Page Updated:- Sunday, 07 March, 2021.

Published 21 November 2002



Gup kings
LES PAGE, 76, a member of an old Folkestone fishing family, was interested to see the picture of St Peter's School, in Memories recently and thought readers would be interested in a photo he lent me of a successful Dover Road School football team - pictured right - dating from 1939, when they won the Chadwick Cup.

The Mayor at the time he recalls, was Alderman

G.A. Gurr who, with his wife, was killed in a wartime air raid on Morehall Avenue, when 13 died.

"Looking back it is interesting to note that, apart from the satisfaction of winning and the applause, a player's only reward was a shilling apiece," he said!

Georgie Norman, third from the right in the front row. scored the winning goal - the only one of the match, he said. Les, who lives in St Martin's Road. Folkestone, can remember the names of nearly all I those in the group photo.

They were, back row, left to right: teacher Colin Jones. Reg Taylor, Les himself, Bobby Tonbridge, Henry Bushell, Cyril Bevan, Ronnie Milton, teacher Mr Blunt: front row: Doyle, Ernie Kennett, head-

master 'Crow' Wheeler, Georgie Norman, Alfie Thompson and 'Chock' Lee.

Colin Jones, he said, ended up an officer in the Navy.

As to the headmaster's nickname, he said, he never did find out how he came to get that! "But he was a good chap.

"As to Mr Blunt, he was a stickler for discipline and was always 'Mr Blunt,' to us!

"We could do with more like him today," com-
mented Les. Another photo Les lent me was of the group of fishermen - pictured right - at the Fishmarket, skinning huss for so much a score.

The hawkers had their own rounds to sell the fish.

"No, 1 was 'Jumbo' Jefferies, half brother of No. 2 John Luckett and his brother No. 3 Charlie Luckett, who was killed in a raid in the Second World War, along with his wife, in Rossendale Road."

Two along from Charlie, to the right, is 'Bonnie' Mockridge and Les thinks another fisherman in the group might be a Spearpoint.

"When Charlie Luckett, who was my uncle, was out hawking his fish he would always lower the price when he went through the railway arch into the fishermen's quarter,' said Les, "because he knew those living there did not have much money."

Trawler photo appeal

Another picture from Les shows another Luckett, Ted, on the left of a group of four workers standing by an old lorry at the local gas works in the early 1930s, but that will keep for another week!

Les told me his grandfather was a shareholder in one of the old steam trawlers that used to come into Folkestone. Based at Rye, with the registration No. RX 62, it last visited Folkestone about1936.

There is an old photo of a sister ship in the fishing boat museum in Hastings, he said, but he has never seen a picture of steam trawler RX 62 - which, he thinks, may have been called Alfred. He says she was eventually judged unseaworthy.

She used to use moorings at the 'Grid Iron' in the harbour and he was puzzled why she did not seem to have featured in one of the numerous books published about Folkestone. Come on Memories readers surely someone has a picture to share with us!
FOLKESTONE & District Local History Society's next meeting features a talk on "Folkestone's Labouring Class," by Ann Nevill, on December 4. The Society meets at the Holy Trinity Church hall, in Sandgate Road, at 7.30pm. New members and visitors are welcome.

More details about the Society's meetings this year can be obtained from the secretary, Peter Bamford, of 7 Shorncliffe Crescent, Folkestone, whose phone number is 01303 223337.

Arson suspected as fire wrecks brewer’s home

1 QAOa LOCAL faction opposing any alter-J.«7VSa£ ation to the boundary of Radnor Park, including the felling of some mature trees, as part of a widening scheme for Cheriton Road, were being accused of trying to put a spanner in the works to bring about the downfall of the local passenger tramway scheme. Local brewer Alfred Leney s homo at Saltwood, close to the American Gardens, was devastated by fire and arson was suspected. A "Herald" writer was calling for a small iron bridge across a ravine to improve access from Folkestone to Shorncliffe Camp, saying it would save money in eliminating a big detour, partly via a narrow road, and the churning up of roads by military traffic. The fishing community mourned the passing of; the formidable figure of "Bumper" Moss, a fish salesman of over 22 stone, who was a familiar figure in both the provinces and Billingsgate. Fleet of foot, as they say, inspite of his great weight, he would take on all challengers who dared to run against him, and was once photographed with a dwarf, known as the "King of the Fishmarket." The market briefly closed as a mark of respect. Ten bearers carried his coffin.

Armada of ships shelters as storm lashes Channel

1 than 80 ships sheltered

between the Warren and Dungeness when the district was hit by a storm with winds of up to at least 56mph as measured at Lympne Airport. Slates and tiles cascaded from roofs, trees were uprooted, shop windows blown in and window blinds ripped off. Coachbuilders Martin Walter Ltd of Folkestone staged an exhibition of Motor Show models in their showrooms at Sandgate Road, from family cars to an Aston Martin, Lagonda, Jaguar, Daimlers, Rolls Royce and Bentley. But one of the chief items of local interest was Martin Walters' amazingly adaptable Utilecon Dormobile, "a bedroom on wheels" — as this successful local-built vehicle was billed. A resident of The Undercliffe, Sandgate, seeking a reduction in his rating assessment, complained the area had been so badly neglected it had degenerated into "an absolute slum area." The council, on the other hand, considered it a highly desirable place to live; Alderman W.J. Rule, a former mayor, with a special interest in education, resigned from the Town Council on which ho had served since 1936. Tributes were paid to his long public service.
Druids join tribute to local victims of two world wars

«< Q/)"p ONE OF the most unusual commemo-I rations of the Armistice in Folkestone; took place in the 300 year-old British Lion pub at the Bayle. There in the meeting room of the Royal victoria lodge of the Druids, members in their full regalia and officers with white gowns and carrying shepherd's crooks observed two minutes silence in memory of comrades who fell in war. Decorations, .ipart from flowers, included a flag flown at the naval Battle of Jutland and relics of war from Flanders. At the 8th annual concert given by the Cheerful Sparrows broth erhood in the Leas Pavilion in aid of charity a cheque for £5,000 was presented to the Royal Victoria Hospital and smaller sums to other groups. Some amusement was caused by a toms officer in the rural district who was fined for poaching! Local charabanc owner IVIr C Older took a holiday party to Llandudno and back, a round journey of 700 miles. By 12 votes to 2 a public meeting in Sandgate agreed to again have a Volunteer Fire Brigade, in place of the one run by the Urban District Council, with which there had been some dissatisfaction.
Anger over retained firemen - as strike begins to hot up

■>< FLOUR bombs were hurled at

f / MP Cyril Smith the minute he got up to speak lit u meeting in the Town Hall, but about five National Front demonstrators were hustled out of the hall and peace was restored. Cyril commented "They always behave like louts, deny everyone free speech, but demand it themselves. The Herald highlighted the work of Shepway District Council's employment and industry officer Leonard Piper whose chief task was to expand industry in the district and reduce unemployment. Local firms did expand and new jobs were created, to the extent that the district was short of land suitable for more industrial development it was stated, so councillors had their eyes on Hawkinge and Lympne airfields, which were under-used. Hundreds of children were evacuated from Wyndgate Lower School after a mysterious fire in a cloakroom. Warned they were rebels retained firemen defied a picket line to fight a fire at Alan Butfield's Guildhall Street premises and were told they might never be allowed back to Folkestone fire station again. Public opinion in the district seemed to be that the striking firemen should get their 30 percent rise.

If anyone should have any a better picture than any on this page, or think I should add one they have, please email me at the following address:-
