Published 5 December 2002

HAVING read briefly about the local Coastguards who used to live in the
large converted hulk of the sailing ship "Pelter" which was put ashore at
the Warren, I was pleased to find a big feature about it, with a rare
photograph, in the Herald of 50 years ago this week.
Apparently nine families lived in this unusual coastguard station and
cultivated a garden on adjoining land. - See picture, top right.
Families included the Wades, Robinsons, Tiddys and Sisks, some of whose
descendants. I'll wager, are still living in the district.
The captain of the coastguard, a Mr Campbell, also had a cabin aboard at one
Nine cottages were subsequently built to replace the Pelter, near Warren
The Government sold the hulk to a timber merchant for £15 - and he
subsequently sold the copper he recovered from it back to the Government,
for £100. That's enterprise for you!
The cottages didn't last long and, within 10 years the coastguards moved
again, possibly to cottages once owned by the Gas Company, in Lower Sandgate
Over time a decline in smuggling reduced the need for coastguards and their
numbers dropped considerably.
Frustrated plans
Michael Stainer, owner of The Grand, on the Leas, was very interested in the
"From Our Files, 50 years ago" column in the Herald of November 14 in which
Surgical Plastics Ltd was reported to have sold out to Pfizer Ltd, of
Sandwich, who were looking around
for another factory site in the district.
"At the time Pfizers were in occupation of the vast old West Cliff
Hotel/Majestic Hotel, situated on the corner of Sandgate Road and Castle
Hill Avenue, where Majestic Parade and Castle House now are.
"I remember Pfizer's young managing director telling my father that the
company had deployed every imaginable stratagem to persuade the Folkestone
councillors to allow the construction of new factory facilities on land
adjacent to the Folkestone Water Works.
"But it was turned down apparently because it was said there was an
inadequate water supply!
"Pfizers entertained all the councillors to a dinner here at The Grand in an
effort to persuade them. It was said many of the councillors were hoteliers,
and that they were concerned that the presence of an expanding employer
would attract the staff away from the summer season jobs in the hotels to
the well paid all-year-round jobs in the pharmaceutical business!
"How times change! Most of the hotels and boarding houses have gone - and
the site Pfizers wished to develop remains largely vacant," said Mr Stainer.
‘That’s my Uncle!’
Maureen McKeen (nee Bridgland) wrote to me from Sycamore Drive, Swanley, in
north Kent, to thank Les Page for his photograph of local fishermen printed
in Memories on November 21.
"In the photo was my Uncle George, my mum's brother (Bonnie Mockridge),"
writes Mrs McKeen.
"I have sent the cutting to my brother Freddy Bridgland. who lives in New
"My grand-daughter lives in Dover and sends me the Folkestone Herald every
week," she told me.
On guard
RIGHT: TED Luckett, left, in this picture, taken at the gas works, was the
uncle of Les Page, of St Martin's Road, Folkestone, who showed me the
photograph along with the top picture of Dover Road School infants, taken in
"My wife, Alma, is sat in front of the teacher, Mrs Ravenhill," Les told me.
"All those in the picture must now be 79 or
80," he added.
In his time Ted Luckett was also a fish hawker.
Tram scheme bombshell at parkland protest meeting
*1 QHO ALDERMAN Banks claimed the trams planned jointly by Folkestone
and Clieriton councils would not be able to pass under the archway
carrying the railway over the road near the Central Station, being only
20ft wide. He was taking part in a discussion about the legality of
taking a strip of land off one side of Radnor Park to widen Cheriton
Road for the tramway Aldorman, later Sir Stephen Penfokl questioned why,
in addition to taking a strip of land to widen the road it was intended
to take a piece in Park Road as well and to cut down a 17-year-old
plantation of trees and he said the council surveyor should be ordered
to stop such work pending 'further developments.' Special services were
being held in the iron-built Railway Mission Hall newly built as a
result of the efforts and enthusiasm of local railway workers and their
families, ably assisted by a generous friend. Miss M Cadman, of St
Michael s Street. The new mission was sited off St John's Street and the
base of the embankment currying the railway between the Central and
Junction stations. A handsome table was presented to Miss Cadman as a
thank you gesture.
Insurance’ plan for Hythe Venetian Fete is debated
m npnVENETIAN Fete organisers were thinking of holding the popular event
twico in one week, in 1953. In good weather this could boost receipts,
if there was bad weather two dates might reduce the risk of making a
loss if one had to be aborted, it was suggested. A strong plea for
support from all over the district for the event was made at the annual
meeting. The 1952 event raised a tidy sum for charity and £600 was
presented to the Old People's Welfare Committee. This was on top of £100
already sent to the Lynmouth Flood Disaster Fund. It was agreed profits
in 1953 be shared between the Old People's Welfare Commiltee and the
Hythe Institute. The town mourned the passing of motor coach tour pro
moter Charles Armondc Older, of Quested Road, Folkestone, who had
organised tours to all parts of the country. He was said to be the first
driver with Folkestone & District Road Car Co, later to become the East
Kent Road Car Co. and subse quently the Globe licensee, in Hythc. Five
women swimmers planned to enter a £500 Channel swim race in 1953, Jenny
James, Elna Anderson (Folkestone sports teacher) Margaret Feather,
Kathleen Mayo and Doris Fell
Fishing port famous for its tasty 'Hammy Bloaters’
m qm DID YOU know Folkestone once pro-I duced thousands upon thousands
of i tasty Folkestone "Hammy Bloaters," famous far and wide? At the time
there was thriving herring industry in the port, wrote Herald columnist
W.G.G. - William G Glanfield, who wrote under the pen-name Felix and
published a book on Folkestone I have been trying to find for years.
Sadly the life of the prolific writer was cut short as a result of
injuries received in a road accident, in 1935. Talking of fish, local
fishermen had a fight to land a big shark caught off Dymchurch 75 years
ago. The Folkestone boat "Our Willie" (skipper Capt H Sharpe) was
fishing on "The Trail" five miles out when there was a violent movement
of the net and a battle began. Unable to get the monster aboard, "Micky"
Morford and his mates struggled to get a line around its tail as it
played havoc with the nets and they literally towed it back to
Folkestone! All the time it lashed the water with its fins and fishermen
at the quayside declared the sound it made was like that of a ship's
propeller. Measuring 8ft long and weighing 6cwt it was sold in France.
Shepuuay blitzed by sightings of mysterious alien 'UFOs’
«* q^^THERE was something in the air in 1 t Folkestone - Unidentified
Flying Objects (UFOs.) Kent was, apparently, a 'nigh activity area' for
mysterious sightings and Shepway in 1952 was said to be blitzed by
strange objects whizzing about. The most recent sighting was by two
women at Capel who reported an "inverted mushroom" hovering over the
cliffs, a claim backed by a Folkestone woman. But Hythe claimed five UFO
'sightings' in eight months! A local headmaster praised plans which
would introduce a three-tier education system in the district, with a
new 'middle' school built at Sellindge. Ford agents Peacocks, of
Folkestone, were celebrating their 50th Anniversary. The business was
begun by Mr F.H. Peacock in 1927. His firm's offerings then included a
Ford runabout, with dickey seat, at £135 and a four-door Ford saloon for
£215! New cars that is! After the Second World War, when vehicles and
raw materials were in short supply. Peacock's allocation for 1947 was
three Ford Anglias and two Ford Prefects - all black! To boost income
they bought up ex-NAAFI 8hp saloons, still in wartime camouflage livery
and overhauled and resprayed them for sale! |