From the Folkestone Herald Published 16 March 2000
Library plea.
DO YOU remember the Folkestone Herald’s one-time midweek paper Day by Day
or another local paper, Week by Week, incorporating Talk of the Town?
The Folkestone & Hythe Day by Day, began in 1933 and was still being
published in the late 1940s.
Incorporating a small publication called What's On, it was renamed the
Folkestone and Hythe Gazette, in July 1949, and became renowned for its
displays of photographs of local events, the occasional historic story and
photograph, and more light hearted features.
Folkestone Week by Week, a smaller publication was first published in
1939 and, in spite of its title appears to have been a monthly newsletter,
of roughly quarto size.
It appears to have been little more than an advertising paper with a
guide to the coming month’s local events, but, by 1951, had grown to 22
The reason I mention it because Folkestone Public Library is trying to
put a full set together on microfilm for posterity.
And Mrs Janet Adamson, the Heritage Officer at the Library, is appealing
for the help of Memories readers.
She explained that the library had almost a full set and hoped that, by
the loan of other copies from various sources to make it as complete as
possible before getting the whole series filmed by the British Library’s
Newspaper Library, which is at Colindale, London.
Mrs Adamson says she would welcome donations or the loan of copies.
Herald files.
The Library has Day by Day for 1933-39 and 1946, published by P.J.
Parsons Ltd, at the Herald’s former printing works at The Bayle. It has Talk
of the Town, a monthly, 1948-49, and Folkestone Week by Week, published
monthly by Redmans (Kent) Ltd, for 1950-67.
The Herald can help with the loan of copies of Day by Day for 1946 (from
April 10), 1947, 1948 and 1949. It is quite likely that publication was
suspended during the Second World War, due to a serious shortage of
Otto Marx.
Some weeks ago I referred in Memories to the numerous letters and calls I
received in response to the publishing of a large staff picture of workers
employed by former local builder Otto Marx, a naturalised German subject.
Among the interested readers was Mrs A Usherwood, (nee Reed) of Bridge
Street, Folkestone, who produced a photograph of a group of Otto Marx
apprentices around 1935, which has been copied by local historian Alan
Taylor and he has provided the Herald with a copy which appears below.
BUILDER'S apprentices of Otto Marx relaxing on the East Cliff sands
promenade around 1935. The picture shows Jim Reed, third from left and Ernie
Warman, fourth from left.
It was taken on the East Cliff sands promenade and those in the picture,
says Mrs Usherwood, include Jim Reed, third from left and Ernie Warman,
fourth from left.
I also heard this week from Mrs Christine Cook, of Foreland Avenue,
Folkestone, who was very interested in the evacuees picture featuring Dover
Road schoolchildren with teacher Mr C Blunt, in 1940.
Dover Road School pupils with teacher Mr C Blunt in South Wales where
they went for safety in 1940. See note below naming Bill Doyle 3rd from
right in the back row.
She fills in a gap by naming Billy Doyle as one of the lads in the back
row and says he stayed on in Wales and married a local girl. He now lives in
But more of this next time, I have run out of space!
Bob made a note on his inspection copy that says
"Did I ever use any more?"
The picture, above, referred to in From our Files, for 1900 recently,
shows the old steam fire appliance of the UK’s oldest fire brigade - that of
Hythe which that year was only two years short of its centenary!
Sadness as ‘Charlie’ who never forgot is shot.
SANGERS Circus elephant Charlie was shot after he and
another elephant broke out of their quarters at Crystal Palace and
caused considerable damage. Two years before the same elephant had
caused great amusement at Hythe when, supposedly remembering It had been
fed with apples outside a small shop there It broke free from Its chains
at the Circus in the early hours and proceeded to the greengrocers where
it forced the door and proceeded to help Itself to the stock of veg and
fruit! Local war correspondent In South Africa, Mr A.G. Ullyett, a
telegraphist said several Folkestone lads were with General French’s
division near Colesberg. Back at home there were cheers all the way when
more Folkestone: and Dover Buffs' volunteers marched from camp at Hythe
to Shorncliffe Station to board a train on their way to join other
troops fighting in South Africa. It was reported to the Town Council it
would cost from £1,000 to £2,000 to oppose the plans for a coastal
tramway and at the monthly meeting of the full council It was decided,
without any debate^ to oppose the scheme.
