Sort file:- Ramsgate, May, 2021.

Page Updated:- Wednesday, 12 May, 2021.


Earliest 1849-

Queen Victoria

Latest 1949+




This was probably just a beer house and to date I have only found the one instance of it. However, I also have reference to a "Victoria" on Victoria Street, but that was much later than this and was probably known as the "Aklowe Inn" if it existed this early.


South Eastern Gazette, Tuesday 1 May 1849.

Petty Sessions, Wednesday.

Before Colonel Dashwood, H. Benson, Esq., and Dr. Canham).

George Hodgman and Edward Legge were charged with stealing 9lb of ham, 19lb of cheese, and and 5lb of tea, together the value of £1 6d. the property of Benjamin Legge, at Ramsgate, on the 24th instant.

Ann Legge, wife of prosecutor deposed:- Hodgman, about 3 weeks ago, came into my house and asked me if I sold beer. I told him I did, as I kept the "Queen Victoria" beer shop. There was another man with him. They both went through the house into the yard, and I heard them ask my servant if young Legge had been there; they went out by the back passage. They did not purchase any beer. I also keep the chandler's shop there, and identify the articles now produced as my husband's property. They were safe in my shop on Monday night. Yesterday morning, at about 7 o'clock, upon going into my shop, I observed my tea canister on the floor, and missed the articles produced.

John Holliday deposed:- About 3 weeks ago I was standing near the "Railway Tavern," with a prisoner Legge. I saw Hodgman and a man named Assalter go into the "Shakespeare Tap," and shortly afterwards came out again when they went down to Mr. Leggs shop. I saw them go into the house. Before they went in I heard them say to one another, "Let's go in and look at the back hatch," or words to that effect. Legge had been in at the "Shakespeare Tap" with them, but came out first. I afterwards informed Mrs. Legge that she had better be on the lookout, as the two men she had had there were bad characters.

James Livick, inspector of police deposed:- From information I received I watched the prisoners, and at about a quarter before 1 o'clock I saw them go up Belle Vue Hill, and go into a house communicating with the yard belonging to the late father of the prisoner Hodgman. They shortly returned from the house, Hodgman carrying part of a French bedstead, and Legge carrying the basket with the property now produce, and which is identified by Mrs. Legge. I took them into custody.

Joseph Hodgman Taylor, police-constable, corroborated the above evidence.

Sarah Malon deposed:- I am a servant, and am at present residing with Mrs. Pitello. Yesterday morning, at about half past 12 o'clock I saw the prisoner Hodgman take the basket now produce from under Mrs. Hodgman counter, and go out into the stable at the back with it, and also a parcel tied up in a blue handkerchief resembling the one produced. I saw him come out of the stable again without the basket.

Mary Pittillo deposed:- On Monday afternoon last I was about moving from Belle Vue Hill, to Belmont Place, and the prisoner came to help me move my furniture. I did not employ the prisoners to carry the basket, and had not seen it until I saw Mrs. Livick take it from Legge.

The prisoner Legge, and defence, said, he took the basket not knowing what was in it, and did not know but that it belonged to Mrs. Pittillo.

Committed for trial.



LEGGE  Benjamin 1849+


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
