Published 29 August 2002

Holiday idyll of twenties
WRITING from Reigate, Surrey, Malcolm Pendrill tells me he has been going
through the papers of his late uncle, Leonard Sutton, and found a
beautifully hand-written account of a holiday he and his wife May spent at
Hythe in June 1920 and thought Herald readers would be interested in reading
“It paints such a vivid picture of the period I thought it should be shared
with residents of Hythe today; over 80 years after it was written,” he says.
“Uncle was born about 1893 and died at Wadhurst. His working life was spent
as a hospital administrator. His wife was a hospital matron. At the time he
was writing, he would have been in his middle twenties. ‘The time apart’ he
mentions was when he was in India during the Great War.
“I hope your readers find it as interesting as I did,” he says. This is the
diary style account:
“Our Holiday, June 1920: June 21 Left Redhill 10.55am, arrived Hythe
12.20pm. Lunch at the Temperance Hotel; unpacked in the afternoon and went
for a walk along the canal in the evening.
May found sixpence. Strolled along the seafront after supper.
“June 22: Shopping in the morning; visited the crypt St Leonard’s Church
where the skulls are stacked. A large flying boat alighted on the sea
opposite the Imperial Hotel about midday; left again about 2pm. Walk to
Saltwood village in the afternoon; had tea there, came ‘home’ and spent the
evening on the beach.
“June 23: ‘Carnation Day.’ Went to Folkestone by bus; bought a cap, some
vases, crested china and something ‘in remembrance.’ Came home by bus and
went on the beach in the evening.
“June 24: Spent a lazy morning on the beach; went on the canal in the
afternoon; had tea at Cooper’s Gardens, and some fine strawberries. Came
back and went on the beach in the evening.
“June 25: Walked to Dymchurch, about five miles; paddled and had a race on
the sand. Visited the old English church; came home by bus in the evening.
Had supper and a walk on the beach.
“June 25: Shopping in the morning; bought stockings, socks and tomatoes.
Went on the canal in the afternoon; had tea at Cooper's Gardens. May can
steer well now, but can’t row for nuts. Came home and went on the beach in
the evening.
“June 27: On the beach in the morning and afternoon. Went to St Leonard’s
Church in the evening (our first evening service together); walked back home
along the seafront.
Cliffs ramble
“June 28: Went to Dover by bus; splendid view of the sea from the cliffs
above Folkestone; went on the pier in the morning and on the cliffs in the
afternoon. Spent two hours looking for the Bleriot Memorial; got back too
late to go to museum (May’s fault.)
“June 29: Shopping in morning and on the beach. Went to station after
dinner, then for a farewell row on the canal; pulled up to Cooper's Gardens;
had raspberries and cream for tea. May nearly upset the boat on the way
home. Paddling at 10pm.
“June 30: Last day of a glorious holiday; happy days that we shall always
remember. The weather has been kind to us and we feel we have made up for
the three years we were parted. Went on the beach in the morning; came home
and packed.
May wrote some poetry in our excellent Mrs Chittenden’s book. Left Hythe
4pm, arrived Redhill 5.20pm. - Finis.”
DAVID Sheppard, who grew up living in a prefab in Hollands Avenue,
Folkestone and now works in Saudi Arabia as an electrical engineer for BA
Systems, sent in two memory-jogging pictures last week, passed on to him by
his mother, believing they would interest Herald readers.
The first, featured in Memories last week was of families at a Coronation
party held in the Empress Ballroom, in Dover Road. Space prevented the use
of the other photograph, but I included a sneak preview of part of the
picture of David's old cub scouts pack, which is reproduced above.
David thinks it was the 25th Folkestone pack and he says:
"That demure looking little chap, without a uniform, standing fifth from the
left, clasping his hands, is your sports editor Mick Cork! (Unfortunately,
although not wearing a cap, his face is in shadow.)
"We both went to St Mary's primary school when it was in Dover Road. The cub
meetings were held in the Woodward Hall, next to St Eanswythe's School, on
the Bayle
and, in the summer, in the playground," he said.
David himself is seated third from the right, while Michael Dyer is seated
third from the left and Mick Cork is standing behind, a little to the right,
next to one of the standard bearers.
"Other boys I can put names to are Roger Small, with the flag (he grew to
6ft), Roger and Trevor Eastmead, either Colin or Terry Tumber, Andrew
Finn,.... Barnes (son of Ivor Barnes of the TV shop in Broadmead Road.
Unfortunately, although I remember other faces, I forget some of their
names," he says.
"I do remember, however, running to get home in time to listen to "Journey
into Space" on the radio and sometimes, if I had any spare money, buying a
bag of chips from the chip shop on Grace Hill, run by Cypriots, two men and
their wives.
"What goes around, comes around and the engineers and foremen of the
construction company that my department project manages, here in the desert,
are Cypriots, but a lot more animated," says David.
