Sort file:- Canterbury, May, 2022.

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Earliest 1834-

Globe Tavern

Latest 1847+

(Name to)

4 St George's Street


Globe TokenGlobe Token

Will Terrey At The Globe Canterbvrye W.E.T. it has a globe in the centre of the front face. Kindly sent by Mark Reed.


I also have reference to a "Globe" in Castle Street which doesn't appear as early as this one.

I believe this has also been known as the "Victoria and Globe." I do have reference to a "Victoria" addressed the same as this and expect is it indeed the same, although I have also seen a "Victoria" addressed as St. Paul's and have put the two as being the same.


From the Canterbury Magazine, July-December 1834.

We were within an ace of being upset by one of the Dover coaches, which came rattling along just in the narrow pass, opposite the "Globe Tavern." It's a shame the corporation do not buy that house of Mr. Beer, and the two adjoining ones, and widen the entrance there into the city.


From the Kentish Gazette, 20 September 1836.

Licensing of Public Houses.

The Magistrates of this city appear determined to put a stop to all monopoly in the sale of spirits. On Thursday last, the day for granting licenses, sixteen applications were made, which, with one exception, were granted. The excepted house stands at the Burgate end of the Butchers’ Market. The license of the "Globe Tavern," in St. George’s, was suspended, upon the ground, we hear, that the part which projects into the street had not been removed, to widen the carriage road, as stipulated. Whether the cause ascribed is the right one or not we cannot pretend to say, nor shall we enter into the matter, as we understand the decision of the Magistrates will be appealed against at the sessions.


From the Kentish Gazette, 27 September 1836.

We are authorised to state with respect to the proposed removal of the "Globe Tavern," in St. George's Street, that Mr. W. Beer, the proprietor, made an agreement with the late Corporation, to clear away the projection on being guaranteed the payment of £50 from the Corporation purse. Mr. Beer is willing to abide by the contract; and he has made a statement to that effect to the Mayor, if they will ensure him the £50 and promote a public subscription on the terms before stipulated. It is we hear owing to the bad faith of the "Liberal Corporation" that the improvement has not long ago been effected.


From the Kentish Gazette, 20 June, 1837.


June 16, Mr. George Richardson, aged 25, landlord of the "Globe Tavern," St. George's Street, Canterbury.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 20 June, 1837.


June 16, universally respected, Mr. George Richardson, of the "Globe Tavern," St George's Street, Canterbury, in his 25th year of his age.


From the Kentish Gazette, 6 November 1838.


THE BREWERY PLANT, known as the "GLOBE BREWERY" situate in North-Lane, CANTERBURY. The Materials are nearly new, and very convenient, the Copper holding four barrels. There is a small but very respectable business attached to it. Ill health is the only reason of the present Proprietor wishing to part with it.

For further particulars, inquire of Mr. F. Saunders, on the Premises; if by letter, post paid.


From the Kentish Gazette, 15 January 1839.


On Wednesday a Court was holden at the Guildhall, the Mayor in the chair.

The Chairman, in reply to an inquiry by Mr. Ridout, said the £50 granted to Mr. Small was paid out of the St. Dunstan fund.

Mr. Smithson said, in reference to the notice he had given at the previous meeting, that he had had an interview with Mr. Beer, the owner of the "Globe Tavern," in St. Georges-street, on the subject of the removal bank of that house. From the length of time the late corporation had kept Mr. Beer in suspense with a project to purchase the frontage, he now expressed his determination not to take any portion of the house down, but to offer the entire property for sale at £950. He (Mr. Smithson) had consulted several of the Commissioners on this proposition, and they were of opinion the demand was too great. He had to acknowledge the readiness with which Alderman Musters had offered his aid in furthering the object, and believing that only one opinion could exist in that court as to the step the Commissioners must take, he should decline to trouble them by making any proposition on the subject.

[We are happy to add to this, that there are still hopes of an arrangement, satisfactory to both parties, being effected between the Commissioners and Mr. Beer.]


