Published 3 May 2001

Fishing fears
Fifty-five years ago this month the Herald carried a headline "War Saved our
Fishing Industry" above a story which told of grave fears for the future of
the fishing fleets. The writer said that Folkestone was founded upon this
age-old industry and it should not be allowed to stagnate.
At a critical period in its history the 1914-18 war "saved" it, said the
For a few years all was well, then there was a slump and local fisher folk
were hard put to make a living. But then the Second World War came along and
"saved" them once again.
But, added the writer, there was a sting in the tale. The war had also
inflicted new hardships and dangers never before experienced, in the form of
unexploded bombs, mines and other hazards, such as wrecked planes, flying
bombs and sunken ships, which inflicted much damage to fishing boats and
their equipment as they fished.
But attempts were being made to insure against such losses of catches and
By April 1946, the writer continued, the port's fishing industry employed
just under 200 men full time and there were about 35 large and small fishing
This was only half what it had been in the early part of the century.
Bill Saunders, whose family had been connected with fishing for many
generations, told a Folkestone Herald reporter that the fishing grounds off
Folkestone were not very prolific and, unless the fishermen could be sure of
reasonably good prices for their fish, they could barely earn a living.
Below the story's headline was a picture of old pipe-smoking Tom Weatherby,
71, one of
several old-timers who, said the writer, had been fishing for more than 50
years. He was shown looking out over the surviving fishing boats, from the
quayside at the Fishmarket.
Midnight flowers
A 1933 ITEM which caught my eye when I was researching information, in the
Folkestone Herald, about the windmills in East Kent, was about "The Midnight
Flower Boat" - a former Southern Railway cargo steamer which operated a
perhaps little known service across the Channel, between Folkestone and
Boulogne, bringing flowers from the South of France to be sent by rail to
Covent Garden's early morning market.
Hundreds of tons of roses, marguerites, marigolds, tulips, mimosa, narcissi,
stocks, violets and asparagus foliage for bouquets, were arriving every
month between October and June, and the cargoes were particularly heavy this
time of year.
On arrival at the port they were quickly transferred to a waiting train
bound for the City in the early hours of the morning where they were checked
by Customs officers, and arrived at the market just after 4am.
Duty had to be paid on the blooms after January 1932 - two old pennies per
pound for common varieties and nine old pence for "prime assorted flowers."
Other consignments of flowers arrived at
"I REMEMBER a man, who was mayor of this town who was bowling 'unders' for
Folkestone when Folkestone played ‘All England.' And, when the legendary W.G.
Grace came into the field, they got him out second ball, much to his
annoyance!" - The mayor, Alderman J.W. Stainer, related this story at the
annual meeting of the Folkestone Cricket Club, back in 1933. Unfortunately
he gave no hint of the year. I passed the information on to Peter Ewart, a
family history researcher, formerly of Folkestone, who lives near Ash. For
some time he has been trying to prove a legend that W.G. Grace played at Ash
FROM the Folkestone & Hythe Gazette, the Herald’s midweek sister paper, of
50 years ago - The day Friern Barnet Cricket Club team visited Folkestone to
play a match against the town’s Cricket Club. This picture, reproduced from
the newspaper (we don’t have an original photograph) hence the quality is
not very good, shows some of the party with a horse-drawn charabanc believed
to come from Dover.
Folkestone from Dunkirk. They were grown expressly for the British market.
FIFTY years ago this month a Capel resident was looking back 50 years to the
day a Friern Barnet Cricket Club team visited Folkestone to play their
Folkestone counterparts.
During that visit they were taken by horse-drawn charabanc to Capel where
they were
pictured wearing a variety of hats outside the Valiant Sailor public house.
The picture (exact date not known) was published in the Herald's former
mid-week paper the Folkestone & Hythe Gazette.
