351 High Road
020 3489 8701
Above photo, date unknown. |
Above photo, date unknown. |
Above photo, date unknown. |
Above photo, 2008. |
Above Google image, June 2015. |
Above photo, 2018. |
In 1869-70 the pub was part of a consortium who were advertising their
goods of selling tea in response to grocers' selling beer and wine. (Click
for further details.)
It is thought that the original "Old Tiger’s Head" was built on the site
that currently occupied by the "New
Tiger’s Head." The original pub is thought to have been built before
1730. It was rebuilt on its present site, the north-west quadrant, in
1750-1770 and then rebuilt (in its third incarnation) in 1896 - the date
carried on its frontage and it becomes an important mail and coaching inn.
In the early 19th Century boxing matches take place at the "Old Tiger’s
Head." Horse racing and (human) foot racing take place in the 1840s but the
police put a stop to these events, probably under pressure from respectable
local citizens.
In the south-west quadrant the "Prince
Arthur" pub is built at 422 Lee High Road in 1870 (closed 2005) It was
originally one of a row of early 19C cottages of which three - nos 424-428 -
survive behind modern shop fronts.
In 1898 No 345 Lee High Road is built in front of former "Old Tiger’s
Head" stables.
Canterbury Weekly, 29 July, 1837.
The inquest.
An inquest was held on Wednesday, at the "Tigers Head," Lee, before
Mr. Carttar, the Coroner for the district. The following is the only
part of the evidence which contains anything of additional interest.
John Chamberlain, shepherd to Mr. Richard Norman, of Burnt Ash farm
in the parish of Lee, said that on Monday last, about a quarter past
9 o'clock, he saw a balloon and something hanging from it, which
presently fell. At first it came down like thunder, that is with
respect to the noise; it frighten all the sheep. It appeared to come
down in a lump together, and he thought it turned over and came down
on the slant. By the time it reached the ground he had got over the
hedge, so that he could see it full. The basket, or car, touch the
ground first, and the other part of the parachute fell partly upon
it. The machinery was broken to pieces, and covered a large space of
ground. The deceased was in the basket up to his chest, with his
head of course out; he was lying on his back, and the basket
appeared to protect the body from any weight. He could not say
whether the basket came down on the edge, or the bottom, he ran and
lifted up the parachute but on see the deceased there he became
frightened and let it down upon him again. He heard a grown when he
first went up to him. The deceased did not move his eyes or any part
of his body; his wig lay at a short distance from his head. There
was no hat. Soon after this, Mr. Norman came up, and he informed
that gentleman that there was a man underneath. His master (Mr.
Norman) presently directed him to get two hurdles, which he did. He
should say that 2 or 3 minutes elapsed between the time the
parachute left the balloon and when it touched the ground. A great
many persons quickly came up.
By the Jury:- Heard no expression made by the deceased. The
parachute was a great height when it left the balloon, which went
out of site instantly.
Thomas Grisdall, servant to Mr. Norman, was going to Lee when he saw
the parachute falling. The parachute appeared to turn over and over,
and there was a great cracking issued from it. It came down in a
lump altogether. He assisted in taking the deceased out of the
basket, to do which they were obliged to unloose various ropes and
some pullies. The deceased groaned, and breathed for about two
minutes after he got up to him. There was no rope attached to the
body that he noticed. He was insensible, and his master said he was
dead, and was about to bleed him, when a surgeon came up and
endeavour to do so, but without effect. He, in the end, cut him in
the temple, from which gash a few drops of blood flowed. He heard no
noise, except that which was occasioned by the fall of the machine.
The parachute was extended at first, but when the cracking took
place it closed, and then it came down more rapidly. The deceased
had both eyes open, but they did not move.
Mr. F. C. Finch, surgeon of Greenwich, stated that while waiting for
his father, his attention was directed to the balloon at a distance
of half a mile. He saw the parachute detached and fall to the
ground, where he thought he and his father arrived about 2 minutes
after the descent. He ran up to the man, who was on the ground with
his coat taken off, and a gentleman was in the act of bleeding him.
He himself then attempted to bleed the deceased, but could not, the
vein was not sufficiently tumid. He however cut the arm, but no
blood flowed and less it worth about half a drop. He next places
hand over the region of the heart, but life was extinct. In
consequence of not being able to find blood in the arm, and being
anxious if possible to do so, he's separated the arterial branches
of the temporal artery over the eye, but with little or no effect.
