Sort file:- Sidcup, February, 2025.

Page Updated:- Sunday, 09 February, 2025.


Earliest 1743-

Ye Olde Black Horse

Open 2020+

43 Halfway Street



020 8300 5373

Ye Olds Black Horse 1907

Above postcard, 1907, kindly sent by Matt Minch, who says the details above the entrance door remain today.

Ye Olde Black Horse 1923

Above postcard, circa 1923, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Black Horse 1949

Above photo circa 1949, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Ye Olde Black Horse

Above postcard, date unknown, kindly sent by Graham Butterworth.

Ye Olds Black Horse 2015

Above Google image, September 2015.

Black Horse 2006

Above photo 2006 by Dave Patten Creative Commons Licence.

Ye Olde Black Horse 2021

Above Google image, August 2021.


Not to be confused for the "Black Horse" addressed at 1 High Street.

Records for this one can be dated to 1743, but the building there today only to 1892. There is a date plaque on this building that states 1692 which may have actually come from an even earlier building.


Bromley & District Times, Friday 11 July 1890.


On Saturday evening an inquest was held before Dr. Carttar, at the "Black Horse Inn," Halfway Street on the body of John Oxley, farmer, 64 years of age, of Day's Farm, Day's Lane, Bexley.

The Jury consisted of the following:- Messrs. W. Austin (foreman), S. Woodman, W. Lane, R. Cheaney, Sidney Brown, Falward Cousins, Arthur Martin, H Chaimberlain, James Brown, George Parker, H. Smith, and William Willis.

The first witness called was Mrs. Eleanor Oxley, who said that she lived at Day's Farm, Day's Lane, Bexley. The deceased had been ailing for two or three years. He had complained of his head and chest, and had had a bad foot. She last saw the deceased alive about nine o'clock on Thursday morning. She saw Lewry, the foreman, about one o'clock, and asked him if the deceased had been to the hayloft. Lewry said he had not. In about a quarter of an hour the foreman came and told her he had found the deceased hanging in the cart shed. She asked him if he thought he was alive, and if he had cut him down. Lewry said he did not know whether he was alive or not, and she gave him a knife to cut the rope. When she reached the shed the deceased had just been cut down. She sent for the doctor and Dr. Ford came. The deceased had had trouble in connection with his farming business, but he had never threatened to destroy himself. When she spoke about going down to a flower show he said she would be sorry if she went. She could not account for his being found where he was. When she found that he had not taken either his stick or umbrella she sent a man to look for him. The seasons had been bad for two or three years, but the landlord would not make any reduction. Deceased said that it was not worth while to farm.

The next witness was J. Lewry, labourer, who worked for the deceased. He stated that when he saw the deceased on Thursday at the door of his house he appeared the same as he (witness) was. When he saw Mrs. Oxley she asked him if he had seen Mr. Oxley, and when he said he had not she said it was very strange. She asked him to go and look for him and did so. He found the deceased hanging by the neck to a rafter in the cow house, and went and told Mrs. Oxley, who asked him why he did not cut him down. He replied that he had not got a knife. Mrs. Oxley then gave him a knife, and he went to the shed, got on a ladder and cut him down. There were no signs of life. He had never heard the deceased threaten to commit suicide.

Dr. Ford, Eltham, said that when he saw the lady the deceased had been dead some hours. He found a deep indenture round the neck such as would be produced by a rope. Death was due to asphyxia. His partner had attended deceased, why had an inflamed led and diseased lungs. Lately the deceased had complained of mental depression and heart symptoms. His leg would give him a great deal of pain.

Sergeant Burridge, 32 R, said that the rope was tied to one beam and hung over another. Deceased's feet would be almost three feet from the ground. The ladder was almost a yard from the body, and he thought the deceased used it to get up to the beam.

The Jury returned a verdict to the effect that the deceased committed suicide whilst of unsound mind.



SLY Joseph 1855-71+ (age 42 in 1861Census)

COLOGNE Frederick 1881+ (age 35 in 1881Census)

DUMALL James 1882+

WHITE William George Leigh 1891+ (age 33 in 1891Census)

RIVES A Nov/1894+

WILSON John 1901+ (age 60 in 1901Census)

HILL Thomas 1913+

ALLEN Stanley J 1939+ (age 54 in 1939)




If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
