Published 21 December 2000
Hopes for more sailings of steamers from port.
«| Qf\r\THERE were hopes of further ferry J.»7v/vJ business at
Folkestone, at the expense of Dover, after the French decided, as an
experiment, to send the steamer Pas de Calais over from Dover because of
the difficulty in berthing at the Admiralty Pier in bad weather. (This
was before the building of the Admiralty’s enclosed harbour at Dover.)
After the testing of moorings the steamer Le Nord was then sent direct
from Calais to Folkestone with the Continental malls. After these had
been discharged the Boulogne steamer arrived and then the turbine
steamer: Empress with the Brussels mails. Seasonal goods traffic from
Flushing also augmented the work handled at the port. As the year was
drawing to a close the editor of the Herald called for a united effort
In the town to “to mark the departure of the ‘Old Century’,” suggesting
a big collection to boost funds of the Victoria Hospital and for a
commemorative plaque on the building. Salvation Army founder General
Booth visited the town to speak In Congregational Churches at Radnor
Park and Tontine Street. People flocked to the meetings to see and
listen to the great man.
'Health’ chalet on the Leas sparks a storm of protest.
«f Q/jp WITH, apparently little thought to the fact X9«iO they were
setting a precedent, the Council approved temporary siting of a chalet
on the famous Leas promenade for a well-to-do woman, Lady Sybil
Middleton, sister of Earl Grey, her doctor having said she would benefit
from a winter spent in the bracing air of Folkestone. The result was a
storm of protests, partly because it obstructed a public right of way
along the cliff-top and because of the “unfair privilege” she was
gaining. The chalet was soon daubed with the words: “A violation of
public rights; put it over the cliffs men!” And someone actually tried
to move the chalet while Lady Middleton was inside. Quickly responding
to protests, her husband, Lambert Middleton, promptly had the shelter
removed. Folkestone was gratified to hear that at least two other local
authorities were interested in building similar Zig-Zag path attractions
to its own. Blackpool was about to embark on the construction of a an
artificial Zig-Zag with white cliffs made of Portland sand and cement
northwards from the old Glynn inn, famous for its smuggling
associations. And Southend Council had recently sent a deputation to
Folkestone to inspect the famous Zig-Zag path and caves, which were also
created out of simulated stone. Our writer Felix reported that they had
been very impressed.
New plans to improve the busy coast road to West.
tf Q7 C THERE was a new oil slick scare, with fears JL«71 O for the
coastline from Folkestone to the East Goodwin lightship, but then
freshening winds swept it out to sea again. A new route was being
investigated forthe A259 main coastal road, with the aim: of bypassing
the built-up areas of Folkestone and Hythe and, perhaps, linking up with
the M20. It was all part of a review of the route from Dover to
Brighton. Strange lights, low over the Straits, were said to be due to
unusual ‘shooting star’ activity. The Herald told of a hospital
transport service, manned by volunteers, which was to be introduced
because the East Kent Road Car Co was suspending services on Christmas
Day and Boxing Day and it was hoped, subject to volunteer drivers coming
forward, to continue the service aimed primarily for the elderly and
physically handicapped wishing to visit patients. Twenty-five years ago
a commemorative there-and-back flight took place from Lydd Airport by a
historic DC3 aircraft, Yankee Zulu, a survivor of the Arnhem operation
in the Second World War. Owned by Skyways Cargo Airline, at Lydd, it
flew to Antwerp with a special cargo of valuable books about the Douglas
Dakota which were afterwards auctioned on behalf of funds of the RAF
Museum at Hendon. In 1975 it was estimated 2,700 of these aircraft were
still operational. Skyways operated seven of them. |
‘PLUTO’ pipeline garden scheme for Folkestone.
1 QCn4 SUGGESTION Folkestone should
^*7 Ov become a ‘dormitory’ town for overseas visitors to the Festival
of Britain in 1951 was welcomed by the Chamber of Trade and the Council.
The plan was explained by Mr Parry Billings, an executive officer for
the Festival, who said he would put the idea to the British Travel and
Holiday Association. Pictured in the Herald was Charles Bataille, of
Radnor Park Road, who was responsible for the movement by train of
thousands of Allied and British troops and thousands of tons of
munitions during two World Wars. He was retiring after 45 years on
British Railways. A tentative scheme to set up a Pluto Pipeline memorial
garden in Folkestone was briefly debated by town councillors. The idea
came from Londoner Capt JF Hutchings. It was to commemorate the “ready
cooperation" of local people in the scheme for the unique fuel pipeline to Normandy while he
commanded ships in the Channel during 1944-45^ Marsh councillors were
considering proposals which would mean the opening of the first public
house in St Mary's Bay. The plan was to upgrade the existing Levin Club. A
bright red fish with three barbels caught in a local sea angling contest
stumped organisers. It proved to be a ‘Whistler’ - or three-bearded
rockling. |