He then made an incision in the neck with a view of bleeding the
deceased in the jugular vein, but from the peculiar formation of the
neck, and the position of the arteries, that he discovered to be
impossible. He did this more for the purpose of satisfying the
deceased's friends and the public than with an expectation of
restoring life. He was perfectly convinced that life had fled. When
he first saw the parachute it was descending very steadily, but it
presently began to change its position, and assumed that of an
oyster shell diving through the water. It was coming down in a
shelving manner, and made several gyrations, and then appeared to
collapse, the circumference having giving way. He should say that it
turned over. He should think that the balloon, at the time of the
detachment, was about a mile and a half high. The air appeared to
afford resistance to the car in which the deceased was than to the
margin of the parachute itself. A very few seconds had elapsed from
the time it was detached before it collapsed. It appeared, on an
examination of the car, that the deceased pitched on his feet. The
deceased had a wound on the right eyebrow of about one inch in
length; but that wound did not occasion death. The wounds might have
been caused by the machine falling upon him. Nearly all the ribs
were either fractured or displaced. The sternum seemed to have been
broken and fractured the ribs. He should say this was done by the
weight of the deceased, the body doubling over the car. The right
collar bone was also broken, and there seemed to be something the
matter with one of the legs, but that he had been informed was an
old complaint. The cause of death he should say was the internal
injuries to the chest, and the general shock to the nervous system.
He had no doubt that there was lacerations in the interior. The
injuries were received when he reached the ground. Indeed, he did
did not see what was to kill him before. His moral life might have
been gone, but not his physical life. They knew causes on a railroad
where there were an enormous speed without loss of life. The
railroad at Manchester, for instance. There it had been no uncommon
thing for persons to travel at the rate of 60 mph without loss of
life. Now according to the statements, it was clear that the
deceased descended only at the rate of 30, and therefore it must be
perfectly apparent that the velocity of the journey could not have
caused death.
By the Jury:- Was of opinion that the velocity with which the
deceased came down could not kill him. It had been stopped in the
same ratio as that with which he was descending, he had no doubt of
the deceased's coming down with safety.
Mr. Finch senior and Mr. Price, two medical mean, corroborated the
whole of this statement, and the former added, that when his son was
cutting for the vein, the deceased gave a gasp. The ribs were
crushed and probably the brain had sustained an injury, but the fact
could not be ascertained without a post-mortem examination.
Mr. Green was examined; but there was nothing in his evidence beyond
what is contained in the preceding account by him. Previous to be
examined, the Coroner observed, that as it was impossible to
foretell what turn the investigation might take with respect to the
extent the jury might conceive him to have been implicated in being
accessory to the cause of death of the deceased, he felt himself
bound to caution him in regard to answering any questions which
might be put to him. Under the circumstances he was at perfect
liberty to decline replying to any interrogatories which were
In the course of his evidence, he said, "neither he nor Mr. Spencer
(the gentleman who accompanied him in the balloon) had assisted in
any way to detach the parachute from the balloon; that was alone the
work of Mr. Cocking. In fact, no amount of money could have induced
him to release or cast off the parachute.
At 11 o'clock at night, the Coroner adjourned the further hearing
until Friday (yesterday,) when Mr. Green and Mr. Guy was requested
to bring down various models to which reference has been made.
Canterbury Weekly, 5 August, 1837.
The fatal Parachute Descent.
Adjourned inquest.
Friday morning, at 9 o'clock, the coroners inquest resumed their
enquiry into the causes which led to the melancholy death of the
late Mr. Robert Cocking.
The Coroner, having intimated to the jury that since the last
meeting a post-mortem examination had been made, at the request of
the relatives of the deceased, on the body, called Mr. F. C. Finch,
who said that he in company with four other surgeons, had examined
the body of the deceased. The following is the post-mortem
On the right side the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th ribs broken near the
junction, with their cartilages. The 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 6th broken
also near the junction with the vertebrae. The 2nd, 4th, 5th, and
6th ribs also broken at their greatest convexity.
On the left side. The 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 6th ribs broken near their
cartilages, and also near their angles.
The clavicle on the right side fractured at the junction of the
external with the middle Third.
The second lumbar vertebrae fractured through its body; the
transverse processes of several of the lumbar vertebrae broken.
Comminute fracture and separations of the bones of the pelvis at
the sacro-illiac symphyses.
The ossa nasi fractured.
The right ankle dislocated inward; the astrangelus and os calcia
The viscera of the head, chest and abdomen free from any morbid
F. C. Finch, G. Machwain, W. Maughan, T. Greenwood, W. Thomas.
Mr. Finch:- The other surgeons with himself agreed on opinion as to
the cause of the deceased death namely, the injuries he received in
the concussion by the fall of the Earth. He had no doubt but that
the spinal marrow was likewise very greatly damaged. He also was of
opinion, from the nature of some of the injuries, that the deceased
had fallen on his feet. In addition to the ribs mentioned as having
been broken there was another, the 11th rib on the left side, which
by some mistake had been left out of the paper he had just read. The
hip joint appeared not to have suffered any injury. In all
concussion of this kind the spine was usually affected. The brain,
one examination, proved not been not to have suffered in any
respect. When he saw the parachute in the air his impression was
that it turned over; it might, however, be an optical illusion, and
at the best it was but an opinion.
