Sort file:- Deal, November, 2022.

Page Updated:- Thursday, 17 November, 2022.


Earliest 1734-

Blacksmith's Arms

Latest 1823

(Name to)

Middle Street



Deal Borough Records show the following entry:- MS Council's Opinion 18th November 1776 - by Geo. Rowe, Inner Temple.

In the town and Borough of Deal are 30 Publick Houses including taverns and Inns, 18 whereof have stabling fit for the accommodation of Dragoons and horses and the other 12 have no stabling at all.

These dragoons (12 or 13 in all) were to assist the Officers of the Revenue at Deal.

The  following houses refused to billet the Dragoons for lack of suitable accommodation.

The Blacksmith's Arms was mentioned in this list.


From the Kentish Gazette, Saturday, 9 July to Wednesday, 13 July, 1768. Price 2d


On Thursday the 14th Day of this Instant, at Five of the Clock in the Afternoon, at the House of John Fossey, called, “The Blacksmith's Arms,” in DEAL.

All that Freehold Messusge (now in two Dwellings divided), and the Yard Garden, and Land, there unto belonging, with the Appurtennnees; situate, lying, and being in Deal aforesaid, in the Middle Street; now in the several Tenures or Occupation of Henry Mackeson and the Widow Middleton.

For Particulars enquire of Samuel Roby, Attorney, at Deal.


From the Kentish Gazette or Canterbury Chronicle, Wednesday 24 May to Saturday 27 May, 1769. Price 2½d.


To be sold by Auction, on Tuesday the 30th day of this instant, at six o'clock in the afternoon, at the House of John Fossey, called the “Blacksmith's Arms,” in Deal.

All that Tenement or Dwelling-house, with the Appurtenances; situate in a Lane near the North end of Deal, now in the Occupation of Bennet Brett, Widow.

For Particulars, enquire of Samuel Roby, Attorney, at Deal.


From Kentish Gazette 21 May 1774.


On Saturday, the 28th Day of this present Month of May, at Six of the Clock in the Evening, at the House of John Fossey, known by the Name or Sign of the "Blacksmith's Arms" in Deal.

The said House, called the "Blacksmith's Arms" (being freehold and a good accustomed Public house) with the Shop, Outhouse and Yard thereunto belonging, situate and lying in Deal, aforesaid, and now in the Occupation of the said John Fossey.

Further Particulars may be had of Mr. John Fossey; or of Samuel Roby, Attorney, at Deal.


Kentish Gazette, 25 May, 1774.


The house of John Fosser, known by the name or sign of the "Blacksmiths Arms," in Deal, advertised in our last paper to be sold by auction on Saturday the 28th inst. has been sent private contract.


Kentish Chronicles, 17 November, 1795.

In the late hurricane the chimney of the "Blacksmiths Arms" public house at Deal was blown down, and fell in a small room where four private soldiers, belonging to the West Middlesex Militia, where in bed, who had a providential escape of their lives, the bedsteads being broke, but the men rising on the first alarm, escaped without their clothes, which were buried in the ruins.


From the Kentish Gazette, 21 June 1814.


That John Holness, of the "Blacksmith's Arms," in Middle Street, Deal, Victualler, has assigned over his effects, Peter Steddy, of Dover, Spirit Merchant, and Henry Holness, of Preston near Wingham, Yeoman, in trust for themselves and the rest of the creditors:-

All persons therefore to whom said John Holness stands indebted, are requested to execute the Deed of Assignment, now lying at Noakes's Office, in Sandwich, within the space of one month from the date hereof, otherwise they will be excluded the benefit of the Dividend to arise from the said Estate. And all persons indebted to the said John Holmes, are desired forthwith to pay the amount of the Debtor in this case.

Sandwich 20th June, 1814.


From the Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal 7 September 1819.


Free Public Houses and other estates,

To be Sold By Auction, By Messrs. White, (Without Reserve).

Pursuant to certain orders of the Vice Chancellor of Great Britain, and before the Major part of the Commissioners named and authorised in and by a Commission of bankrupt awarded and issued against Matthew William Sankey, of the City of Canterbury, brewer, dealer and chapman, at the Guildhall, of the said city of Canterbury, on Wednesday next, the 22nd day of September next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, (subject to such conditions of sale as shall be then and there produced.)
The following very Valuable Freehold Estates, in Lots.

Valuable Brewery free public houses and other Estates to be sold by auction by Mrs white without reserve.

Lot 18. A Messuage called the "Blacksmith's Arms," with the yard and appurtenances, situate at Deal aforesaid, and now in the occupation of John Holness.


Deal Borough Records Sessions Book of 16 June 1808 show that Mr. M. Holness of the "Blacksmith Arms," beerhouse was serving short measures of beer from a pint pot.

John Holness was licensee of the "Lord Nelson" (Deal Licensing Register 1828) At present I do not know if they were related.


The pub was renamed the "Hope" in 1823 during the reign of Thomas Buttress.



FOSSEY John 1734-May/74


WATTS Stephen 1804+

HOLNESS John 1805-21

BUTTRESS Thomas 1821-23 Next pub licensee had The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and Rogers


Deal Licensing RegisterDeal Licensing Register

The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and RogersThe Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and Rogers


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
