Published 20 September 2001

Happy days!
OPEN country wasn't very far away from the small terraced home in Garden
Road, Folkestone, where local cinema organ enthusiast Eric "Ricky" Hart was
born some 75 years ago.
Eric, of Chart Road, Folkestone, who says he is blessed with a very good
memory, has been telling me how he remembers being in the infants at
Mundella School, in Black Bull Road, when, in a good summer they used to
have canvas folding beds set out in the playground by the teachers for the
younger children to have a snooze in the afternoon.
More recently, he says, he has thought he must be nearing his 'second
childhood' as the idea of an after-lunch snooze has become steadily more
From the top of Garden Road, he recalls, there were once well tended
allotment gardens stretching to within a short distance of the North Downs
overlooking the town. And in his memoirs which he has set down on paper for
his greatgrandchildren at his grandson's request, he talks of roaming across
the fields of Park Farm as he and his friends made their way over "The
Cuckoo Field" to the Tree Reservoir (or 'Rezza') where anglers could fish
for roach or perch.
A dead-end track bordering the pond led to a 40-acre field with a corrugated
iron hut providing changing rooms for local amateur football teams in the
winter. But throughout several summer seasons in the 1930s it became an
airstrip for a small aviation firm giving sight-seeing trips over town in
small biplanes for an incredibly low price
of five shillings (25p.) Admittedly petrol then was only around a shillings
(5p) a gallon!
The flights, says Eric, were advertised in town on a placard at the kerbside
in Bouverie Square, transport being provided in the form of a Citreon saloon
car, easily recognised by the large chrome chevrons across the radiator
grille and wide 'running boards' along the sides of the car.
He and his mates, he said, would throw caution to the wind and as the bi-
planes came into land would race along the perimeter fence so as to be
immediately underneath the aircraft as they came in to touch down.
They were always fascinated too, by the sounds coming from the wires carried
by telegraph poles alongside the dusty road which led to the old brickworks
- where the Park Farm Trading estate was later constructed. They imagined
that the peculiar whining noises from the wires, caused by the breeze, were
in fact made by "someone on the line!"
Steam plough prank
In the ploughing season they would watch, fascinated, as a pair of mammoth
traction engines, belching steam, would haul a six-furrow plough across the
field via a cable from large drums strung below the tractors.
Then, at the end of the day, the coal fires of the engines would be
damped-down and a board placed over the funnel.
"Having watched the procedure at length, was it so surprising then that we
felt we had to try this ploughing for ourselves, after the workmen had set
off for home?" asks Eric.
"With the 'damper' board removed there was
BELOW: The famous Tea Chalet in the Warren, one of many attractions of the
area in years gone by. The Warren, incidentally, is the subject of a
hardback book, by Paul Harris which has recently been reprinted with an
attractive cover. Folkestone Warren in old Picture Postcards was first
published in 1993. Publishers are European Library, of Holland, who also
produced two similar books on Dover for me, and other local titles.
enough steam in the boiler to attempt another run, so, with one of us on the
plough and the rest of us on the hauling engine we successfully turned
another six furrows, then carefully replaced the damper."
While conceding this was childish 'devilment,' he says it certainly wasn't
vandalism as we know it today. And to this day he wonders if the ploughmen
noticed the extra furrows that had been ploughed!
Holy Well, nestling beneath the hills overlooking Folkestone was another
boyhood haunt. There they camped, pitched a 'tent' - a makeshift affair made
with a blanket secured to the top of a barbed wire fence and
staked the other end with rocks.
Here, in their 'oasis,' with bottles of powdered lemonade and a sandwich or
two, or perhaps potatoes cooked in a billy can or frying pan over
smouldering twigs, they could spend hours climbing trees and swinging across
wild watercress beds on ropes fixed to trees.
Another memory was of climbing Sugar Loaf Hill and crossing the main
Folkestone to Canterbury road to the cottage of "Granny May" who ran a sort
of 'tuck shop' where they could buy "Bing" lemonade.
The Warren, below the cliffs, another playground, was a "peaceful paradise
of wild flow-ers, multi-coloured butterflies
and moths, and obstacles created by the famous landslip which once blocked
the railway, had all the makings of an ideal setting for a "Tarzan"-like
From infants school Eric and his friends went to George Spurgen School, in
Sidney Street, which had 400 boys and mixed infants. In the mid-30s the pals
were introduced to 'scrumping' in an orchard next to the school, belonging
to greengrocer Mr Pritchard.
As the apples ripened so the footballs would start to fly over the fence,
quickly followed by about 10 boys eager to retrieve it - and juicy apples!
