Like the John Bavington Jones collection (Click
here) I had been cutting from the local papers the history recollections
that Bob Hollingsbee had been writing for the local papers from between 4th
April 1979 and 26 June 1981 titled Memories, with future thoughts of one day
being able to "do something" with them.
Bob and Kathleen Hollingsbee kindly passed over one of Bob's boxes full of the
master copies of his series published in the Folkestone Herald in July 2017 as they were down-sizing and moving
from their residence in Tilmanstone. The ones I have been given are from the
Folkestone Herald, I believe Bob also did a different series for Dover,
which I believe I have copies cut from the paper somewhere.
So, after another quiet period of work from educating the pupils of Kent
during the summer holidays I have added these to the web for all to see. As
they are his master copies he has made notes over some of them and I have
tried to include these note or made amendments as required where necessary.
I am sure you will all enjoy this little lot. Please be advised though,
that there were also address, phone numbers and current events given in these papers,
but although they were correct at the time of publication, they probably
won't be now.
Paul Skelton.