From the Kentish Gazette, 26 March 1839.


At a meeting of the Commissioners of Pavement on Wednesday, the 13th instant, at the Guildhall. the important and long-required alteration in the houses adjoining St. George's Church was unanimously determined upon. About forty commissioners were present, the Mayor in the chair.

The report of the Repair Committee was read, approving of the proposed removal back of the "Globe Tavern," and recommending the purchase of the frontage at the terms of Mr. Beer, the owner, and approving of the price (£370) at which the ground had been offered. The committee further recommended that the adjoining houses should also be set back, and that the value of being the value at which they had been put by Mr. Hezekiah Marshall, the surveyor, should be offered for them.

Mr. W. M. Smthson then rose, and said that if, in place of the motion of which he had at the last meeting given notice, he proposed that the part of the committee's report relating to the "Globe Tavern" be adopted, the object he had in view would be gained. Having made the proposition, which was seconded by Alderman Masters, several of the court expressed their satisfaction at the issue of the undertaking, and the motion was carried unanimously.


From the Kentish Gazette, 16 April 1839.


On Wednesday the Commissioners met in the upper chamber of the "Guildhall." The Mayor in the Chair.

The Mayor inquired what progress had been made in the treaty with Mr. Beer for the pulling down the "Globe Tavern," in St. George's street.

Mr. Smithson said he wished some definite arrangement was made by the Court. He had understood that the Repair Committee was to conduct all future business with Mr. Beer, and he heard from Mr. Beer himself, that no communication had been made to him in an official form that his offer had been accepted. The work might have been commenced a week ago.

Mr. Maynard also wished to know upon whom the duty of expediting the business devolved.

It was determined that the Repair Committee do immediately have an interview with Mr. Beer, in order to the carrying into effect the resolution of the Court.

Alderman Masters then proposed, agreeably to notice, that a sum of £650 be offered to Mr. Hardeman for the frontage of his house in a line with the projected alteration of the "Globe Eavern," in St. George's-street.

Seconded by Mr. J. S. Browne, and carried unanimously.

Mr. Maynard, the Chairman of the Repair Committee, inquired where the money was to come from? The collector had not for some time past paid the Treasurer any moneys, and now on the eve of a new rate, scarcely two-thirds of the old one had been received. The collector was ill, but he thought the business of the Court ought not to be delayed through the indisposition of its officers.

A long discussion ensued, some were for dismissing the collector forthwith, others for granting him permission to appoint a deputy during illness, subject to the approval of the Repair Committee; and it was finally ordered that he should be informed that it was necessary that no further delay should take place in the fulfilment of his duties, or he would be superseded in the office.

The Clerk (Mr. H. Kingsford) next called the attention of the Court to a case which he had prepared for the opinion of Counsel upon the subject of lowering the amount of Rate annually collected of one shilling and sixpence in the pound upon the house assessments. According to the new rating by which every house has been valued up to the rack rent, the amount from which the calculations were formerly made have been considerably increased; in many instances doubled or trebled. As a proof of this increase, the amount of money formerly raised for the relief of the poor, by a two shilling rate is nearly equalled by an eight-penny one. The difference such an enormous rise effects in the Paving Rate is consequently treble the amount of former periods. The rate-payers with good cause have felt themselves greatly annoyed by this increased demand, and a disposition to resist the payment has been in many instances manifested. To direct the Court how to act under the circumstances, this case was prepared and counsel's opinion obtained. Without going into the whole particulars of the powers given to the Court by Act of Parliament to raise money, and the peculiar mode under which it has been raised by tolls and so forth, we shall state that the opinion of Mr. Channell, the counsel consulted, is that the amount of the collection cannot be reduced until a certain portion of the principal borrowed is paid off! Another point upon which an opinion was given, related to the rating of cottage property. In order to save trouble and risk in collecting the rates of this description of property, the Court of Guardians of the poor, by virtue of a clause in their set, compound with the landlords for the rates, and on their paying for the whole, whether occupied or empty, they allow a deduction of one-third upon the gross amount. The point to be informed upon was, whether the cottage property was not liable to the paving rates clear of the deductions granted under the local act in the case of landlords? The opinion was in the affirmative.

