Page Updated:- Sunday, 25 April, 2021.


Earliest 1862-


Latest 1905

Church Street

Boughton Monchelsea


The only reference I have for this beer shop is from the account in the Dover Express of 1865 looking into the bankruptcy of Thomas Cradduck.

I do know of another pub called the "Rose" in nearby Sutton Valence, and another "Rose" addressed in Loose. All may well be the same. Local knowledge required.


Dover Express 14 October 1865.



This was an examination and order of discharge sitting, under the bankruptcy of Thomas Cradduck (sued and committed as Thomas Craddock), described as late of the "Odd Fellows Arms" beer shop, Beach Street, Dover, and on the 19th June a prisoner for debt in Maidstone Gaol, from which prison he was subsequently released by order of Mr. Registrar Scudamore. The Bankrupt attributes his failure to the following causes, viz: "The illness of myself and family, the death of two wives and four children, and bad debts."

Mr. Sykes represented the official assignee, and stated that the bankrupt had not filed any "statement of accounts," according to the provisions of the Bankruptcy Act, 1861, whereupon the Court adjourned his examination sine die, (without a day fixed)  with liberty to apply for another sitting at his own expense, when he shall have filed such account. - Enlarged protection from arrest was granted the bankrupt for a month, and the sitting ended.


This was also an examination and discharge sitting, under the bankruptcy of Sarah Craddock, wife of the above bankrupt Thomas Craddock.

It appears from the examination of the bankrupt, that she was in Maidstone Gaol, from the 16th May to the 19th of June last, and at the time of her arrest she was living with her husband at the "Odd Fellows Arms" beer shop; and that she had previously lived with him at Boughton Monchelsea, at the "Rose" beer shop, which she kept for three years before her marriage in February, 1865. The amount of her debts before her marriage, which still remain unpaid, is about £60. The husband's debts are stated to be between £300 and £400.

She has no property whatever, and she attributes her difficulties to "losses by lodgers, and the heavy rent she had to pay." Mr. Aldridge stated that in this case there were no accounts, and the Court made the same order as in the foregoing case.


Maidstone Telegraph, Saturday 8 February 1868.


Charlotte Manwaring, of the "Rose," beer-house, Boughton green, was summoned for allowing dice throwing, and selling beer during the prohibited hours on Jan. 25th.

Defendant not appearing, Supt. Ovenden proved the service of the summons.

P.C. Little said that he was on duty in Boughton on the 23rd Jan., and when opposite the "Rose" beer-house, a few minutes before 12 o'clock, he heard voices within and parties throwing dice. On entering the house he saw three young men in the act of throwing, with three half-pence on the table. On entering another room he saw three men drinking, with three parts of a pint of beer in front of them, he spoke to defendant on the subject, when she replied that she had not lately drawn beer, but that she could give her customers some if she liked.

The Magistrates' clerk remarked that defendant was convicted only last sitting for a similar offence.

Defendant was fined £5 and £2 for the two offences and 9s costs.
This concluded the business of the Sessions.


The Courier, 10 March, 1905.

The "Rose," Boughton Monchelsea.

Mr. Brennan also applied for the renewal of the licence of this house, an "on" beer house, situated in Church Street.

The police stated there were 7 licensed houses, and that the population was 1,082, or about 180 per house. There were 2 fully licensed houses within a radius of 150 yards. A fair trade was done at the house, and it was well conducted.

Mr. Brennan, address in the Bench, pointed out that the tenant was an old man of 70 years of age, who had held the house without complaint for 9 years.

The decisions.

After a retirement of nearly three quarters of an hour, the Chairman announced the Magistrates decisions as follows:- The "Rose," Boughton Monchelsea, referred to quarter sessions.



CRADDOCK Sarah 1862-Feb/65 Dover Express

MANWARING Charlotte 1868+ Maidstone Telegraph

POTTER Alfred 1871+ Electoral Register

BOWLES William 1891+ (only nurseryman age 61 in 1891Census)

MATTHEWS Thomas O 1901+ (also house painter age 44 in 1901Census)


Dover ExpressFrom the Dover Express

Electoral RegisterElectoral Register

Maidstone TelegraphMaidstone Telegraph


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
