Published 4 October 2001

PAUL Sindell, of Morehall Avenue, is researching the history of his home
and would welcome any information about the houses and to hear from any
survivors of the devastating raid on the street on May 29, 1941, when the
Mayor, Alderman George Gurr and his wife Kate Gurr, were killed by the first
of several parachute mines dropped that day, which hit their home at 30
Morehall Avenue.
It was in the early hours of the morning that parachute mines were dropped
on Morehall Avenue and Cherry Garden Avenue, killing twelve men and women
and a child, injuring 43 and destroying or partly destroying 26 homes.
Some of these, including Paul's present home were later rebuilt.
It is hard to credit it, but altogether, 600 local homes were damaged in
this raid.
Next door to the Gurrs, at No. 28, an 18-month old baby boy, his mother,
Betsy May Knott, aged 24 and Daisy Crump with whom they were living, also
Rescuers were hampered by the need to maintain the blackout, since enemy
aircraft were overhead for some time.
Drama was added by the plight of another young woman and her baby marooned
at the top of a house, the mother perched on the smallest of ledges above a
chasm which was once the front of the building.
And, at the back of the building, a crippled woman was trapped in the
The German bomber crews' target, says Hawkinge writer Roy Humphreys, in his
book “Target Folkestone," was the Folkestone West Station.
They missed by 1,000 yards and Roy comments: "The net result of their
special skills was one of carnage when sleeping civilians took the brunt of
the attack." Each mine dropped contained 500 kilo of explosive.
Roy records that Police Sergeant E Swann, who was staying in the home of Mr
and Mrs Gurr, was taken to hospital unconscious after the raid. Another
policeman. Special Constable Charles Jones, died in the same attack.
The first of the houses in the street, Paul discovered, were built about
1902, and he understands there is at least one survivor of the raid still in
Folkestone, a Mrs Duske, of Holland Avenue.
Paul, who is also seeking photographs of the street, can be contacted on
01303 277778.
The photograph on this page was published in the Folkestone Herald's
paperback book “Frontline Folkestone - The Story in Pictures of Folkestone's
Ordeal during Five Years of War, 1940-45."
Long out of print, it was printed soon after the war, the foreword being
dated July 1945. It cost a modest three shillings (15p) and contained many
photographs taken by Herald staff. Sadly, not a single photograph is left in
our archives, and no one seems to know where the negatives went either,
which is a great pity because they represented a unique record.
A copy of the book may be seen in the public library.
There have been a number of calls for the book to be reprinted over recent
years, but where are all the photographs, I wonder.
The Herald has only a photocopy of the book -plus one page torn out of a
book, and that happens to be this picture of Morehall Avenue!
e-mail: V
Photo plea
MEMORIES reader Rachel Williams, who lives on the Leas, was very interested
in the aerial photograph of the Metropole Hotel and The Grand, which, from a
pencil note on the back, appears to be one of the first aerial views of the
town, the year given being 1919.
The picture was used in Memories on September 13.
"I note with interest on the photograph the very well worn tennis courts in
Turlington Gardens, outside my windows," she explains. Rachel is keen to get
a copy of the picture.
MOREHALL Avenue showing the devastation caused by a parachute mine attack on
the night of May 29, 1941. Thirteen people died in the raid, including
Folkestone's Mayor and Mayoress, Alderman & Mrs G Gurr.
Memories reader Miss Eileen Martin, whose home is in Court Approach,
Folkestone, wrote to me in response to my August 30 reference to Second
World War aircraft crashes in the Shepway area.
"I was delighted to see the name of Oscar Hopkins," she writes.
"It brought back such happy memories, as Oscar used to play with my sisters,
Jean and Thelma, before the war, in
'Such happy days'
South Street, Folkestone.
"Oscar will surely remember Dick Chard, who married Jean just after the war.
"John Donovan and Betty Balm were two more playmates in those such happy
"I'm sure Oscar will remember too, the Martin family, who lived in the dear
old True Briton public house. He used to come
in to play with Thelma," adds Miss Martin, who wanted to get in touch with
Oscar for a chat about old times.
"I am 84, but hip problems limit my mobility. I think Oscar must be in his
"Thank you for another happy Memories," she adds. I was delighted to put the
two readers in touch with each other.
