Published 23 November 2000
FORMER wartime evacuee to South Wales, Ronald Dutt is all set for a
reunion with a fellow evacuee from Etching'hill, Harold Coppins, whom he
hasn’t seen for 60 years. And it all comes about because of an overheard
conversation over lunch at Age Concern, in Cheriton - when Ron heard
Harold’s name mentioned.
Ron, 67, a retired groundsman, said they last met at the Cheriton Cottag'e
Homes at the beginning- of the 2nd World War before evacuation to Wales, Ron
to Llanishen and Harold to Trelleck. Their reunion is set for the weekend,
at Etching'hill.
Memories of the exploits of two war heroes, father and son, who both earned
the Military Cross for their bravery in very different military campaigns,
are revived by the death of Major Andrew Railton, MC, son of a former
Folkestone Vicar.
One of the famous Chindits, an army force which restored Emperor Haile
Selassie to the throne of Ethiopia in 1941, he was the son of the late
Reverend David Railton, MC, who was Vicar of Folkestone when Andrew was
Eighty years old, Andy recently gave interviews in connection with the 80th
anniversary of dedication of the Unknown Warrior's tomb in Westminster Abbey
in 1920.
For it was his father, a padre who served in the First World War, who came
up with the idea of the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior.
He suggested it first to that great leader Earl Haig - at the time Sir
Douglas Haig, GOC of the British Army in France - but he didn’t reply, and
then, successfully, to the Dean of Westminster, after the war.
David put the idea to the Dean because he thought the warrior's grave,
representing thousands of unidentified British soldiers killed in battle in
the Great War, should be in the Abbey.
The Revd Railton, who was then Vicar of St John the Baptist Church, at
Margate, offered the Union Jack he had used in the trenches in France,
sometimes as an altar cloth, to drape the coffin of the unknown soldier.
The young padre, who won the MC for helping a wounded officer and two
privates whilst under heavy enemy fire, got the idea of an “Unknown
Warrior’s tomb” when he noticed a simple grave, near his Armentieres billet
in 1916. It had a simple white, wooden cross engraved roughly with the words
“An Unknown Soldier of the Black Watch.”
David had served as a private soldier in the Scottish Territorials himself.
He may not have been the first to think of the idea but his letter to the
Dean of Westminster, the Rt Revd Herbert Ryle, set the ball rolling.
And it was Railton’s flag, which had seen action, that was used to drape the
oak coffin of the Unknown Warrior on its way to the burial - and is still in
the Abbey to this day.
When Railton made his
suggestion in 1920, that “a soldier should be selected from the thousands of
those who had no known grave, and be brought back to England to represent
those who fell” there remained thousands of the dead still awaiting their
final resting places, for many had only temporary graves before being
brought together in war cemeteries and given a fitting burial.
The Dean approached King George V, the Prime Minister and the War Office
pressing for action.
Michael Gavaghan, in his book “The Story of the Unknown Warrior" published
in 1955 records that the UK had been inundated with around 2,000 strikes in
the 1919-20 period. Men who had been promised “a land fit for heroes” had a
great sense of being let down as there was so much unemployment and the
Prime Minister eagerly took up Railton’s idea.
The idea captured the public’s imagination and helped to unite the nation.
Trips were organised to the Western Front, as the battle areas were known,
and many thousands are said to have made their individual pilgrimages to the
battlefields where hundreds of thousands of men died.
Michael Gavaghan wrote: “It was perhaps the fact that so many soldiers had
no known grave which made this one soldier’s home coming more appealing, for
he could be somebody’s son, brother, husband or father - a loved one who,
for many, was at last going to bring an end to their war.”
The warrior without rank was, in effect, to be given a Field Marshal’s
funeral with all the ceremonial that goes with It.
The coffin was brought to England in HMS Verdun and landed at the Admiralty
Pier, Dover, to a 19-gun salute. With the coffin were four barrels of soil
from the battlefields - so that the warrior might lie in the earth so many
gave their lives for.
David Railton’s son Andrew served in North Africa during the Second World
War and, after the Ethiopian campaign, in India before being dropped behind
Japanese lines to organise resistance. He was once captured, but escaped.
Awarded the MC and mentioned twice in dispatches, he is survived by a widow,
son and daughter.
SECRETARY of Folkestone St District Local History Society Peter Bamford, of
Shorncliffe Crescent Folkestone, has a fine collection of pictures of old
Cheriton and is appealing for the help of Memories readers. He owns this
photo of a dozen or so early buses standing outside Cheriton's Baptist
Church, in Cheriton Road, circa 1910-20?
What was the big event which required the services of so many buses? At the
front is an AEC bus.
