Sort file:- Sandwich, February, 2025.

Page Updated Sandwich:- Wednesday, 26 February, 2025.


Earliest 1832-

(Name from)

Admiral Owen

Closed Mar 2019

Strand Street/8 High Street (26-28 in 2012)


01304 617771

Admiral Owen 1900

Above photo, circa 1900. Pub shown through arch.

Admiral Owen

Above photo, date unknown.

Admiral Owen

Above photo, date unknown, coloured version.

Admiral Owen

Above photo, date unknown, by kind permission

Admiral Owen

Above photo, date unknown.

Admiral Owen 1930s

Above postcard, 1930s, advertising Russell's Gravesend Ales. Kindly supplied by Rory Kehoe.

Admiral Owen

Above photo, date and event unknown.

Admiral Owen 1940

Above postcard, circa 1940, kindly supplied by Rory Kehoe.

Admiral Owen

Above postcard, date unknown.

Above photo, date unknown, also showing the "Crispin."

Admiral Owen 1951

Above photo, circa 1951, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Admiral Owen

Above photo, date unknown.

Admiral Owen

Above photo, date unknown.

Admiral Owen

Above photo, date unknown.

Admiral Owen

Above photo, date unknown.

Admiral Owen 1991

Above photo, summer 1991, kindly sent by Susan Greenhalgh.

 Admiral Owen 2012

Above photographs taken by Paul Skelton, 14 January 2012.

Admiral Owen 2012

Above photo by Heather Lemoine October 2012.

Admiral Owen 2016

Above photo, 2016. Also showing the "Crispin".

Admiral Owen 2020

Above photo 2020.

Admiral Owen

Above photo, date unknown.

Admiral Owen signAdmiral Owen sign 2012

Above sign left taken by Patricia Streater, 28 April 2010, and new sign by Paul Skelton, 14 January 2012.

Admiral Owen sign 1991Admiral Owen sign 2012

Admiral Owen sign left March 1991. Sign right 2012.

Above with thanks from Brian Curtis


Dates from 1546. Originally known as the "Pelican" and later as the "Three Mariners." Today, it is known as the "Admiral Owen" and can be traced to that name since 1832.


South Eastern Gazette 9 February 1836.


Jan. 28, at Sandwich, Eliza, fourth daughter of Mr. Wood, landlord of the "Admiral Owen," aged 13.


From the Kentish Gazette 13 November 1838.

Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette 17 November 1838.


Nov. 5, at Sandwich, Mr. Snell, of the Coast Guard Service, to Sophia, second daughter of Mr. Wood, landlord of the "Admiral Owen."


Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette, Saturday 18 March 1848.


Mary Sweetlove, 37, was indicted for the wilful murder of her son, Octavius George Sweetlove, in the borough of Sandwich.

William Prescott deposed that he kept the "Admiral Owen" public house in December last, and knew James Sweetlove, who, with a woman and five children, lodged in his house at that period; could not say if the prisoner was the woman. They stayed a fortnight and two days, during which time he saw her only two or three times; the youngest child was a boy; Sweetlove left his house on a Wednesday, and returned on Saturday evening before the 18th December. On May 18th, the woman left about one o'clock with a child in her arms, and came back in half an hour without it.

Cross-examined:- Sweetlove had work during some part of the time; the eldest child was about eleven years, and the youngest five months old; they had been in the Union; did not see the woman for a fortnight; they had one room upstairs; went to the room on the 17th to get the woman to ask for relief for the children, as they were in great distress; he had not had any rent, and he has given the man notice to leave a week before; did not tell the woman that she must leave; she was in bed when he went in, which was 10 o'clock in the morning, the child was not weaned.

Re-examined:- Was in the room quarter of an hour; she talked sensibly, and said she did not know what to do; she said she was going to her father to know what she was to do.

By the judge:- The prisoner was very much like the woman who was lodging with him; he had no doubt of it.

Elizabeth Eastes, who lived on the Old Deal Road, on the 18th December, a short distance from the Mill Wall, saw a woman pass her house a little before 1 o'clock with a child in her arms, going towards the bridge; she had on a blue gown and shawl turned inside out; seeing her person distinctly, she was enabled to say the prisoner was the woman.

