Sheerness Guardian 31 December 1859.
On Wednesday morning last, the authorities of the War Department
having drawn off the water in the moat surrounding the
fortifications tor the purpose of draining the marshes, they being
overflowed with water, the body of a labouring man was discovered by
Police-constable Okiell in the moat nearly opposite the Contract
Bakehouse, Broad-street. The unfortunate man was lying on his back,
and a beer can at his side. From the appearance of the body and the
position of the hands it was evident that the deceased had missed
his way, and slipped into the moat. The body was soon identified as
that of a man named Job Mummery, employed as a watchman on the works
of the Sittingbourne and Sheerness Railway station in the Well
Marsh, and residing in the Convict-garden.
On investigating the facts it was found that on the previous
Monday evening the deceased left the "Duke of Sussex" about
half-past six, with a can of beer and it is supposed that he got
over the fence and crossed the marsh towards his residence, but that
he missed his way (it being very dark) and slipped into the moat and
was drowned. Being missed from home and from his work, search and
inquiries were made for him, but without avail, till he was
discovered on Wednesday morning. The body was conveyed to the
"Victory Inn," but it was considered by the Coroner not necessary to
hold an inquest as the facts elicited were sufficiently satisfactory
as to the cause of his death. The unfortunate man has left a wife
and three children, and is 43 years of age.
South Eastern Gazette, 3 January, 1860.
Found Drowned.
A watchman named Job Mummary, employed on the works of the
Sittingbourne and Sheerness Railway, was on Wednesday last found
drowned in the moat round the fortifications. On Monday evening
deceased left the "Duke of Sussex" beer-house with a can of beer,
and in crossing the marsh leading to his home he must have missed
his way and fallen into the moat. Being missed from his home on
Monday, search was instituted, and had it not been for the
authorities of the War Department drawing off the water from the
moat, his absence might hare remained a mystery. The deceased was 41
years of age, and has left a widow and three children.