MEMBERS of Folkestone & District Local History Society are looking forward
to Wednesday, September 4 when Don Gregory is to give a talk on the
interesting subject of “Folkestone Harbour -Early Years,” at their monthly
The Society meets at the Holy Trinity Church hall, in Sandgate Road, at
7.30pm. New members and visitors are welcome. More details about the
Society’s meetings this year can be obtained from the secretary, Peter
Bamford, of 7 Shorncliffe Crescent, Folkestone, whose phone number is 01303

District goes to town in Coronation celebrations
«< QnOTHE HERALD commemorated the JL«7U<£ Coronation of King Edward VII
and Queen Alexandra with an eight-page souvenir picture supplement on
art paper depicting, apart from a variety of portraits of the royal
family and royal palaces, a series of photos of local celebrations, with
a procession through the town of decorated 'floats' such as Folkestone
Gardeners' flower-decked cart pulled by two horses, which was a top
prize winner in the competition, a friendly society's Stonehenge tableau
drawn by horses and complete with an escort of ‘Druids.' a fishing
industry tableau, and a steam-powered bus with solid tyres, ail
festooned with Union Jacks and bunting. I would have been interested to
know who this was entered by and who the passengers were, but cannot
find a mention of this pioneering steam bus in the newspaper of that
particular week. Across the centre of the supplement is a panoramic view
of the Coronation Treat for schoolchildren in the Pleasure Gardens
Theatre grounds and there were several fine views of decorated local
buildings. (Alderman Salter was involved in celebrations and I wonder if
he later owned the steam bus said to have rusted away near Salter s
Lightning shock for laundry van driver at country club
Q THERE was quite a shock for Advance Laundries van driver William
Ch.mdlcr, of Coolinge Road, while delivering a basket of laundry at
Lympne Country Club. As he lifted the basket there was a brilliant flash
followed by a loud crack, and he felt a tingling sensation like an
electric shock, but he was unhurt. The laundry was undamaged but the
basket was scorched. Sponsored by Mr J Heath, of Folkestone, Channel
swim record holder Hassan Abdel Rehim, of Egypt, completed the Devon
coast to Lundy Island swim in 12 hours, swimming an estimated 18 miles.
His prize? £250 or four fat bullocks (!) plus a trophy and. of course, a
barrel of Devon cider! Herald columnist "Roamer" was singing the praises
of the smart St John Ambulance men and women, boys and girls, who.
particularly in summer, voluntarily stood by in case of emergencies at
hundreds of local events. And, he pointed out. they “didn't get a bean”
for their services, in spite of what one or two people seemed to think.
Thousands of people had to run for shelter when the annual ceremony of
the Blessing of the Fisheries, was hit by a torrential rain just as a
procession through the streets, negotiated the cobbled North Street down
to the quayside. Boys in fishermen's tanfrocks were carrying a fine
scale model of a fishing boat and the show went on.
Lucky escape for seaman rescued by fishermen
*f FOLKESTONE fisherman John Featherbe,
I a strong swimmer, had a lucky escape while sailing as a member of the
crew of the boat Josephine. Thrown overboard in a nasty sea as he was
putting up the fore flagstaff, he became entangled in a rope carrying
streamers attached to the staff and was caught in a strong current.
Colleague Janies Swan, the engineer, threw lifebelts towards him and
Alfred Richards, also a good swimmer, jumped in and went to his rescue
with another lifebelt, while Swan brought the boat round and got a line
out to them. Later Featherbe. of Bates Alley, a father of six. was found
to have a broken ankle as well as bad cuts. There were strong protests
from local traders at a Ministry of Health inquiry at the Town Hall when
the Town Council applied for a loan for £1,500 to cover the cost of
transferring a drinks licence to the Leas Cliff Hall, and a further sum
for furnishing the property. During the three-hour proceedings local
furnishing stores protested at the decision of the Council to award the
contract to an out-of-town firm. The Herald report occupied eight
columns of a broadsheet paper, spilling over on to two pages. The paper
gave details of pensions for people of 65, to start in 1928.
Drama of two young girls saved in dinghy mishap
Q"7TOURISM was uppermost in the minds of I I Shepway councillors who
were discussing a plan to engage a tourist/marketing officer which would
cost ratepayers £8,000 a year. He or she would be responsible for
promoting the resort, assisting in ‘packaging' holidays and shopping
weeks, developing a guide book and producing a more complete
accommodation register, and organising at least two seasonal information
centres. The brave action of two women saved two small children who had
drifted out to sea in rubber dinghies at Hythe. The two young women, one
from Saltwood and the other from Sellindge, dived into a choppy sea to
rescue the girls, both aged about seven. Twenty five years ago Herald
reader William Honey, of Clifton Crescent, was looking back to the
miracle of the evacuation of the British army from Dunkirk as they
narrowly escaped the overrun of France by the invading German forces. He
was praising the role played in the background by the “Wrens." of the
W.R.N.S. and told of the welcome they gave the crews of Harwich Flotilla
corvettes on their arrival back in English ports. Mr Honey served aboard
HMS Shearwater, the captain of which was the late Commander R. Egan.
William later joined a destroyer serving in the Arctic, followed by the
Mediterranean. South Atlantic and Indian Oceans. |