Henry Powell was at sandwich on the 18th December, on the Old Deal Road, and left between one and two o'clock; knew the house of last witness; and the bridge was about twenty rods from the cottage; he looked over the bridge and saw a bundle in the dyke; it was called the town dyke; which ran into the river; there was a bank between the dyke and the road; went down to see what the bundle contained, and found a male child about five months old; the water was about a foot in depth and six feet wide; the water was clean at the time; having laid the child on the bank, he left it in the care of his brother, who was with him, while he (witness) went for the Constable, to whom he delivered it; the child foamed out of its nose and mouth, and appeared quite dead; it lay on its side, with its head quite under the water.

John Mannings, town wardsman of Sandwich, was sent for on the 18th December, to see the child, which he found on the bank, about a quarter before two o'clock; the child was warm, and he took it to the cottage of Mrs East's, and with her assistance put it into a warm bath, it opens and shut its eyes twice while in the water; sent for Mr Emmerson, the surgery, immediately, who came in about ten minutes; the surgeon could not perceive any signs of life; on the same day, at three o'clock, witness took the prisoner into custody at the "Admiral Owen" public house, where there were four other children crying around her; prisoner was sitting down, and seems very much depressed in spirits.

Elizabeth Elger, widow, living in Sandwich, had known the prisoner from her infancy; she was the wife of James Sweetlove; in December last they had five children, the youngest of whom was five months old; they lived at the "Admiral Owen" at the time; had often dressed and undressed the youngest child; prisoner was not in her right intellect; there was a dark mark on the body of the child; on the 18th December witness went to the "Admiral Owen" about half-past two, where she saw the prisoner and the other children, except the baby; she asked prisoner if she had been out, and she replied that she had; asked where the baby was, and she replied in the ditch, near the Mill-wall, and she put it there because it cried; the child witness saw at Mrs. Eastes cottage was the youngest of the prisoner; prisoner had never been confined in a mad house; after she came from the Union, she appeared incapable of doing anything; when asked questions, she made no answer; prisoner used to have good spirits, and was a good mother to her children; witness kept the house of prisoners father.

Cross-examined:- Had heard prisoners say that the name of the child was Octavius George.

By the Judge:- Did not say anything about the prisoner having lost her intellect when she (witness) was before the Coroner.

Richard Emerson, surgeon, at Sandwich, deposed that he went to the cottage of Mrs. Eastes between 2 and 3 o'clock on the 18th December, where he saw the child which had been taken out of the water half an hour; he found it cold, pale, and there was no perceptible action of the heart; witness endeavoured to inflate the lungs, and in this, as in most cases when the heart has ceased to act, all means to restore respiration failed; there were no external marks of violence on the child; he had no doubt it's death was caused by drowning.

Cross-examined:- He saw the prisoner at the inquest, when she seemed to be under great excitement; saw her two or three times in gaol before she was removed to Maidstone; he found her labouring under distress of mind, bordering on delirium; he thought that she was not at all times conscious of her own acts, nor at the time she put the child in the water.

Re-examined:- Had not attended the prisoner as a patient for some years, but might have occasionally giving her advice, though not lately; he did not remember noticing any appearance of weakness of mind when he attended her; the circumstance of having put her child in the water might produce distress of mind, and he thought it most likely did; remorse might have produced the appearance he saw.

Mr. Aris, the governor of Sandwich gaol, deposed that he received the prisoner into custody on the 18th December, and on 20th she sent a request with him to take down a statement to be given to the Coroner's jury; he endeavoured for two hours to dissuade her from it, but she persisted in her determination to do so; he then took it down in her own words.

[The statement was produced and read by Mr. Straight, in which she stated that her landlord came to her on the 18th December, and threatened to turn her and her children out of doors if she did not leave in two hours; she then took her child intending to go to Mr. Lewin's, but mistook the road; she could not recollect whether she threw her child over the bridge or put it into the dyke.]

Mr. Aris stated that the prisoner was unable to answer the most simple questions; he had great difficulty in ascertaining the name of her husband and connexions.

