Page Updated:- Monday, 29 July, 2024.

PUB LIST PUBLIC HOUSES Paul Skelton & Rory Kehoe

Earliest 1768

Coach and Horses

Latest 1864

Church Hill


Coach and Horses 2018

Former "Coach and Horses" 2018, kindly taken and sent by Rory Kehoe. Now known as the Grange.


The licensee list I have so far acquired identifies the pub trading in 1768.

According to Historic Harbledown, the "Coach and Horses" was originally on the other side of the road, a bit further up Church Hill, opposite St. Michael's Church than the "Old Coach and Horses". So, there have been two of them over time with the same name. I am hoping the licensee lists are correct for their respective buildings.

This property is now called The Grange.

Exactly when the "Coach and Horses" ceased trading and crossed over the road isn't currently known. However, it is known that what had been the original pub was purchased in 1864 by George Neame Esq and the deeds state that "All that messuage and tenement then lately used as a public house and called or known by the sign of the "Coach and Horses." So the original "Coach and Horses" had certainly closed by 1864.

In 1838 the St. Dunstan's Brewery of Flint & Kingsford's leased the "Coach and Horses" from the Lord of the Manor of Hall Court and it seems likely that they were responsible for the closure of the original pub (probably sometime in the 1840s/50s) and the transfer of the name/licence to a new building on the site of what had been the "Earl Grey." Whether James Shaxby (baker/shopkeeper/beer retailer) of the "Earl Grey" stayed on in the early years of the newly-located "Old Coach and Horses" isn't yet known.


Kentish Gazette 9 October 1787.


On Saturday afternoon about five o'clock, as Mr. Curling, master of the "Three Horse Shoes," public-house, at Hernehill, was returning home in his cart from this city, just beyond the milestone on the Harbledown road, the horse took fright and ran away, and he endeavouring to catch hold of the reins, fell from the cart, and the wheel went over his body, by which he was so much bruised that he was carried to the "Coach and Horses" at Harbledown, where, in less than two hours, he expired in great agonies.


From the Kentish Gazette or Canterbury Chronicle, Wednesday, 16 October, to Saturday, 22 October, 1768. Price 2d.

To be sold to the highest Bidder, on Saturday the Fifth of November next, at Mr. Gibbons's the “Coach and Horses” at Harbledown near Canterbury, beginning at two o'Clock in the Afternoon.

A strong Timber'd Smock Windmill, built with Oak, fit for the Flour Trade, with two pairs of Stones, and a Boiling-Mill; or it may be turned to Seed Work, or any Thing of that Kind.

For further Particulars enquire at the Place where it now stands, or of Mr. Richard Goodchild, at Harbledown near Canterbury.


Kentish Gazette 8 May 1801.

Wednesday last died Mr. John Page, landlord of the "Coach and Horses" public house, Harbledown.


From the Kentish Gazette, 8 June 1810.


June 6, at Harbledown, 66, Mrs. Lydia Page, landlady of the "Coach and Horses" public-house, for 30 years.


From the Kentish Gazette, 8 June 1810.


June 5, Mrs. Lydia Page, one of the sisters of St. John's Hospital, Harbledown, and formerly landlady of the "Coach and Horses" public house, at that place.


From the Kentish Gazette, 25 June 1839.


A Handsome Bright Bay Pony, Six Years old, stands 13 hands high, warranted sound, and quiet to ride or drive.

Apply to Mr. T. Pilcher, "Coach and Horses Inn," Harbledown.


From the Kentish Gazette, 28 April 1846.


On Tuesday evening last, an inquest was held before T. T. Delasaux, Esq. at the "Coach and Horses," Harbledown, on view of the body of Mrs. Taylor, wife of Mr. T. Taylor, late of St. Dunstan’s Street, Canterbury.

By the evidence before the jury, it appeared that deceased was taken suddenly ill on Sunday morning, April 5th, and complained of severe pain in the head, and fell down while proceeding to her bed room, by which she received a blow on her temple, but not of such consequence as to cause serious apprehensions as to the result; since which time she had been much indisposed, and for two days previous to her death which took place on Sunday evening, she was confined to her bed.

By the evidence adduced, no doubt could exist but the cause of death was apoplexy, and a verdict of "Natural Death" was returned.


Kentish Gazette, 14 September 1847.

Harbledown Trap Club.

