Published 22 August 2002

Reader recalls the 60s
A CORONATION Party group at the old Empress Ballroom, in Dover Road, in
1953, a photo sent in by David Sheppard.
David Sheppard, who works in Saudi Arabia as an electrical engineer for BA
Systems, says he has the Herald sent to him every week and was interested in
the recent Memories picture of an outing group at East Cliff featuring Tony
Dickinson, an old friend of his from teenage days. And, on a recent trip
home from Al Kharj, he met up with him, he tells me.
"I grew up living in the prefabs in Hollands Avenue, a really nice community
and I read the Herald each week from back to front!" writes David, enclosing
two photographs his mother gave him during his visit, which he thought might
interest Memories readers.
The picture of the gathering of mothers and children is of the Coronation
party held at the Empress Ballroom, on Dover Road, between Pickfords,
removers at the bottom and the Copper Kettle, at the top, says David.
"In my teenage years in the 1960s I played in several groups and that was
one of the places we played. I saw many famous groups there, including Chris
Farlow, Joe Brown and David Bowie.
"The Sunday night dances were run by the manager of the shoe shop at the top
of the old High Street I think, Lilley & Skinner, along with two ladies.
'However, the Coronation party was organised by the lady sitting four from
the left, a Scot called Mrs Hall. She had a daughter Joan and was also
instrumental, via petitions, in getting the No.100 bus service provided,
which ran from Hollands Avenue to Cheriton library, originally provided for
the children to go to school.
"I actually met my wife getting off the bus in Sandgate where I was working
re-wiring The Hermitage, as an apprentice electrician for J.W.H. Pemble, of
Broadmead Road. This business is no longer there but at the time it was one
of the biggest electrical contractors in the town.
"The man with the lack of hair, standing on the left, is Mr Lever who was
the first traffic warden in Folkestone. He had a son and daughter, Peter and
Patsy. I am standing fourth from the right at the back with my mouth open -
I think we had been told to shout, or I was hungry!
"Some of the others I recognise are Mr Lever, Mrs
Hyhams, whose husband Jimmy was the plasterer and later hotel owner, and
responsible with others for a lot of postwar housing in the town, including
Lynwood. Then there is Mrs Musk, Mrs Anslow, Mrs Bokovitch, Mrs Fuggle, Mrs
Hopkins, Mrs Sheppard (my mother) and Mrs Hatchwell.
"Seated left to right, others included Mrs Andrews, Mrs Smith; possibly a
Canadian, Mrs Hall. Beyond an elderly couple I don’t remember was Mrs Daddy.
Mrs Land, Mrs Peerless and, at the end, my friend Roger Harrington's mother.
"After the party we returned to Hollands Avenue where we were entertained by
a man with a barrel organ and a monkey. I haven't included all the
children's names, as I hope they will recognise themselves, as, no doubt
will the mothers whose names I have missed.
"I hope this jogs a few memories," writes David, who also lent a picture of
his old cub scouts pack which he thought was the 25th Folkestone.
The group includes my colleague known to many as simply "Corky," but I will
spare his blushes - at least until next week. The top picture is just a
"Grand Slam' revived
GRAND Slam motorcycle grass track racing events are returning to Rhodes
Minnis. These major fixtures of the racing calendar back in the 1960s and
1970s and are being revived after agreement was reached to hold events at
the Rhodes Minnis track once a year.
Memories reader and a motorcycling enthusiast for over 40 years Peter Hogben
tells me the Astra club, which used to run events at Lydden circuit when
promoter Bill Chesson was the owner, plans to hold the first of the newly
revived international events on September 15 and says some top riders can be
The big event also promises to attract some very special guests, including
ex-riders of the 1960s and 1970s, who will recall when the Rhodes Minnis
championship events were second only to the National Championships.

