Page Updated:- Wednesday, 15 March, 2023.


Earliest 1790-

Queen's Head

Latest 1951



Queen's Head 1936

Above postcard, circa 1936, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Queen's Head

Above postcard, date unknown, kindly sent by Peter Checksfield.

Queen's Head

Above postcard, date unknown, kindly sent by Debi Birkin.

Former Queen's Head 2011

Above Google image, May 2011. At present the house on the left says "The Old Queen." Local knowledge needed as whether the house to the right was also part of the pub.

Queen's Head quart pewter jug 1790

Above pewter quart measuring jug, circa 1790. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.


I believe the pub finally closed in 1951.


From the Kentish Express, 13 June 1952.

Harry Addy 1952

A TOAST for Harry, who holds his pewter pot. Next to him is his son, Mr. Charles Addy.

57 Years Behind Bar 13th HAS BEEN LUCKY.

SUPERSTITION will not be allowed to spoil the birthday today (Friday, the 13th) of Mr. Harry Addy, of the "Queen’s Head," Wittersham.

He has had so many happy returns of June 13—and his luck stays in.

At 83, Harry has held, the licence of the "Queen’s Head" continuously for 57 years and believes this to be a record for Kent—possibly for the whole country.

To a man like him, who can remember when he had to be open from six in the morning until ten at night, the present licensing hours are easy.

But he sighs for the days when a quart of beer cost fourpence, and nobody ordered less than a pint at a time.

Nothing in the world will induce Harry to dress up. He is invariably found behind the bar in a very ancient frock coat with a muffler round his neck.


When he completed 50 years at the "Queen's Head," the brewers gave him a silver salver. He has been a keen sportsman and in years past supported football and cricket clubs. Until quite recently he was umpiring.

Surrounded for so many years with a plentiful supply of liquid refreshment, he tells you seriously that his own requirements have always been "strictly moderate."

When customers at the "Queen’s Head" decide to "Play Old Harry" it causes no disturbance. It means a quiet game of dominoes with their host.



ASHBEE Richard 1858+

FORSTER Frederick 1871-82+ Census

ADDY Henry William 1895-52+ (age 42 in 1911Census) (father of William Addy)



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
