees.

The Coroner and jury joined in his expression of sympathy.


From the 18 July 2014. By James Walker.

Car hits wall of the Red Bull Pub in Mackenders Lane, close to Bull Lane in Eccles, following two vehicle collision

A two car collision in Eccles resulted in one person being taken to hospital yesterday evening.

The accident happened at about 5.35pm and resulted in one of the vehicles hitting the wall of the "Red Bull" pub, in Mackenders Lane.

Police and the South East Coast Ambulance attended the scene and the patient suffered neck injuries suffered which are not believed to be serious.

They were taken to Maidstone Hospital for further treatment.

The pub wall was completely undamaged.

One of the vehicles had to be taken away by a recovery vehicle and police remained at the scene until 7.50pm, when the road was completely clear.

No arrests have been made.


From the By Luke May, 19 September 2019.

The Red Bull, Eccles, fined £10,000 for showing Sky Sports football matches.

A pub has been fined more than £10,000 for broadcasting Sky Sports 'dishonestly'.

The Red Bull in Eccles was found to have shown football matches without gaining a commercial viewing agreement from Sky Business.

George Lawson, head of commercial piracy at Sky, said: "It’s important to us that businesses are aware of the consequences of showing Sky Sports illegally – it is a serious issue that is damaging to the pub industry, and those licensees who choose to televise content in this way should be aware that they are at high risk of being caught and face substantial penalties.

"We actively visit thousands of pubs every season to monitor the games they are showing and continue to support FACT’s work to protect hard working Sky customers who are unfairly losing business due to this illegal activity"

A hearing at Maidstone Magistrates Court heard the pub screened football illegally in February, April and May this year.

Karen Turner, the pub's premises licence holder and designated premises supervisor was ordered to pay £3,606.76, including a £2,500 fine.

Turner's personal and business partner Jared Macdonnchadha was ordered to pay the same amount as was The Red Bull's manager Richard Rodal.

All three failed to show at Maidstone Magistrates Court, where they were convicted of three counts of dishonest reception of a television transmission.

Altogether the trio will have to pay £10,820.28.

The starting price for the pub to legally broadcast Sky Sports would be around £1,200 a month.

Stephen Gerrard, FACT’s prosecuting manager said: "Our aim is to help create an effective deterrent to publicans who endeavour to fraudulently show Sky content on their premises and FACT will continue to protect the intellectual property rights of its clients by pursuing those who continue to break the law."

Last month Sheerness pub the "Goat Inn" was told to pay nearly £3,000 for illegally screening football matches.

Punters can recognise if a football broadcast is legitimate by a blue pint glass in the corner of the TV screen.

The amount in the glass changes each day and only an inspector would know what to look for when they visit.


From the By Cara Simmonds, 27 May 2023.

TV famous life-sized ‘bull’ installed on top of The Red Bull pub in Eccles.

You might have noticed something different about your local boozer recently.

The Red Bull pub in Eccles has announced a special new addition to their team: Ronnie the life-sized ‘bull’.

Red Bull 2023

The Red Bull pub in Eccles now has a new addition. Picture: Facebook.

Landlord Tim Gough took over the pub near Aylesford at the end of lockdown and has now been running it for four years.

The 39-year-old received an anonymous tip-off from a customer, who sent a link and said they thought he might like it.

“It was listed on Facebook Marketplace and looked interesting,” he explained.

“It’s made of fibreglass and has been sprayed red.

“I decided to offer a cheeky amount, and if we didn’t get it there was no harm done.

Red Bull

Ronnie was part of the set in the TV series How. Picture: Facebook.

“I asked for £250 and it was originally on there for £500.

“They accepted the offer and a few days later it turned up!”

The animal itself has a famous past – previously appearing on the set of British TV programme, How.

Filmed in the Maidstone Studios, the educational series was created by Jack Hargreaves, where children could write in and ask questions.

Fred Dinenage, Jon Miller and Marian Davies presented the program between 1966 to 1981, but it was also revived in 2020 for ITV.

Red Bull licensees 2023

Landlord Tim Gough, pictured middle back, and his team. Picture: Tim Gough.

“I remember watching when I was a child,” Tim added.

“It might have been in the back of the set or used in a segment, I’m not too sure.

“But I found it in an episode to prove it was there.”

Due to it having both a pair of horns and udders, Tim and his team decided to come up with a gender neutral name, calling it Ronnie The Red Bull/Cow.

He said: “We thought about it and it’s bit of fun, why not! It doesn’t matter too much.

‘Everyone is quite interested in it when they come in. A lot of people were shocked.’

“Collectively we named it – we have a WhatsApp group and someone suggested the neutral name of Ronnie and it stuck.”

Currently the full-size bull takes pride of place on the flat roof of the building, and will stay there for a couple of weeks on display.

Ronnie will eventually be moved into the pub garden, where people will have the opportunity to take a picture with it.

“Some people have said it's an eyesore and some have asked how can you have a bull with udders. But generally most people see the fun side of it.”



BUTLER George 1861 (licensed refused)

REEVES G 1881+ (only listed as Wharfinger, no pub name, age 65 in 1881Census)

BUTLER Matilda 1903-11+ (age 59 in 1911Census) Kelly's 1903

GOUGH Tim 2019-23+



Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