On Tuesday last this society, which numbers about 40 citizens, closed a prosperous season by a dinner, which was set out in a neat tent in the picturesque ground of the "Coach and Horses Inn." The day was delightful, and so was the cheer provided by the experience of mine host Pilcher, the members mustered strongly, and having done ample justice to the truly English fare, commenced play, and continued till night "closed around the conquerors' way," when an adjournment to the fireside was carried, and the song and toast concluded the pleasures of the day. So gratified were the members, that they unanimously entered for next year’s season.


From the Kentish Gazette, 1 August 1848.


July 27, at Harbledown, Mrs. Pilcher, wife of Mr. Pilcher, of the "Coach and Horses."


Kentish Gazette, 14 May 1850.

Harbledown Trap Club.

This club held its first meeting for the present season, on Tuesday evening last, at the "Coach and Horses Inn," and, notwithstanding the unfavourable state of the weather, was numerously attended. The worthy host (Mr. Pilcher) has left nothing undone for the comfort and convenience of the members.


Kentish Gazette, 13 May 1851.

The celebrated trap club at the "Coach and Horses Inn," Harbledown, opened the the season on Tuesday last. The number of members is eighty. A goodly party assembler on the green, which has been greatly improved, and from its situation, and the splendid prospect over the fertile valley of the Stour, will be a favourite resort for the citizens during the summer months.


Kentish Gazette, 9 September 1851.

Harbledown. Trap Club.

This society brought their season to a close on Tuesday last, when nearly 80 members and visitors sat down to an excellent dinner, in a spacious booth erected for the purpose, in the garden of the "Coach and Horses Inn," adjoining the trap ground. A silver snuff-box, of excellent design and workmanship, was presented to Mr. F. Duly, as a mark of respect to him as their secretary.


From the Kentish Chronicle, Saturday, 17 September, 1859. Price 1½d.



(Before W. Delmar, Esq. Capt Clarke, H. Kingsford, Esq., and H. Dennie, Esq.)

Three navvies, named Bishop, Holmes, and Smith were summoned to answer a charge of using violent and threatening language. Smith did not appear.

Mr. J. Gambrill:- The defendants Bishop and Holmes, with a men named Smith, came into my house, the “Coach and Horses,” Harbledown on September 3rd. I required Smith to spit in the spittoon instead of all over the room, and then they abused me, using very bad language. They threatened to bury me in the cutting, and empty dung upon me; also to settle my hash.

Mr. Gambrill called a witness, who corroborated his statement.

The Bench bound over the defendants to keep the peace, each in his own recognizance of £5 for three weeks, and to pay the costs.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 10 May, 1862.


These favourite resorts of the Canterbury citizens on summer evening have commenced their meetings. And in each case seem to augur well for successful seasons. The most ancient of them, the “Beverley,” held its first meeting at the “Beverley Arms,” St. Stephen's, on Monday evening, the 28th of April. The St. Thomas Hill Club, held at the “City of Canterbury Tavern,” opened the campaign on May-day. The “Castle Inn” Club commenced its meetings in the beautiful orchard of the “Castle Inn,” on Monday evening last, the 5th inst.; and the next evening (Tuesday) a good muster of the members of the “Harbledown Club” assembled on the tap-green of the “Coach and Horses Inn,” which with the pretty gardens attached, have been got into very nice order by the new landlord, Mr. R. Eldridge.


The 1861 licensee, Joseph Gambrill, had previously lived in Ash-next-Sandwich, where he resided at White Post Cottage and worked as a maltster. In 1855 he was described as a brewer at the White Post Brewery. I don't know when he left the "Coach and Horses" but in 1871 he was living in Strood and was brewer the Frindsbury Brewery.



GIBBONS Mr 1768+ Kentish Gazette

PAGE John 1780-May/1801 dec'd

PAGE Lydia to 6/June/1810 dec'd

PAGE Mary 1832+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34

PILCHER Thomas 1838-55+ (widower age 49 in 1851Census) Stapletons GuidePost Office Directory 1855

GAMBRILL Joseph 1858-61+ (age 34 in 1861Census) Melville's 1858

ELDRIDGE Richard 1862/Nov/63 Post Office Directory 1862Kentish Chronicle

WRIGHT G R Nov/1863+ Kentish Chronicle

To new building called the "Old Coach and Horses."




If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-