Sort file:- Sheerness, August, 2024.

Page Updated:- Saturday, 31 August, 2024.


Earliest 1859-

Army and Navy

Closed 1879-




Nothing known about this at present, not even a location other than Sheerness, but the following mention was made that suggested it had closed by 1879 and had been turned into a coffee tavern.

I also have reference to a "Navy and Army" and are beginning to think they are one and the same.


Sheerness Guardian 24 September 1859.


The following persons applied for spirit licenses at Sittingbourne on Monday last:—

Mr. Huges of the "Good Intent," Eastchurch.

Mr. Sellen of the "Hero of the Crimena," Sheerness,

Mr. Bromley of the "British Queen," Sheerness,

and Mr. Cook of the "Army and Navy," Sheerness.

The Magistrates after listening to the arguments in favour of the applications, and also against, retired for a short time, and on their return announced that they had come to the conclusion not to grant a license to any of the applicants.


Sheerness Guardian, 22 September, 1860.


Monday, before E. Twopenny, (chairman), J. D. Dyke, Sir T. M. Tylden and the Rev. G. B. Moore.

General Licensing Day.

Mr. Wightwick applied on behalf of Mr. Cook of the "Army and Navy Tavern," for a spirit license, and stated that the application had been many times before the bench and that it was scarcely necessary for him to repeat the case. This time however, instead of bringing an imaginary picture, he had brought a photograph of the house and the only objection likely to be raised was with regard to the "Clarence Hotel." He admitted the "Clarence Hotel" was a very important house, but notwithstanding the "Army and Navy" was equally so. It contained every accommodation that was requisite and it was the wish of the inhabitants that it should be licensed.

Mr. Wightwick then proceeded to state, that in addition to the signatures of the inhabitants, the memorial also contained the signatures of fifteen publicans, which was an assurance that even persons of the same trade wished the license to be granted. He had also another memorial to present which was also important, and that was from the dockyard officials. The memorial was signed by almost every official in the dockyard, he begged to impress upon the bench that the memorial had been signed under great difficulty, because the dockyard officials had previously signed the document and their opinion had not been received.

Mr. Hills contended that the opinion of the inhabitants was unfavourable to the license being granted, he also urged that the officers of the dockyard were opposed to the application and stated that he had made every enquiry with a view to ascertain what public opinion was and his conclusion was that the inhabitants of the town were opposed to the license being granted. In addition to that, he had affirmations from Mr. Pennell, Mr. Skinner, and Mr. Gubbins, who had signed Mr. Cook's memorial, that they had signed it, thinking it was a recommendation of the man's character, he also contended that the dockyard officials were opposed to granting the license, and placed before the bench a memorial signed bv Mr. G. Blaxland, Mr. Stevens, Mr. Groves, Mr. Thomas, Mr. Darley, Mr. Edmmeades, solicitor, Mr. R. Harris, Mr. John Oliver, and Ensign Filmer. He also placed before the bench a letter written by Rev. W. M. Wright, Garrisson Chaplin, expressing an opinion that the house was not required.

Application granted.


South Eastern Gazette, 25 September, 1860.

Petty Sessions, Monday (Before E. Twopeny, Esq., in the chair, Sir J. M. Tylden, the Rev. G. B. Moore, and J. Dixon Dyke, Esqrs,)

The following applications were then made.

By Mr. Wightwick, for William Carpenter, beer-shop keeper, near the railway station, Sittingbourne, ("Globe and Engine") opposed by Mr. Hills, for the landlord of the "Fountain;" for J. C. Lombardy, of the "Prince of Wales" beer-shop, Smith's-hill, also opposed by Mr. Hills; and for Daniel Cooks, of the "Army and Navy" beer-shop, Blue Town, Sheerness.

By Mr. Hills for John Wood, Manor-street, Rainham; ("Unknown Name") for John Mills, of the "Good Intent," Mile Town, Sheerness; for John William Attwater, beer seller, of West Minster; and for Joseph Henry Burley, of the "Clarence Hotel," for a new house intended to be built in another part of Sheerness, opposed by Mr. Wightwich.

By Mr. Stephenson, for James Hughes, of Warden, near Eastchurch, opposed by Mr. Wilghtwick; and by Mr. Craven for John Selling, of Marine Town, Sheerness, opposed by Mr. Hills.

The magistrates having retired, on their return into Court announced they had granted licenses to John Wood, and Daniel Cook, of Blue Town, Sheerness; and others refused.


Faversham Times and Mercury and North-East Kent Journal, Saturday 20 September 1879.

Sittingbourne Petty Sessions.

Mr. Charles Johnson Gooding, builder, of Battersea applied, for the sixth consecutive year, for a licence for the "Ranelagh Arms," Broadway, Sheerness (a house on the United Land Company's Estate,) and was again unsuccessful; the Bench stating that the circumstances of the application were precisely the same as in 1878. Mr. Copeland, solicitor, appeared in support of the application; Mr. Douglas Kingsford, barrister (instructed by Mr. Vincent H. Stallon,) opposed, on behalf, it was stated, of the Sheerness Licensed Victuallers' Association, Sheerness. The total abstainers joined the licensed victuallers in the opposition.

Mr. Elliot Breechley, landlord of the "Hearts of Oak," Sheerness, applied to the Bench to transfer the spirit licence of the "Army and Navy Inn" (which has been closed as a public house, and turned into a coffee tavern) to his house.

Mr. Stallon, who was acting for the opposition in the preceding case, supported the application in this; and was opposed by Mr. Douglas Kingswood.

The Bench at once refuse the application.



Daniel Cook may have been a licensee of the "Navy and Army."



COOK Daniel Mr 1860+


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-