Page Updated:- Wednesday, 24 April, 2024.


Earliest 1846-

Dartmouth Arms

Open 2021+

7 Dartmouth Road

Forest Hill

020 3026 1331

Dartmouth Arms 2008

Above Google image June 2008.

Dartmouth Arms 2021

Above Google image, July 2021.

Dartmouth Arms sign 2012Dartmouth Arms sign 2017

Above sign left, 2012. Sign right, 2017.

Dartmouth Arms sign 2021

Above sign 2021.


From the Kentish Gazette, 14 April 1846.

On Friday morning a very distressing accident took place at the "Dartmouth Arms tavern," Sydenham to a young man named James Andrews, aged 30 years, residing in Southwark-bridge-road. He was engaged, with several persons, at a pigeon shooting match. He had loaded his gun, and whilst discharging it the barrel burst, blowing off his left fingers. Some portions of the barrel struck the persons who were looking on, and severely lacerated one gentleman's foot. The man Andrews was placed in one of the railway carriages, and conveyed with all speed to Guy’s Hospital, where he was placed under the immediate care of the house surgeon. He lies in a very dangerous state.


West Kent Guardian 1 January 1853.


Edward Phillbrook, a middle aged man described as a labourer, was charged with creating a disturbance outside the "Dartmouth Arms" public-house, Sydenham, and assaulting the police.

From the evidence of police-constable 80 R, it appeared that on the previous evening a great number of persons had assembled outside the "Dartmouth Arms," looking on at two dogs fighting. He went to separate them and in doing so was brutally assaulted. The prisoner struck him several times.

A witness named Sweeney corroborated the above statement, and added that in assisting the constable he was knocked down several times.

The prisoner called two witnesses, who, however, contradicted each other.

Mr. Seeker fined the prisoner 3s. or one month’s imprisonment for the assault upon the constable, and 2s, or 14 days imprisonment for the assault upon Sweeney.


Sydenham Times, 15 April 1862.

On Tuesday, April 8th, Robert Wortley alias Norfolk Bob who was charged on the previous day before J. Traill, Esq., at the Greenwich Police Court was again charged before W. Maude, Esq. for similar misconduct.

The prisoner resides at the "Bricklayers Arms," Upper Sydenham, went into Mr. Gay's at the "Dartmouth Arms," Forest Hill, and commenced creating a disturbance. When requested to leave by the barman he refused, and used violent and obscene language to the annoyance of all present. Fined 40s. or one months imprisonment.


Sydenham Times, 22 April 1862.


George Mead, No. 8, Russell-street, Sydenham, was charged with stealing a quantity of whisky from the bar of the "Dartmouth Arms," Forest-hill.

It appeared by the evidence of the barman, that the prisoner reached over the bar and turned the spirit tap on, partly filling a quart measure, he (the barman) having just turned his back to speak to some person in the passage. On looking round he saw the prisoner in the act of taking the whisky away, and jumping over the bar, a scuffle ensued, by which all the whisky was spilt on the floor.

The prisoner was sentenced to six weeks' imprisonment.


Sydenham Times, 30 September 1862.

Assaulting the Police.

Robert Johnson, a labourer, living in Willow-road, Sydenham, was charged at the Greenwich Police Court on Monday, with being drunk, using obscene language, and assaulting P.C. Greany, 58 R, and P.C. Critchell, 68 R.

It appeared from the evidence given by the constables, that at twelve o'clock on Saturday night, the defendant was on his way home from the "Dartmouth Arms" public-house, and abused and jostled against several persons whom he met, and on their complaining to the police, he was taken into custody by P.C. Greany, who was immediately knocked down by the prisoner, and on P.C. Critchell coming to the assistance of his brother officer, the defendant bit his hand, on which constable struck him with his truncheon.

James Phillbrook, Willow-road, Sydenham, said he saw the prisoner taken into custody, and he thought the police handled the prisoner very roughly.

Mr. Traill said it could not be supposed the police would be very mild in their treatment of persons who acted with such violence towards them as the prisoner was proved to have done, and whatever injury he had received, he had brought on himself.

Fined 10s., or 14 days’ imprisonment.



Morris Hart of the "Dartmouth Arms" Dartmouth Road, Forest Hill, Kent, died 17 August 1908 Administration (with will) London 18 September to Edwin Hart marine engineer and ida Marie Hart spinster. Effects £2400 13s 3d. Resworn £2340 13s 3d.



MIHELL Henry to Nov/1848

SMITH James Nov/1848+

HURDITCH Thomas 1858+

GAY Mr 1862+

JENKINS William Edmund 1866+

HABELL Charles 1874+

HABELL C Mrs 1882+

HARY Morris Hart 1901-17/Aug/08 (widower age 44 in 1901Census)

HART Ida Marie Miss 1919+

GIAELLA William Joseph 1944+





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