Mr. Chambers made a powerful appeal to the jury for the prisoner, in which he did not attempt to deny the facts, but contended that she was at the time in such a state of mind, from her distressed circumstances, as not to be a responsible agent.

His lordship recapitated the whole of the evidence, leaving to the jury the decision of the question whether, at the time she committed the act, she was in such a diseased state of mind as not know what she was doing.

The jury retired at 20 minutes before 3 to consider the verdict, and after an absence of 10 minutes returned a verdict of not guilty, on the grounds that she was not sane when she committed the act.

The Prisoner was ordered to be detained during her Majesty's pleasure.


The pub was listed as a Grade II building on 19th May 1950, and says the following about the building:- A 15th century timber-framed building, re-fronted in the 18th century but preserving the overhang of its 1st floor on bressummer and massive corner post with 3 brackets. (A bressummer, in timber-building, is a beam in the outward part of the building, and the middle floors, (not in the garrets or ground floors) into which the girders are framed.)

The building has 2 storeys, 3 windows facing the High Street, 3 windows facing Strand Street. Stuccoed front. Corner of 1st floor sliced off, with curved brackets supporting the corbelled eaves. Sash windows, most of the glazing bars intact.


From the East Kent Mercury, 22 January, 1987


The "Admiral Owen," in the High Street, has reopened after being closed for a year following a major redevelopment.

This historic 15th Century Truman pub is a grade one listed building and now has one enlarged bar and a separate dining area.

Christian and Iona Baconnet, tenant licensees of the pub, offer full restaurant meals and bar snacks. Christian will add a French flair to the cookery. There is also a good selection of real ales, including Sampson, Best Bitter and Websters Yorkshire Bitter.

Admiral Owen licensees 1987

Pictures at the reopening ceremony are Iona and Christian Baconnet, with Paul Cowling (left) and Andrew Bracken (right) from Truman.


From the East Kent Mercury, 21 March, 2002

Pub landlady Clair's admirable effort

Admiral Owen landlady 2002

LANDLADY Clair Hobson, of "The Admiral Owen" pub, Sandwich, is celebrating becoming a Marketing Pub of the Year finalist at the Greene King Excellence Awards.

Clair, who has been at the pub less than a year, developed an innovative marketing plan to raise the profile of the pub and attract new customers.

Her newly-launched website with online food ordering facility caught the eye of the Judges.

Sales development manager for Greene King Peter Laurence said:-CIair has worked very hard in marketing the pub and attracting customers.

"Her ideas have included music and themed story nights. She deserves this recognition and I wish her lots of luck in the final."

The winner of the award will be announced at a prestigious ceremony held at the De Vere Grand Harbour Hotel, Southampton, on April 9.


Advert from the Dover Mercury, 15 November 2007.

Admiral Owen advert 2007

Below Advert from the Dover Mercury, 19 February 2009.


From the Dover Mercury, 2 April, 2009.

Spring on menu as pub reopens

ONE of the oldest pubs in Sandwich has opened its doors for business again and is celebrating with a new spring menu.

Jason Blown, Admiral Owen, Sandwich 2009

The Admiral Owen is close to the historic Toll Bridge beside the River Stour and its cosy bar area is steeped in history.

But the food now on offer is right up to date. There is plenty of choice, from sandwiches to a more substantial dish, and a special menu for children.

The new spring menu includes a range of salads, two main meals for only £9.95 and a daily specials board. Jacket potatoes and sandwiches cost from £3.45, with a Sunday roast only £7.45.

Children have a chance to try their own menu, at the bargain price of only £3.95 per dish.

On the drinks side, The Admiral Owen is quenching thirsts with a pint of Fosters for only £1.99.

Jason Blown is the new owner of the pub and restaurant in the High Street and has a wealth of knowledge about the trade, as he also runs the "Market Inn," Sandwich.

He said: "The Admiral Owen dates back to the 16th century and has such an impressive history.

"It has a really warm feel about the place with its traditional look, its low beams and fireplaces. The customers tell me they are pleased the pub has reopened and we are looking forward to seeing some new faces."

