Sort file:- Erith, June, 2024.

Sort file:- Crayford, June, 2024.

Page Updated:- Tuesday, 25 June, 2024.

PUB LIST PUBLIC HOUSES Paul Skelton, Jim Packer & Mike Payne

Earliest 1901-


Demolished 1971

1a North End Road

Erith and (Crayford pre 1934)


Above photo, date unknown.


I am informed that the premises was demolished in the early 1960s due to road widening.


Jim Packer author of the "Lost Pubs of Bexley" says the pub was situated on the corner of Northend Road and Boundary Road. Formerly 32 South Road Erith. The boundary until 1934 ran between 1-3 Plough cottages and 3 shops built in 1849 – the northernmost being the "Telegraph." In 1934 Kent County Council moved the boundary between Erith and Crayford up to Boundary Road. The 3 Plough cottages were demolished for the rebuilding of the "Plough" and the "Telegraph" was demolished in 1971(?) So, the pub has been addressed as both Erith and Crayford.


Information from Mike Payne.

The Telegraph, Northend Road.

The "Telegraph" stood on the south corner of Boundary Street and Crayford Road, later South Road, finally Northend Road.

In the 1861 Census the property was referred to as 1 Boundary Place and the occupants were Richard Miles (37) a market gardener and his wife Lucy (27) who was a general grocer. The Kelly's Directory for 1862 lists him as a grocer. In 1867 he was listed as a beer retailer. By the time of the 1871 Census Richard had died and Lucy gave her occupation as grocer. I suspect she also kept the beer house open for in the 1874 directory she is listed as a beer retailer.

In the 1881 Census the property is referred to as the "Telegraph," 22 South Road and the proprietor is Robert White (31), a beer house keeper. There is a press report of that year advertising a sparrow shooting contest at the rather grandly described "Mr White's Telegraph Hotel".

In the 1891 Census the property has now been renumbered to 31 South Road and is being run by Ann White, Robert's widow. Ann is still there in the 1901 Census, assisted by her daughter Ethel who is now 20.

There is a reference in 1903 to the temporary transfer of the licence for the "Telegraph" to a James Whybrow.

In the 1911 Census the Telegraph is in the hands of Ernest Gallerfing (44) and his wife Elizabeth (40).

In the 1915 Electoral Register we find that John Waite has taken over. He still appears there in the 1938 Kelly's Directory although the address is now 1a Northend Road. As part of the 1934 boundary changes the pub is now officially in Crayford but somewhat confusingly all of Northend and Slade Green are considered part of Erith by Kelly's. The last appearance of John Waite (as James J Waite) was in the 1939 Registration. He died there the following year.

There is a bit of a gap in the sources but in the 1955 Electoral Register we find that William E Halls & Mary Maud Halls are in residence. William is also in the phone book in 1960. Soon after this the pub was demolished.



MILES Richard 1861-67+ (market gardener age 37Census)

MILES Lucy 1871-74+ (widow age 37Census)

WHITE Robert 1881+ (age 31 in 1881Census)

WHITE Ann 1891-1903 (widow age 52 in 1901Census)

WHYBROW James 1903+

GALLERFING Ernest 1911+ (age 44 in 1911Census)

WAITE John 1915-40 dec'd

HALLS William E 1955-60+




If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-