New refuse disposal plan promises to end menace
A QftO RELIEF from noxious fumes in summer the Council's refuse heaps on
land outside the town was at hand. Councillors finally acted on repeated
complaints and decided to buy a site for the construction of a refuse 'cli'striiclor'
to get rid of the town's rubbish. The target site was north of what was
known as the Pavilion Estate, part of the property of Lord Radnor, who
was the Mayor. The Herald welcomed the news but expressed the hope it
would not take months to get on with the long-needed scheme, which the
Council had contrived to put off. year after year. Meanwhile it was
decided to dump refuse on the former Folkestone brickyard site near Park
Farm. A handsome silver gilt pendant, featuring in fine enamel a view of
Sandgate Castle as it was in 1539. was presented to the Chairman of
Sandgate Council, Mr O.H. Smith JP, in his second year of office. The
pendant, to be added to the recently presented chairman's chain of
office, marked SO years of local government in Sandgate. celebrated in
1900. An anonymous writer questioned the practice of placing new street
lighting in the centre of roads, which could create a danger in some
Walt Disney guests as a driver on Hythe railway
<| Q M WALT Disney, a miniature railway enthu-.L«/3^sfast, visited the
Romney. Hythe & Dymchurch Railway and, after lunching with owner Capt
J.E.P. Howey. took a turn al driving the steam locomotive "Green
Goddess," being pictured by the Herald appropriately dressed in grimy
dungarees, black peaked cap and red neckerchief. It was revealed that he
had his own miniature railway, half the size of the Hythe trains in the
grounds of his Beverley Hills home. A letter writer was calling for big
changes in the regular service being provided by the East Kent Road Car
Co, referring to tortuous routes taken leading to high fares and buses
chasing after each other in Cheriton Road. At Sandgate there was a spot
of excitement for holidaymakers as three women school teachers in a car
veered over the seawall and crashed upside down on the beach. The
teachers from Wales were taken to hospital suffering shock and bruises
after being extricated from their car by holidaymakers and passersby. It
was said that a wheel came off but the Herald photo of the upside-down
vehicle seemed to conflict with that statement. Staff of the Grand
Hotel, Folkestone, represented by chef Albert Bols and another member of
staff, Mrs Sims, prosented a well-made nursery -ound>ibout to the local
Bruce Porter Home.
Duke of York joins guests swimming off Dymchurch
«|Q<57the herai-d featured a photograph I showing the Duke of York in
one-piece swimming costume swimming with companions in the se i while on
a visit to Jesson Camp, near Dymchurch. His Royal Highness was host to
200 public schoolboys, plus an equal number from factories and workshops
all over the country, who came together with 80 'old boys' at an
organised camp. Another photo showed him taking a tumble while playing
push-ball. There was also a photograph of the attractive, newly-built
detached house, built on a site given by Viscount Folkestone, which was
first prize in the tombola, at the eighth annual Hospital Fete and
Children's Fair, organised over three sunny days by the Folkestone
Brotherhood of Cheerful Sparrows friendly society. Winner was one of two
sisters, both octogenarians. Miss B Nyron. who lived at Slade Street.
Hythe, the grand-daughters of a once very well known cricketer, James
Nyren. The second prize, a new Morris Oxford 15.9hp car, went to a woman
from Marble Arch. London. The profit was expected to be £3,000 up on
1926, to about £10,000. bringing the total raised since the First World
War to nearly £24.000.
Park Farm schoolchildren run ‘gauntlet of death’
«| Q77PUPILS who played Russian roulette with f f heavy traffic outside
their schools faced having the odds stacked high against them. It was
feared indu.stn>il expansion for Park Farm industrial estate, approved
by a Council committee, would add 110 vehicles a day to the "gauntlet of
death" already run by the children of Upper and Lower Wyndgate Schools,
in Park Farm Road, reported the Herald. Councillor Tony Deighton pointed
out it was the KCC which gave consent to build schools on busy roads. A
spokesman for the PTA said the town needed jobs but also adequate roads
for the lurries that went by the schools. Organisers were hoping that
the town's first Jubilee Spectacular could take the place of the once
regular military tattoo which was axed after cutbacks In defence
expenditure. The spectacular programme was to span three days.
Proprietors of the New Metropole restaurant and bar, Mr and Mrs Roland
Tomlin, had jewellery of great sentimental value, said to be worth
£4,000, stolen from their flat, but there was no sigh of a break-in.
Shepway Council housing department was being accused of using such tough
tactics that it made the authority look like marriage wreckers, it was
claimed. The trouble was they were forced to live with parents because
they could not get on the long waiting list for homes. |