It was sent in by Mr W.A. Tunstill, of Helena Road, Capel, who said Mr Aird,
licensee at the Capel inn, thought the driver of the coach was Mr Nash of
Swinish multitude’ chase pig - and go cock-fighting
*1 om A CENTURY aS° our feature writer, X9UJ. Felix, looked back a
century through April 1799 pages of Sporting Magazine to Easter Monday
Holiday 'Sports' at Sandgate and Shorncliffe. Events got under way with
pony races. Then there was a racc for a Holland Smock in which "Kentish
Maids" took part, followed by an aquatic racc for four-oared cutters
and, after a lunch interval, a racc for Kentish Hunters that had ‘been
in at the death of two brace of foxes' in the past seas-jn. A humorous
sack race followed and then things turned swinish as a pig was turned
loose, its tail having been "suitably” shaved and soaped, the object
being for men to try and catch it by the tail and throw it over their
heads (!) Felix commented that n ‘ swinish multitude" chased the pig.
but. happily no one succeeded in the task, over a period of two hours.
Worse followed with cock-fighting, described as a Welch main of cocks,
at the New Inn, an old coaching house - later the Kent Hotel. The pony
race for a bridle, saddle and silver-mounted whip, was won by
“Chanticler" owned by a Mr Hollis.
Rider’s lucky escape as lightning strikes his bike
QCi FIFTY years ago a Folkestone school-_L«70JL master was trying to
work out how he 'lost' nine minutes on his way to school. The story was
related on the front page of the Herald under the headline "Struck by
Lightning on Motor-Cycle." William Anthony O'Leary was on his way to
Morehall County Secondary School from Hawkinge when the incident
happened. He remembered adjusting his goggles as it came on to rain and
then "I felt a pain in my stomach as thought I had been kicked
violently. The next thing I knew I was sitting astride my stationary
motor-cycle. There was a horrible smell of sulphur and brimstone. I had
a pain in the stomach and there was a tingling sensation in the palms of
my hands. I took off my gloves and found that my hands had been burned,"
he told the Herald. He said he saw no flash and heard no thunder, but he
believes lightning must have stalled his engine as it struck him. He
felt shaken and his speech was slightly affected but he went on with his
work. His rubber boots may have saved him from serious injury.
Folkestone said it with flowers, adopting the slogan of "Floral
Folkestone" for the year and held a floral Shopping Week, as a prelude
to a July Festival and Flower Show.
Lucky escape for local JP and farmer, on world trip
1 QOC LOCAL JP Mr J.E. Quested of Newington J.«/4bOwas back in town
after a narrow escape during a 30.000 mile trip to America and the Far
East, during which he judged cattle at an international fat stock show
in Chicago, where he was invited to judge 1.600 animals, mainly bred
from English and Scottish stock, over three days. The champion beast was
an Aberdeen Angus. While In Japan he had a narrow escape from death, the
tram in which he travelled up a mountain to visit one of the tourist
spots, crashed on the way back down, causing death or serious injury to
a dozen people. Possibly having a premonition, he had walked down,
refusing to rejoin the tram. The building of the new band pavilion on
the leas was the subject of a page feature on architecture in a daily
paper which must have been valuable publicity for Folkestone. Meanwhile
Cllr Forsyth proposed that the Council should try and get a visit to the
port by a Royal Navy ship which, he said, would give the town a boost.
Councillors were supporting a 'backing Britain campaign' by supporting
home manufacturers and contractors who were on a list known as the
King's Roll. No one turned up when the Chamber of Commerce decided to
discuss the need for resort publicity.
20,000 protest at geriatric plans for town’s Royal ‘Vic’
a OVER 20.000 local people signed a peti-
■LZ/fOtion against a plan to turn the Royal Victoria Hospital into a
unit mainly for geriatric patients, and won the backing of the
South-east Kent Community Health Council, which added its weight to the
objection. The watchdog council pledged that it would appeal to the
regional health authority for the cash to adapt the Royal 'Vi*:' for use
as a community hospital, with 29 beds retained for medical and
postoperative surgical patients, and 60 used for geriatric patients,
when the William Harvey opened at Ashford in 1978. An army of furious
Romnuy Marsh residents decided to march on Shcpway District Council, in
a spirited campaign against higher charges for emptying cesspools. And
they threatened they would not pay the proposed new charges if they were
introduced, but leave the cesspools until they were about to overflow
and then demand they be emptied on health grounds. And the protest seems
to have worked, the Marsh folk won a cut of half in the proposed new
charges. At the same time it was decided to send a deputation to Shcpway
Council pressing for a speed-up in plans for main drainage. Folkestone's
Carnival planners adopted the slogan of Quality, not quantity for the
1976 event, problems being created bv the brilliant 1.5mile long
procession in 1975.