It was then ordered that the Court of Guardians he requested to so prepare their rates as to enable this Court to levy the paving rate legally upon all descriptions of rateable property.

After an animated discussion it was ordered on the motion of Mr. Wille, seconded by Mr. Bowman, that a pump be erected at the water lock in the Friars, for the supply of water to the neighbourhood.

Mr. Browne proposed and Mr. Christian, jun. seconded, that the carriage-road of St. Peter’s-street be Macadamised, so as to form a continuous line through the city to Westgate.

Mr. Ridout sen. proposed and Sir. Bird seconded an amendment for the street being laid down with new stone paving.

The original motion was carried unanimously.

The year's accounts were laid before the Court, and having been examined were signed by nine of the body. The expenditure of the last year was £2,920 9s. 11d., and the receipts £2,677 3s. 1d., being a deficit against the Court of £243 6s. 10d.


Kentish Gazette, 14 May, 1839.

The Improvements in St. George’s-street:— The removal of the projection at the "Globe Tavern" is in progress. We are sorry to learn that at a meeting of the Paving Commissioners on Wednesday, the Chairman of the Repair Committee reported that the negotiation for the removal back of the adjoining houses had terminated unsuccessfully.


From the Kentish Gazette, 10 September 1839.

License Day.

On Thursday the city magistrates had nine applications for public house licenses, one only, the "Globe Tavern," St. George's Street, was successful in the application.


From the Kentish Gazette, 24 September 1839.



THIS eligibly situated and commodious HOUSE, a considerable portion of which has been recently re-built, and the whole put into thorough repair. The situation is undeniable, being in the principal thoroughfare, on the high road to Dover, and contiguous to the Cattle and Fat Stock Markets.

Apply to Mr. W. Beer, St. Augustine's Brewery, or 65, Burgate-street, Canterbury.


Kentish Gazette, 29 October 1839.


To Capitalists, Brewers, Maltsters, &c, Valuable Freehold Estates.

To be sold by auction, by Mr. William Sharp, on Tuesday the 12th day of November, 1839, at the "Globe Tavern," St George's Street, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, subject to such conditions as will be there produced, in four lots.

Lot 1. All that valuable freehold Messuage or Tenament, with the Outbuildings and Appurtenances, known by the name of the "Globe Tavern," situate and being in the Parish of St. George the Martyr, in the City of Canterbury, and now the occupation of Mr. John Maud Smith.

The above property has lately undergone very considerable alterations and improvements, the greater part having been rebuilt. Its situation is excellent, being contiguous to the Cattle Market, and in the principal thoroughfare between London and Dover.


From the Kentish Gazette, 18 February 1840.


(The following was in response to Queen Victoria's recent marriage to Prince Albert on 10 February 1840. Paul Skelton.)

In our last week’s Gazette we detailed all the observances up to Monday night, as they had occurred in Canterbury. Of the festivities in the city we have very little to add. The only illuminations were a splendid display of gas at the "Royal Fountain Hotel," a transparency of a crown at Mr. Ward’s in Mercery-lane, and a full-length figure of the the Queen at Mr. Gutsole’s in St. George's street, and the globe in variegated lamps at the "Globe Tavern," also in St. George’s-street. About half a dozen houses were lighted with candles; and this was the extent of the illumination. The police were actively engaged in putting down the fire works; but notwithstanding their utmost vigilance, a flaming squib or cracker darted at intervals into the groups which occupied the streets, to the apparently high amusement of the bystanders.


From the Kentish Gazette, 5 May 1840.


A Dinner will take place on WEDNESDAY, the 13thh of May instant, at the "Globe Tavern" St. Georges Street, in celebration of the extensive improvements effected in the principle thoroughfare of Canterbury, by the removal of the houses and widening the pavement and carriage way at the upper end of St. George's Street, J Partridge, Esq., Chairman.