Herald tribute to ‘martyr of duty’ killed at station
A Qfkxf THE Herald paid tribute to Robert .L9UJL Walton, a Travelling
Inspector, who gave his life trying to hold back crowds from the railway
line during Folkestone Races at Westenhanger when he was pitched forward
to his death under the wheels of a railway locomotive by the excited
people. Described by the Herald as "a martyr to duty" he had earned high
praise for his work only the previous year when he organised tho
arrivals and departures of special trains chartered for use of
Volunteers and the Militia coming to the coast for an cxcrcise. His
death, at 45, left a widow and four children under 12. And the Herald
urged readers and fans of the turf to help the care fund set up to help
them by local Stationmastcr Thomas Butler. At the Queens Hotel London
auctioneers offered for sale 50 housing plots on the 52 acre West Cliff
Estate, near the Metropolc Hotel, realising £17,070. Fronting Baldric
Road, Bathurst Road, or Turketel Road, they were sold in 80 minutes at
prices ranging from £160 to £500.
Heaviest ever motor coach traffic at Folkestone port
m QPii MOTOR coach traffic to Folkestone .L99J. harbour during the
summer was reported to be the heaviest on record, it's attractions
proving a draw to be reckoned with by other local resorts. The Herald's
midweek sister paper, the Folkestone & Hythc Gazette printed a colourful
cartoon across eight columns featuring characters responsible for
organisation of Hythe Venetian Fete, following up this with another of
personalities involved in the Folkestone Regatta and then of ATC
youngsters learning to fly at the then Hawkinge Gliding School. It was
the work of the then well known artist signing himself only as "Mac."
Herald writer The Roamer wrote that someone must have a grudge against
the British Legion because whenever they decided to organise a 'do' it
rained, and rained. And this resulted in a loss of some hundreds of
pounds in the previous year's Legion organised Carnival. In 1951 it
rained again, but at least thero were takings of £150! A Folkestone
Rowing Club junior-senior fours crew won their event at Eastbourne
Regatta after a re-row of the event followino a
Local man who pioneered post and phone services
*1 OOCA GEM of information from the pen of XS&O Herald man Felix was the
revelation that we owe the original penny post system to two men, one of
whom was John Morris, who once lived at the big cliff-top house at
Abbots Cliff. Ho worked with the better known Rowland Hill, on
introducing this regulated postal service and, wrote Felix, went on to
launch the telephone service too, together with 11 partners, each taking
up £1,000 worth of shares in a private company. Felix chatted about it
with the old man when John Morris celebrated his golden wedding in his
home at Capel. In 1926 there were still reported to be living in the
town people who could remember the primitive headquarters of the
coastguard "back in tho old days." It was an old sailing brig known as
"The Pelter" which had, apparently, become stranded, high and dry on the
shore between Folkcstono and one of the original Channel Tunnel sites.
And it had been set up as their combined base and married quarters, for
wives also lived there with their children, between the decks - a
curious and lonely home! You can see a sketch of the "The Pelter" in the
public library.
Fastest typist in UK struck a blow for 'Women’s Lib’
(f FAMOUS local author H.G. Wells, who
.L«7/0 lived at Spode House, was one of the first clients of Miss Edith
R lllenden, later Mrs Clough, a joint founder of that old Folkestone
secretarial school of Cloughs. In September 1976 the Herald featured the
college and its offset-litho printing business, the firm being an
essential part of the community for many years. It was founded a century
ago. In setting up her own business Mrs Clough struck a blow for women's
lib. Born in 1879, she left St Mary's School, in Dover Road, at 14 to
become a pupil teacher at the Wesleyan church school at Grace Hill. She
joined the staff of a London commercial college, returning to Folkestone
aged 21 to open up her typewriting bureau in her parents' home in Dover
Road, later moving to Shellons Street. H.G. Wells, she once commented,
was aloof and critical and his writing microscopic! Fastest typist in
the country at 90 words per minute, sho met. In 1910, Mr J.S. Clough, a
commercial teacher and they exchanged love Tetters in shorthand before
marrying a year later. The successful Clough's Commercial College opened
at 62 Guildhall Street. Other colleges followed, in Canterbury,
Eastbourne and Southampton. |