Apart from the good homecooked food, the Admiral Owen stages weekly quiz nights, open to teams or individuals for just £2 per person, with free buffet.

There is a cash prize for the winner and also a chance to win a raffle prize in a special draw.

For those who prefer a game where numbers come into play rather than questions, the Admiral Owen also has a dart board.



Supplied by Russell's Brewery in Gravesend in 1974. Library archives 1974

Just heard that the pub closed in November 2011 and is currently advertising; Freehold for Sale:- £350,000, with the following information:-

• Approx Ingoings - £25,600

• Agreement type, is tenancy or lease, details available upon application

• Attractive corner property located in the tourist area of Sandwich

• Regulars daily and good tourist trade in the summer

• Huge potential to increase and expand the food service to a high standard

• Private accommodation consists of 2 bedrooms



Regulars daily and good tourist trade in the summer. Currently a limited food offering but has huge potential to increase and expand the food service to a high standard.

A one bar operation with an upstairs trade kitchen. Capable of seating 30 covers in bar area.

The private accommodation consists of 2 bedrooms, lounge, office, bathroom and kitchen.


The pub was most certainly open when I visited in January 2012.


From an email received 27 October, 2012

The Admiral Owen is now under new, and permanent, management. From early July it has been taken over by a local and independent owner committed to providing a tranquil and comfortable environment in which residents can relax and enjoy a drink and perhaps a bite to eat with friends.

No television, no games machines, just a little background music along with a few instruments and board games to play should the mood take you. A place for socializing and good conversation.

We are open early for cafetiere coffee, juices, teas, croissants and Danish pastries to enjoy whilst reading the morning papers or using WiFi. The bar opens at 11am with light lunches being served from 12noon. Now the Autumn is upon us we are serving home made soups and stews as well as a range of ciabattas and sharing platters. We offer a variety of quality lagers and real ale.

We hope to introduce ‘Sundowners' shortly – a range of classic cocktails will be served from 6pm to 8ish – a perfect start to an evening out or a relaxing end to a busy working day. But just ask, our Head Barman will be happy to mix you a cocktail anytime.

In time the Admiral Owen will be introducing a nostalgic and unashamedly old fashioned Sunday high tea, just like granny used to do during the 50's. This will include all those old favourites – crumpets, bread and butter with jams, hams and salads, fish paste and watercress, home made cakes and celery in a jug! Perfect for all the family to get together.

From time to time there will be live music; folk, blues, some fabulous acoustic guitar along with some quirky fun evenings; please check our events page.

Stylistically this ‘new' 15th century pub will be an eclectic mix of ‘shabby chic' and ‘old coaching inn' and will strive to offer serenity, calm and its own kind of fun to a wide variety of discerning customers whatever their age.

Come and enjoy our warm and friendly atmosphere and linger awhile in front of our log fires.

I hope you can add this information to your archive. Thank you for your time.

Kind Regards.

Heather Lemoine (Owner)



Recent information (February 2013) tells me the pub has recently been sold/let.


From the East Kent Mercury, 9 April 2015.

Pub celebrates St George.

The "Admiral Owen" in Sandwich is hostiag a special Shakespearean event to celebrate St George's Day.

It will start at 8pm on Thursday, April 23, with fun Shakespeare, performances from St Margaret's Players' member Jason Clayton.

The pub will be decorated in dragons and flags and anyone is welcome to attend and join in the festivities.

For more information contact the Admiral Owen, High Street, Sandwich, on 01304 617771.


From the East Kent Mercury, 28 May 2015.

Bands play for Nepal.

Heather Lemoine 2015

Heather Lemoine, landlady of the Admiral Owen, Sandwich, has organised a fundraising concert in aid of Nepal

When the owner of a historic pub saw the devastating affects the Nepal earthquake has had, she decided she couldn't stand back.

Sandwich publican and music event promoter Heather Lemoine, who runs the "Admiral Owen," thought the idea of a concert to raise funds for the efforts in the devastated country would be a great idea.

Jam in Sandwich will take place at the St Mary's Art Centre, in the heart of the town, on Saturday, May 30, from 6.30pm.