Dinner on Table at Four o'clock. Tickets 3s 6d. each, including Dessert and Waiters, to be had at the bar, on or before Monday the 11th.


From the Kentish Gazette, 18 February 1840.


In our last week’s Gazette we detailed all the observances up to Monday night, as they had occurred in Canterbury. Of the festivities in the city we have very little to add. The only illuminations were a splendid display of gas at the "Royal Fountain Hotel," a transparency of a crown at Mr. Ward’s in Mercery-lane, and a full-length figure of the the Queen at Mr. Gutsole’s in St. George's street, and the globe in variegated lamps at the "Globe Tavern," also in St. George’s-street. About half a dozen houses were lighted with candles; and this was the extent of the illumination. The police were actively engaged in putting down the fire works; but notwithstanding their utmost vigilance, a flaming squib or cracker darted at intervals into the groups which occupied the streets, to the apparently high amusement of the bystanders.

(All reference above to Queen Victoria's marriage on 10th February 1840. Paul Skelton.)


From the Kentish Gazette, 1 February 1842.



On Tuesday evening, a numerous and highly respectable meeting of the members of the Municipal Club, assembled at the "Globe Tavern," to do honour to the christening of the Prince of Wales, the Heir Apparent to the British crown. The President of the club took the chair, and a series of loyal and general toasts and sentiments and some excellent songs, enlivened the evening. A subscription was raised for the relief of the Poor at this inclement season, and a large sum being raised in the room, it was determined to invite the aid of the public, and make a general distribution of bread among the suffering and distressing poor. Bread to a considerable amount has been distributed by the club, and as several wealthy citizens have yet to add their subscriptions, it is expected that all the distressed will enjoy a supply of bread from the fund.


From the Kentish Gazette, 28 February 1843.

The ceremony of laying the first stone of the spacious room now in course of erection at the "Globe Tavern" in St. George’s-street, in this city, took place on Tuesday last by Messrs. Smith and Goodwin, the proprietors of the premises, in the presence of a number of their friends, who greeted them with their cheers and good wishes. The stone, about 18 inches square, is inserted in the outer wall at the southern corner of the building, surrounded with brickwork, and containing a tin box in which are placed pieces of coin of the present reign, together with parchment records of the dats of erection, the proprietors’ names, and other particulars. After the ceremony was concluded, the workmen were regaled, and a party of citizens dined together at the "Globe Tavern," in commemoration of the event. The chair was filled by Mr. W. M. Smithson, and the vice-chair by Mr. C. Goodwin. The company did not separate till a late hour.


From the Kentish Gazette, 20 June 1843.

The New Room at the "Globe Tavern."

This splendid undertaking is rapidly advancing towards completion, and will, we believe, be opened by a public dinner in the course of the ensuing month. In the absence of professional aid, the builders have displayed considerable taste in the erection.

The whole room is decorated with pilasters and richly cast capitols, bearing entablatures of the composite order, relieved with ornaments peculiar to that style. The room has the advantage of a ladies gallery extending across the whole width of it, which will contain sittings for nearly one hundred. This gallery is approached by an easy staircase, unconnected with the principal entrance.

The gas fittings and chimney pieces, with other appointments, will be elegantly and tastefully arranged. The ceiling is light, being divided into three compartments chastely enriched, each compartment having an ornamental centre to receive the chandeliers.

The length of the room is eighty felt, its breadth thirty, and height twenty feet. The whole building reflects the highest credit upon the spirited proprietor and builders.


From the Kentish Gazette, 27 June 1843.


Yesterday these Sessions were holden at the Guildhall, before W. F. Boteler, Esq. (Q.C.), Recorder, Alderman E. Plummer; W. Mount, J. Brent, E. Wootton, R. J. Sprakeling, J. Chenoweth, and T. Dorman, Esqrs., magistrates.

