Page Updated:- Monday, 21 October, 2024.


Earliest 1702-

(Name from)

Five Bells

Latest 1811-

(Name to)

Hastings Road



This has also been addressed as Cockshot Cottage, Redwings Lane.

I am informed that this was the original name for the "Camden Arms" but as yet I do not know when the change took place. It was certainly some time before 1814.

It probably gained its name to compliment the number if bells the Old St. Peter's Church had. The church can be traced back to as early as 1147 but the majority of this was built in 1337, and to the bells the church had. I am just awaiting confirmation regarding the number of bells the church has, if any.

In 1702 Charles Amherst in his will left all his property, including the ‘The Five Bells’ on Pembury Green ….. Between 1805 – 1811 the name was changed to the "Camden Arms."

Currently (2024) the church just has 4 bells, and the Upper Church was only built in 1847.

In 1792 George Feldwick took over lease of Five Bells & Chalket from Samuel Springate (Thos Streatfeild owner) and in 1813 he leased Camden Arms & Chalket for 10 years from 1811. Lord Camden bought the Bayham estate which included the coaching inn in 1799, hence the change of name circa 1805. This is the proof of continuity.

Even English Heritage say the building is 18th century, but Kathy Wallcock says she can remember, before the latest modernisation, a very old back-to-back fireplace in the middle of the property. Given its location on the main road London to Rye there has probably been an inn there since medieval times. There was an inn known as the sign of ‘The Cock’ in the area in 1595 and think that could be the same place.

Kathy's reserach goes on to say:- The Court Barons on 13 June 1803 states that the court was held at "Bayhall House & thence by [?] at the House of George Feldwick known by the name or sign of the Five Bells on Pembury Green", while that on 8 April 1823 (almost 20 years later) was held at "Bayhall House and thence By immediate adjournment at the House of Benjamin Pawley known by the name or Sign of the "Camden Arms" on Pembury Green".



SMITHER Mary 1637+

AMHORST Charles (owner to 1702 dec'd

TURNER William 1702+

BROWNE Elizabeth (owner) to 1789 dec'd

STREATFEILD Thomas (owner) to 1792

SPRINGATE Samuel to 1792

FELDWICK George 1792-1803+


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-