Peter has half a dozen or so early charabanc and coach photographs, all
taken in Cheriton. They are all connected with the Baptist Church and its
activities, and Peter put them on show recently at Folkestone & District
Local History Society's annual exhibition of old photographs, postcards and
documents, in the Roman Catholic Church Hall in Surrenden Road, Cheriton.
Vicar’s Unknown Warrior scheme

Mayor says public will be able to veto trams.
«| QFOLKESTONE born builder Cllr Daniel Ji3UU Baker was elected Mayor, a
position carrying far more weight, than it seems to today, with the
advent of district count-ils. He was descended from a Baker grandfather
who had been a leading light. SO years before, in the development of the
Folkestone Water Co. which, it was said, had helped promote the resort
as one of the healthiest in the cnuntry. In taking office Mr Baker said
a major .lini in the year ahead was a fairer representation of East and
North Wards by more councillors for those districts on the Council. More
contentious was a Bill in Parliament to introduce tramways over a large
part of the district and he referred to the faction pressing for a more
limited scheme and so the Council was going to bid for a Provisional
Order to enable a more limited tramway system to be worked. The Council
was unanimous, he said, that those trams should be constructed for and
run by the Council. It didn't want to foist a big tramway system on the
town against the wishes of the ratepayers who would have a chance to
express their views in the coming local elections, and at a local
inquiry that was likely to be held.
Kent coal developments good news for Folkestone.
E KENT coal and the development of several ^*7^9 collieries across East
Kent was creating a great deal of interest and two members of the Town
Council. Aid C. Ed. Mumford JP and Cllr Hollands JP. together with town
clerk AF Kidson and surveyor AE Nichols, served on a the Joint Town
Planning Committee of Local Authorities discussing Implications of the
development for Folkestone and district. There was concern that the
district could, if the industry wasn't closely monitored, be riiyulfod
by an industrial tidal wave" - in the words of a contemporary author of
a book about the East Kent Regional Planning Scheme. It had happened, he
warned. In South Lancashire, the Potteries and the Black Country. There
were people who predicted the coalfield would be of benefit to
Folkestone "whose claims as a residential district will probably be
preferred to those of other parts of the Kent" - in the words of one
writer. The book also highlighted Folkestone's assets in its range of
hills typical of the South Downs, said the writer, who was anxious the
view of these should not be spoilt by development -which, sadly, the
Tunnel has done, to some extent.
Heroism and tragedy as men battle with the sea.
1 Q COA FRONT page picture in the Herald of MOUa partly submerged
bulldua-r in the sea at Sandgate told a tragic story of bravery and
tragedy. The bulldozer driver, William Henry Barron, whose leg had been
trapped was freed by another workman engaged on sea defence work,
foreman John Henry Marsden, aged 61. But both men were swept into the
sea and Mr Marsden died from shock caused by the cold water and a weak
heart. His son. John Marsden, a Liverpool policeman, gave evidence of
identification at the inquest. An Old Contemptible Mr Marsden had served
at Mons. Ypres and Gheluvelt. He was wounded at Festubcrt and sent home
in 1916 but on recovery was again sent to France, eventually be
invalided out of the Army in 1918. A record catch of more than 4.600
fish, weighing one and a half tons, was made by a record 200 anglers
fishing in the Folkestone Sea Angling Association three-day boat
festival. Strong winds and frequent rain were considered ideal
conditions by the hardy anglers! Competitors came from all over the
country and France and a woman angler from Dover had the heaviest
one-day's catch of nearly 58lbs, including a 251b 40oz conger eel. Her
team also won the Team Challenge Shield for a one-day's catch for the
second year running.
Fighters chalk up victory clearing up big oil slick.
«j SHEPWAY council was cock of the hoop -
jJtJ I O very confident that its desperate efforts to fight the terrible
oil slick that threatened the resort after a major Channel collision
between a warship and a tanker, had been won. And a leading official
made a statement that "there seems to be no reason why it should
adversely affect the holiday industry." His view was backed by the
chairman of the local Hotel and Catering Association Mrs Els.) Page who
told how her heart sank when she had first seen the state of the beaches
after the filthy, un-refined oil came ashore. "The men working on the
pollution have done a wonderful job" she said and “I am nu Innw-r
worried that it will affect holiday trade." But although most of the
difficult work was done thi' operation continued on ‘high
amenity' beaches and harbour walls, while winter gales were expected to
take care of those areas difficult to reach. The Herald editor called
for a close scrutiny of Sliepway District councillors' doubtful decision
not to designate a site for a gipsy camp site in the Shepway area. That
decision came inspito of a KCC request that every district council
should suggest two possible sites, with a view to a fair distribution of
'travellers' in Kent. The Herald said it was a highly emotive question
and one that would not go away by ignoring it. |