The following were the Grand Jury:— Henry Woollright, foreman; Thos. Collard, Thos. W. Collard, Thos. Homewood, George Gambier, David Hunter, Thomas Harris, Charles Fea, W. M. Baskerville, Alfred Neame, William Sharp, James White, James Hollands, Thomas Tempest, John Gibbons, Geo. Hurst, Samuel Prentice, Thos. Flint.

There were no appeals.

Applications were made by Mr. Baker for a license for performances at the Theatre; and by Mr. Bennett, for a license for the same at the "Globe Tavern." The Recorder, after hearing council for the applications, deferred further proceedings to the October Sessions.


From the Kentish Gazette, 11 July 1843.


THE Public are respectfully informed, that the DINNER in celebration of the OPENING of this Spacious Building, will take place on FRIDAY, the 21st of July instant.

Gentlemen intending to dine upon the occasion, are requested to give immediate notice to Mr. Bennett, on the Premises, as owing to the already numerous applications for tickets, none will be issued after Tuesday next, the 18th instant. Tickets, including Dessert and Waiters, 4s., to be had at the Bar of the "Globe Tavern."


From Ward’s Canterbury Guide 1843.

St. Margaret’s Street, before mentioned, is on the south side of the High Street; at the corner of which are the Public Assembly Rooms, and for the accommodation of the public another elegant Assembly Room has recently been built, attached to the "Globe Tavern," further on another of the principal inns, (the "Fountain"), and thence straight forward, Castle Street’.


Kentish Gazette, 20 February 1844.


THIS very eligible TAVERN and WINE and SPIRIT VAULTS to be LET, with immediate possession, the Proprietor going into a different line of business.

For particulars, inquire of Mr. Pout, auctioneer and appraiser, High-street, Canterbury.


Kentish Gazette, 20 August 1844.


Forty dozen prime Port and Sherry Wines, four dozen Champagne (in pints), seven dozen Patent Brandy, three hogsheads of Bass's Pale India Ale, twenty dozen ditto in bottles, five barrels of Waste Ale and Beer; a very superior nine-motion Spirit Fountain, with Casks, Pipes, &c., complete; a capital six-motion Beer Engine (nearly new), with Pipes, &c. &c.

TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. POUT, ON MONDAY and TUESDAY, the 26th and 27th AUGUST, 1844, on the Premises St. George's Street, CANTERBURY, all the STOCK IN TRADE, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Fixtures, &c., of the "GLOBE Tavern," St. George’s Street, Canterbury, (the proprietor, Mr. Edward Bennett, leaving the Premises).

The STOCK consists of 40 dozen Port and Sherry Wines, four dozen Champagne (in pints), seven dozen Patent Brandy, a small quantity Bucellas, Milk Punch, Brandy Cherries, &c. &c.; three hogsheads of Bass’s Pale India Ale, 20 dozen in bottles, five barrels Waste Ale and Beer, 20 gallons best Vinegar, &e. &c. Seven dozen cut rummers and tumblers, 20 dozen cut wines, five dozen Champagnes, 40 quart and pint decanters. 100 salt, pepper, vinegar and mustard cruets, 100 blue printed dishes, 20 dozen of plates, 20 dozen knives and forks, six pair carvers, three dozen pewter tankards, two dozen quart ditto, two dozen pewter quart and pint pots, two sets spirit measures, copper measures, show bottles, three dozen quart and pint mugs, 150 stone spirit bottles in sizes, bottle racks and baskets, spirit casks, twelve pails, keelers, &c. &c.

The HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE comprises half-tester, tent, and four-post bedsteads and furniture's; bordered goose-feather beds, bolsters, and pillows; blankets, counterpanes, Japanned wash tables, chamber suites, chairs, Kidderminster and Venetian carpets, rugs, mahogany chest of drawers, dressing tables, mahogany sets of nail-over chairs, mahogany coffee-room, dining, loo, and Pembroke tables, fenders, fire irons, prints and paintings; the usual kitchen requisites and culinary ware.

The FIXTURES include a very superior nine-motion Spirit Fountain, with pipes, casks, &c., complete; a most excellent six-motion Beer Engine, with pipes, &c., nearly new; counters, register and other stoves, shelves, zinc blinds, roller sun blinds, gas fittings and fixings, meat safes, &c. &c.