The examination of the other witnesses, Mr. Gye, Professor Airy, Mr.
Minck Mason, &c., was then proceeded with.
The Coroner having summed up, the jury retired, and after an absence
of three quarters of an hour, returned with a verdict to the
following effect:- We find that the deceased, Robert Cocking, came
to his death casually and by misfortune, in consequence of severe
injuries received by a fall out of a parachute of his own invention
and contrivance, which had been appended to a balloon; and we
further find that the parachute did move to his death, and therefore
that such parachute or to become a deodand, and forfeited to the
The announcement of the verdict was received with marks of approval.
The Coroner, in the name of the jury, tendered their thanks and
strong approval of the conduct of Messrs. Gye, Green and Finch, and
also to Professor Airy, and the other scientific gentleman who have
favoured them with their valuable assistance.
The Coroner then in the most powerful language depreciated the
conduct of the landlord in having exhibited the body of the deceased
and the parachute to the public.
From the Kentish Gazette 27 November 1838.
Nov. 15th at the "Tiger’s Head Inn," Lee, where she had gone on a
visit, Julia, the beloved daughter of Mr. Wm. Jewell, formerly of
the "Castle Inn," Eltham, aged 17.
Bell's Life in London and Sporting Chronicle, Sunday 7 February 1841.
Gazley, we are informed, won his mach of 17 miles in two hours, on
Monday last, at the "Tiger's Head," Lee. Gazley wishes to inform
Cook, of Greenwich, that he is prepared to make a match to run six
miles for £10 or £25. The money will be ready at Mr. Plummer's, the
"Horse and Groom," Blackheath Hill, on Wednesday next.
From a book written in 1882:
The present Tiger's Head inn (in 1882) was built by one Roger
Roberts, on a lease of ninety years, from 1766, granted by Lord Sondes.
The Tiger's Head, was the first stage out of London and was a
favourite resort and house of call.
The pub was famous for its bowling green, and for providing
entertainment for companies from London, after the cricket matches on
the green.
The large open space in front of the Tiger’s Head was often the scene
of processions and meetings and in the early part of the present century
(19th), a great deal of drinking and licentiousness was carried on at
the various roadside inns near London, especially if there were any open
spaces nearby.
Horse races were also held at the rear of the Tigers Head and
attended by many of the lower classes from London. There were many
accidents at these races, to both to man and horse. One year a Greenwich
pensioner was killed on the course, near the grand stand, at the back of
the Tiger's Head garden, and this event put an end to them being again
held there.
The Kentish Mercury, 30 August, 1889..
August 27th. Present: Mr. M. W. Adamas (chairman). Col. H. M.
Gordon, Mr. J. E. Jolly, Mr. J. T. C. Wingfield, and Alderman J. E.
Applications were made for the transfer of the following
public-house licences:—
"Tiger's Head," from Walter Porter to William Hayes (adjourned from
last session for deed of assignment);
From unknown paper, date unknown. Circa 1900.
Great Running Match for £20.
Yesterday afternoon the much talked of race between Tom Cook, the
Greenwich Cowboy and Peter Murphy, the Manchester Pet, to run ten miles,
at Lee, for £20 came off in the presence of a large concourse of
persons. The rendezvous was the "Tiger's Head," Lee Green, where host
Morton msde the thing very agreeable. Cook is pretty well known, and the
Manchester Pet had friends very sanguine in appearance, Cook was safe to
to win, having the advantage of height, and with a development of muscle
in the same ratio. Murphy stood only five feet two inches. The start
took place from the sign post, and was a mile out and in along the main
road. The first two miles was done by Cook in ten minutes and fony-five
seconds, having gained fifty yards, and improved his distance gradually
for the next six miles. The Pet was urged on by his backers, and
struggled gallantly, gained a trifle, but Cook evidently took it "easy"
and won easily by thirty or forty yards, to the utter discomfitude of
the Lancashire folks. The whole distance was run a few seconds within
the hour. |
From between 10 August 2015 and 17 December 2018, part of the premises operated under the name of "McLoughlin's Bar,"
having an Irish theme and its own entrance in Lee Road.
SEARS Thomas 1840+
HAMMOND William 1852+
MORTON Caroline Mrs 1855-58+
OVENDEN Thomas Aug/1866-74+
PORTER Walter 1881+ (age 27 in 1881 )
PORTER Walter to Aug/1889
HAYES William Aug/1889-91
DEDMAN William 1891+ (also wine & spirit merchant age 49 in 1891 )
HASSALL Robert 1896+
FROST George 1901+
CARPENTER George 1905+
HIRST J F to Sept/1906
![Kentish Independent](../Icons/Kentish-Indepdent.gif)
GLANZER Henry August Sept/1906-19+
![Kentish Independent](../Icons/Kentish-Indepdent.gif)
COLLINS William C 1944+