Simple but fairly harmless pleasures!_
Encombe estate opened to public for RVH funds
<| THAT veritable "paradise" by the sea
a century ago. the Encombc estate at Sandgate, with its "sylvan glades,
leafy bowers and winding walks" from which a lovely series of sea views
unfolded for the visitor, was opened to the public by Miss Reilly, the
owner. The grounds were opened for an open-air service in aid of funds
of Folkestone's Royal V ctoria Hospital. He also referred to the rapid
development of Cheriton which would turn that urban district into an
important suburb of Folkestone, and that of the West Cliff estate of 52
acres, once part of Coolinge Farm, between Shorncliffe station and the
Mctropole Hotel. The laying out of the estate roads and building sites
had been going on for some time and sites for 50 homes in Bathurst Road.
Baldric Road and Turketel Road, were about to go on the market in a sale
at the Queen's Hotel. It was reported that Tunbridge Wells was opening
ii cuuniii-run telephone exchange, said to be the first of its kind in
the UK and it gave Folkestone councillors considerable food for thought.
Victoria Pier beauty show declared first in World!
■f QC«f ONE OF Folkestone's claims to fame, •LZ/O.L wrote Herald
columnist ‘‘The R oamer," was that It was the first town in the world,
he wrote, to hold a beauty queen contest. That took place 40 years
before, in the heyday of the old Victoria Pier, where the late Alderman
R Forsyth, who ran the pier, held the contest. Arguments that people
walking on land at Round Hill, also known as Castle Hill, at Folkestone,
were trespassing on private property were rejected by a Judge at Kent
Assizes at Maidstone. A Herald reader advocated that colourful hanging
baskets at the Central Station, which might, perhaps, be supplied by the
council's parks department, would pay off in giving visitors a good
impression of the resort. Efforts were underway to raise £7.500 for an
appeal fund to restore Lydd Church, popularly dubbed the "Cathedral of
the Romney Marsh." A London, woman walking in the area with her family
in 1949 while a group of men were shooting pigeons, lost an eye and
successfully sued for damages in a case lasting two days. New Romney WVS
worked hard to turn waste land near the parish church into attractive
gardens with a plaque commemorating the work of the local WVS during the
Second World War.
Local bricks build urgently needed 'cottage’ homes
QA/t HERALD writer Felix was writing about the .L!7^0 unabated demand
for small 'cottage' homes in the district and how the Council and other
builders were using bricks made at the Park Farm, Folkestone brickworks
by local men. He also noted with some satisfaction that newer homes were
being allocated bigger gardens than had hitherto been the case. £500
cottages, each with three bedrooms were being instantly snapped up. The
editor commented on yet another failed attempt by local hotels to get
consent for licences for dancing on Sundays, noting that the decision of
the Council was "by no<> unanimous," giving grounds for hope the
opposition of local Free Churches might not succeed on some future
occasion. The concern of the churches seemed to be that it could mean
some staff havini; to work on a Sunday who didn't want to. Henry Selby
Lowndes, who had completed 26 years as m.istor of the Kent Hunt by
1926. wrote of sonr of hi-, reminiscences In a new book. Folkestone was
bathing in the limelight as its Cricket Festival featured matches
between the Aussies and the All England XI - an unofficial ‘test match'
- between Kent and the.- MCC .ind another between FS Calthorpe's XI and
LH Tc-in>;>unS XI.
Millionaire toasts victory in fight for new zoo park
>| Q*7/J JOHN Aspinall won his three year battle to JL«7 I O open a new
zoo park at Port Lympne in the 270-acre home and grounds of the late Sir
Philip Sassoon, one time MP for Hythe and Folkestone. Once a mecca of
the famous the fine country house, with unrivalled views across Romney
Marsh to the Sussex border and across the Channel to France, and the
stepped, ornamental gardens were part of an ongoing restoration prnjcct
which took millionaire Aspinall several years. ‘'Fun-riot carnival grows
too big for its routes'1 read the Herald headline over a report on
Folkestone's annual carnival. Said to by the Herald to be the biggest of
its kind on the south coast, the event, which attracted a crowd
estimated at 65,000, gave the organisers a giant-sized headache.
Carnival association chairman Mr John Rendle said afterwards "The whole
thing is just too big. But whether we can find a better route I don't
know." The oiKJiiibcrs had set out to restrict it to the same size as
the previous year's 135 entries, including 14 bands and 14 beauty
queens. But the bands proved bigger and the number of people taking part
also increased. Another problem was the hawkers who defied efforts to
ban ‘traders' from outside the town cashing in on sales of streamers and
trumpets. They evaded the net to rob local charity funds of much-needed
cash. |