It will feature popular local artists such as Ben Jakob, from The Remains of Johnny Cash, Simon Dundas, from folk ensemble Celtic Capers, and London jazz guitarist Richard Rozze. There are many more acts on the bill still to be confirmed.

Jam in Sandwich will feature a real ale bar, food and a charity auction with lots including a night at the Salutation.

Tickets cost £10 from the Admiral Owen or call 01304 617771.


From the Dover Mercury, 16 September, 2020.

Auction of old pub.

Sandwich pub the "Admiral Owen" is to go under the auctioneer’s hammer.

The Grade II listed pub in High Street has been known as the "Admiral Owen" since 1832, but the timber framed building dates back to 1546.

Sold freehold and vacant, the pub benefits from a prominent corner position in Sandwich town centre and has the potential for conversion to alternative uses (subject to obtaining all necessary consents).

It has a guide price of £300,000.

It is listed as lot 11 of 63 in Stretton’s September auction which will be live streamed via from noon today.



Unfortunately licensee Heather Lemoine died in March 2019 and the pub closed.

However, the premises was subsequently purchased by Malcolm Waite and at present, September 2021, it is planned to renovate the pub replacing the existing window with external door to first floor to allow access to flat roof, and reopen again.



DEVERSON Elizabeth 1832-36 Pigot's Directory 1832-34Pigot's Directory 1839

WOOD Thomas 1836-41+ (age 53 in 1841Census) Pigot's Directory 1840

MINTER William Seath 1855-74+ (age 63 in 1871Census) Post Office Directory 1855Melville's 1858Kelly's 1862Kelly's 1874Post Office Directory 1874

BUSHELL Benjamin 1878-84+ (age 37 in 1881Census) Post Office Directory 1878Post Office Directory 1882 (See application)

BACK William 1891 (widow age 54 in 1891Census) Post Office Directory 1891

THORNLEY John Stock 1899+ Kelly's 1899

AUDOIRE Owen William 1901+ (age 26 in 1901Census)

AUDOIRE Laura Mrs 1903 Post Office Directory 1903Kelly's 1903

SMITH S E Jun 1913 Kelly's 1913Post Office Directory 1913

TAPSELL Charles H 1918+ Post Office Directory 1918

COCKS Albert Edward 1922+ Post Office Directory 1922

HALL William Henry 1930-34+ Post Office Directory 1930Kelly's 1934

GREY Herbert James 1938-39+ (age 51 in 1939) Post Office Directory 1938

SMITH C C 1952 Black Eagle Journal 1952

STEVENS William G 1961-74+ Library archives 1974 Russells Gravesend Brewery

SLADE Richard 1980-85

Pub closed during 1986

BACONNET Christian & Iona Jan/1987+ Deal Mercury

HOBSON Clair 2001-02+

BLOWN Jason 2009+ (also "Market Inn")

TREVALLIAN Jack & Megan Nov/2011+

LEMOINE Heather 2012-Mar/2019 dec'd


Mrs. Stevens, wife of William the licensee in 1974+, died on June 19th, 1968. (Black Eagle Journal).


Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Pigot's Directory 1839From the Pigot's Directory 1839

Pigot's Directory 1840From the Pigot's Directory 1840

Post Office Directory 1855From the Post Office Directory 1855

Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Kelly's 1862From the Kelly's Directory 1862

Kelly's 1874From the Kelly's Directory 1874

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Post Office Directory 1878From the Post Office Directory 1878

Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Post Office Directory 1891From the Post Office Directory 1891

Kelly's 1899From the Kelly's Directory 1899

Post Office Directory 1903From the Post Office Directory 1903

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Post Office Directory 1913From the Post Office Directory 1913

Kelly's 1913From the Kelly's Directory 1913

Post Office Directory 1918From the Post Office Directory 1918

Post Office Directory 1922From the Post Office Directory 1922

Post Office Directory 1930From the Post Office Directory 1930

Kelly's 1934From the Kelly's Directory 1934

Post Office Directory 1938From the Post Office Directory 1938

Black Eagle Journal 1952Black Eagle Journal 1952

Library archives 1974Library archives 1974

Deal MercuryFrom the Deal Walmer & Sandwich Mercury



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-