Catalogues to be had at the Offices of the Auctioneer, High-street, Canterbury, on Saturday previous to the Sale, which will commence each day at Eleven o’clock.

The Stock in Trade will be Sold on the First Day.


Kentish Gazette, 22 October 1844.

At the sitting of the city magistrates on Monday, authority was granted to Miss Duncan to open the "Victoria and Globe Tavern," in St. George's, until next transfer day.


From the Kentish Gazette, 9 September 1845.


At the annual licensing on Thursday, the city magistrates renewed one hundred and nineteen licences. The applicants for five others neglected to attend, and another, Miss Duncan, applied to change the name of her house from the "Globe" to the "Victoria" — which was postponed to the 18th inst.


Kentish Gazette, 4 June 1850.


The magistrates were specially summoned on Thursday, to consider an application from Mr. Chas. Goodwin, of the "Globe Tavern," for theatrical performances to be allowed in his Assembly Room. There were present the Mayor, Alderman Neame and Masters, and Messrs. Dorman, Wilkinson, Sprakeling, and Wootton.

The applicant stated that he was prevented letting his large room for various exhibitions, by the fear of their coming under the denomination of theatricals, and thereby cause him to run a risk in allowing them to take place without the usual license. He stated the room to be a separate building from the Tavern, having an exclusive entrance. Mr. Holmes, the manager of the theatre, came forward, to oppose, on behalf of Miss Baker, the real proprietor, the granting of any such license, stating that he believed it had been found, for a long time past, that one theatre was amply sufficient for the city, and that even that had not been made remunerative. The building was heavily rated, and stood at a great expense; and, moreover, it was altogether contrary to all precedent to grant a theatrical license to any house having a spirit license, in support of which he mentioned the saloons in London.

After some conversation, their worships consulted privately, after which they announced that they could not grant the license.

A person giving the name of Charles Sinclair, a professional stranger in the town, then came forward to prefer an information against Mr. Holmes, for performing at the Theatre without himself being licensed. The licence, it appeared, was held by another.

Mr. Holmes said he was perfectly ready to meet any information of the kind.

The Clerk read the clause in the Act, by which it appeared that it is not lawful for any person to keep any house or place of resort, for the performance of stage plays, without he is authorized by her Majesty, or without a license from the Lord Chamberlain, or from the justices of peace as provided; and that every person who shall offend in this respect, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding £20, for every day the house or place shall have been kept open by him without such legal authority.

Mr. Holmes said Miss Baker paid all the taxes, and he merely hired the Theatre by the week. If the information was of force in the present instance, it would be equally so in the case of the amateur performances during the cricket week.

Mr. Alderman Masters said, had Miss Baker’s name appeared in the bill instead of defendant's, then he would not be liable to such an information.

Mr. Holmes adduced an instance of the lessee of another theatre in a similar position.

After the bench had remained some time in private consultation, the public were readmitted, when Sinclair was asked if he intended to persist in his information; to which he replied in the affirmative, unless, as he said, Mr. Holmes was inclined to settle it.

At this Mr. Holmes expressed himself somewhat indignantly.

Some conversation resulted about immediately taking the information, when Mr. Holmes said at all events he should require a few days’ interval, that he might consult the lessee, Mr. Dowton, and obtain the aid of a legal adviser.

The bench decided upon taking the information that day week, on the defendant engaging to come prepared to meet it.

The performances at the theatre continues as usual.



TERREY Will ?????

BEER W Mr 1834-36+

RICHARDSON George to 16/June/1837 dec'd

KIRBY Jane Mrs 1838+ Stapletons Guide

SMITH John Maud 1839+

DUNCAN Miss Oct/1844-45+

LILLY George 1847-51+ (age 45 in 1851Census) Bagshaw's Directory 1847


Stapletons GuideStapleton's Guide 1838

Bagshaw's Directory 1847From Bagshaw Directory 1847



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