Killicks Corner new road to provide work for jobless.
THE UNEMPLOYMENT Grants Committee approved the making of a
75% grant towards the cost of a new road from Killick's Corner to Hill
Road, provided their share did not exceed £3,750 and the job was done by
February 1926. The Town Council’s general purposes committee discussed
the KCC plans to widen the main road (A20) at Capel and on hearing Dover
was not prepared to contribute a share of the cost some members
suggested Folkestone should ask the county to meet the full cost. But
the town clerk pointed out they had already agreed at a conference to
meet part of the bill. A new push was being made to bring Folkestone
Cricket Club back up to pre-war standard and letters were being sent out
to many local people known to be interested in the sport. Local MP Sir
Philip Sassoon, Under Secretary of State for Air gave a long speech in
the House of Commons on the growth and future of commercial aviation and
the growth of flying clubs, prompted by a recent tragedy at Croydon, one
of the first in commercial flying. The East Kent Hunt met on the Leas
outside the Grand where a collection was made for the Royal Agricultural
Benevolent Institution. Folkestone aldermen E Bishop and CE Mumford were
re-elected unopposed to their county council seats.
Midweek Gazette looks back to 1902 Kaiser visit
MISS Joy Best, of New Romney, voted Miss Kent in 1949, was
married at Folkestone Register Office to Norman Stanley Grubb of
Greatstone and a picture was published on the front page of the
Folkestone Herald’s former Wednesday paper, the Folkestone & Hythe
Gazette. The Midweek Gazette looked back to the grand spectacle of 1902
when the Emperor of Germany came to Inspect the 1st Royal Dragoons of
which, at that time, he was Colonel-in-Chief for he was the grandson of
Queen Victoria. He rode the same white charger he had ridden at the
Queen’s funeral a short time before. He had arrived at Shorncliffe
Station by train to be welcomed by Field Marshal Lord Roberts. Then
mounted on horseback they rode together through Cheriton to Shorncliffe
Camp, accompanied by a large company of British and German officers. The
Kaiser, in Cavalry uniform, then inspected the troops while still
astride his horse. Afterwards the Emperor gifted £500 to the Royals'
fund for the welfare of wives and families of NCOs and men. Teacher at
Christ Church Schools, Folkestone for 13 years, Including the wartime
evacuation to Wales, although he later joined the RAF, David Evans was
appointed headmaster of Kington Magna School, near Gillingham, Dorset.
Death revives memories of the ‘Sally Army’ riots.
A COUNTER attack was launched against a double threat
to the future prosperity of Folkestone town centre. The Government
backed Ideas that motorists should be kept out of town centres, while
Folkestone wanted to ring Its pedestrian precinct with multi-storey car
parks. At the same time Canterbury was seeking to expand its shopping
centre, seen as a threat to Folkestone and Hythe; Shepway's development
committee responded by declaring war on Canterbury, giving three reasons
why that city's centre should not be enlarged, saying Its recent growth
had been at the expense of coastal towns and if continued, threatened
improvement schemes and shop Investment. It was unfair to expect the
elderly, in particular, to have to travel to Canterbury. Sgt Thomas
‘Dad’ Taylor of Folkestone, 43 years a Salvationist, died and an
enormous congregation massed at the Bradstone Hall to pay tribute at a
memorial service. Tom was a standard bearer when the local corps was
started In the 1880s and Salvationists met a hostile reception from
locals. There were frequent riots when the faithful dozen went on
parade, howled down by a thousand strong crowd. The turning point came
after three or four prominent townsmen were indicted for riotous
assembly at Kent Assizes, Maidstone and were bound over to be of good
behaviour with a grave warning from the Judge.