Sort file:- Sidcup, August, 2024.

Page Updated:- Sunday, 18 August, 2024.


Earliest 1880

Station Hotel

Demolished 1975

(Name to)



Station Hotel 1924

Above postcard 1924.

Station Hotel 1930s

Above photo 1930s.

Station Hotel 1935

Above photo 1935. Kindly sent by Matt Minch.

Station Hotel 1935

Above photo, 1935. Kindly sent by Matt Minch.

Station Hotel 1973

Above photo 1973.

Station Hotel 1974

Above photo, 1974.


The building was purposely built for the Sidcup station  which was opened in October 1866 near to the entrance to the goods yard.

The Station Hotel was built by local developer G Hawkins at a cost of £2,500, opened in July 1879. It was well placed to serve this function and had the endorsement of the railway company, a status enhanced by the alleged unsuitability of the "Old Black Horse" and the "Alma."

Despite this, and large scale housing developments nearby (financed by Hawkins on land owned by Mr Malcolm of Lamorbey), it had great difficulty in obtaining a licence. The application was opposed by nearby residents some of whom had been induced to sign a petition stating that 'the house would be a resort of pigeon shooters and loose characters'.

The licence was granted in 1880 and William Thompson Wyatt, the tenant, quickly sold his lease in 1881 to Beasleys of Plumstead.

This fine hotel was demolished and a new pub opened on 31st October 1976 by constituency MP Sir Edward Heath. In plans of 1972 the new pub was originally destined to be called The "Horse Brass" but the alternative metal and name of the "Iron Horse" was agreed on; a much more appropriate name for a pub adjacent to a railway. The new pub had a name change during the 90s to the "Metro Bar," but that was short lived and reverted back to the "Iron Horse".

In the 1930s this premises was supplied by Beasley's Ales, and advertised a Private Dance Hall.

The hotel was demolished in 1975.


From the Daily Gazette for Middlesborough, Wednesday 27 August, 1879.


At Dartford on Saturday Mr Besley, barrister, on behalf of Mr George Hawkins, builder, applied for a full license for the "Station Hotel," Sidcup. Applicant had erected about 150 handsome villas near the Sidcup railway station of the South-Eastern Railway, and, acting on the representations of Mr Malcolm, the lord of the manor of Lamorby, constructed a spacious and commodious hotel, with stables, coachhouses, &c., close to the railway station, at a cost of upwards of £2,000; in full anticipation of the license following as a matter of course, and the South-Eastern Company had permitted the cutting away of a portion of the embankment to give access to the hotel. The application was opposed by the local clergy and others, and the Bench refused to grant the license, on the ground that there was no need of further accommodation for the present.


From the Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette Saturday 29 October 1898.


An important appeal came before the Right Hon. J. G. Talbot, M.P., and other magistrates at the West Kent Quarter sessions, Maidstone, on Thursday. Mr. Ford, landlord of the "Station Hotel," Sidcup, appealed against the refusal of the Justices of the Dartford division to renew to him the licence of that house. The grounds for the refusal were that Mr. Ford had been convicted for drunkenness. It was however, pointed out by the appellant that the offence took place, not on his licensed premises, but at Greenwich, and that his house had been well conducted. The police of the district, stated that it was the best conducted house in the neighbourhood.

Mr. Candy, Q.C., and Mr. Fooks represented the appellant; Mr. Dickens, Q.C., and Mr. Hohler were for Mr. Beasley, brewer, holder of a 99 years’ lease on the hotel; while Mr. Morton Smith appeared on behalf of the Dartford justices.

Mr. Candy explained that if the court would allow the appeal, Mr. Ford would simply retain possession of the house until the first special session of the division in January, when he would apply for its transfer to a successor.

Mr. Dickens said his clients did not wish to lose the licence of the house, and were willing to do whatever the justices thought proper.

Mr. Morton Smith declared that there was no wish on the part of the Dartford justices to take away the licence for good; all they wished was that it might be in capable hands.

The Bench allowed the appeal.




WYATT William Thompson 1880+

SIMPSON Mr Feb/1891+ Kentish Mercury

GADD Frederick Arthur 1914-25

PERUGIA E Mrs 1930s

???? Henri mid 1960s


Kentish MercuryKentish Mercury


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
