Published 19 July 2001

But as far as one particular photograph was concerned I was stumped. It was
a picture of a Vauxhall Velox shooting brake identified by a rubber
backstamp as having belonged to the Martin Walters Ltd Utilecon Works, now,
sadly, long closed, at Cheriton.
Dennis, who worked in the Dormobile factory at Cheriton before he retired
told me of the great camaraderie among the lads at the works, and of the
very clever craftsmen who used to work in the coachbuilding and repair
shops. He also told of the sadness when the Dormobile works, where so much
coach conversion work was done, closed
_ down. Later, of course
Martin Walters closed too.
He said a Dormobile owners' club still flourished, but he could not tell me
much about the Velox shooting brakes, an occasional example of which one
still sees on the road.
I have discovered that back in 1956 when the Bedford Dormobile was earning
Martin Walters international fame - during a period when the motor trade
generally was having a difficult time - work was under way on an offshoot of
this, the Vauxhall Velox "Dormobile," an estate car.
The Martin Walters Ltd
I SOLVED a little bit of a motoring mystery for myself quite by accident
recently while researching a completely different subject in back numbers of
the Folkestone Herald.
Three years ago now motoring enthusiast Dennis Pullen, of Broadmead Village,
Cheriton, who used to work for Martin Walters, lent me a fine collection of
photographs of cars with coachwork built by the firm and I wrote a series of
Memories articles based on these and the information he gave me about the
AND NOW for something completely different! Back in the 1920s and early
1930s Llama carts were a great attraction to children in Folkestone at
holiday time.
AVIATION enthusiast Roy Humphreys, of Hawkinge, confirms that a Lancaster
bomber of 75 (NZ) Squadron RAF, badly damaged by flak, crashed into a local
hillside, on Sept 18, 1944 as it tried to get to Hawkinge airfield. It was
returning from Boulogne after helping Canadian forces capture the German gun
sites which shelled Dover and Folkestone in the war. It confirms the
recollection of the late husband of Mrs V Harris, of Hastings, who contacted
me about it. He recalled the bomber crashing at Peene, close to the landmark
property called "The Dolls House."
THE Martin Walters' photograph of one of their latest pieces of quality
coachwork in the 1970s, a Cheriton Dormobile factory conversion of a
Vauxhall Velox saloon car.
company was so busy with orders it had doubled the capacity of its latest
The new six-seater estate was to sell at 17shillings over £1,112, which
included purchase tax.
The Folkestone Herald of August 24, 1956 said the new model met an enormous
demand for a Dormobile type vehicle on a car chassis, the roomy Vauxhall
Velox, which was particularly popular with taxi firms.
I also discovered that an updated version of this 'shooting brake' was still
going strong in 1973. Folkestone Herald writer Ron Green, writing in January
that year, said that the "unique" new model was the outcome of 1,700 hours
work by the Martin Walters design team.
"They have taken a standard Vauxhall Viva saloon and, with imagination and
craftsmanship of the old school, have created what might be the only small
car estate with four doors (and of course the tailgate) to be manufactured
in Britain." And, he added:
"The elegant outcome of this expertise has been nicknamed the Viva
"Alas," he added, it was only available in that country! It was designed for
the market there.
Design work had started the previous May, requirements including governors
on both speed and exhaust fumes to meet regulations in Bermuda.
Ron Green revealed that a Martin Walters works team, led by branch manager
Brian Baker and foreman Fred Round were supplied with a brand new Viva to
"play around" with. Their first step was to rip off half the roof and the
boot lid.
By August the design work was as good as done. The second prototype was so
good it was promptly bought by the head of the company set to market the
shooting brake in Bermuda.
Soon the factory was turning out six cars every three weeks.
Prophetic Ron Green thought there might well be a British market for the
estates — if the price was rightl
Sure enough, towards the end of October -Motor Show time — the Herald was
reporting the "Bermuda," Dormobile's new type of "Bedroom on Wheels," was a
real success story.
It had proved so popular, models were built for the home and overseas market
and Martin Walters reported record export orders. And a Standard Vanguard
Dormobile estate also made its debut.

Local tramways would boost trade says editor
“1 Oft*! THE Herald editor, writing about Jmij 1/ -L squabbles over the
syllabus of the town's Technical School, called for more commercial
subjects, "which are the crying need of the times" as opposed to wood
carving and botany. And he did not have a good word for dress-making or
nursing either, in view of the "miserable pay" people rcccived in this
line of work. He thought money was wasted on things which were “only
fads." He said he hoped the Town Council would not take a “back sat" in
the management of the school which seemed to be "on the high road to
becoming a drag on the rates." Turning to the subject of local tramways,
which was the subject of debate in Parliament, the editor said a tramway
service between Hythe and Folkestone was a necessity and would create a
welcome growth in the movement of people between Folkestone. Cheriton,
Sandgate and Hythe and so on. leading to more trade. He said there would
also be the major plus factor that it would open up more sites for
tuildiiiK development in the district.
Flower power - or the 'Show of the Century’
A QC'I EARI-Y in July Folkestone's "Show of JL«73J. the Century’’ - a
Floral Festival and Flower Show, the biggest four-day event in the
town's history, took place at the Cheriton Road sports ground part of
which was turned into a tented city with over 30 marquees and tents. It
was the most ambitious event every held by the townspeople. Apart from
the flower show there was a Britain Can Make it Exhibition. Veteran Car
Rally, Fur & Feather and Dog Shows, an Aquaria display, a procession of
dccoratcd cars, 100 Years of Fashion and an East Kent Hunt parade. The
programme kicking off with the crowning of a Floral Queen - Miss
Folkestone. Lack of interest was blamed for the dropping of a scheme to
cuim-rt Eastbridge House, Hythe into a residential home for 30 elderly
people of the town, with a matron and three staff. The plan had been
proposed by the Old People's Welfare Committee, but members heard at the
annual meeting that it had been dropped because an appeal fund, to raise
£3,000 had netted only a little over £100. A success in the town
however, had been the WVS Meals on Wheels service which, in two and half
years cooked and delivered 17,000 dinners.
Royal Navy cruisers prove major attraction for town
■f QA/j THREE cruisers of the Royal Navy, HMS JL«/4bO Caledon, Cleopatra
and Curacoa called at Folkestone and, dressed overall, were visited at
their anchorage, about a mile offshore, by a series of parties of local
people, including servicemen convalescing at St Andrew's Nursing Home at
East Cliff. Ashore Royal Naval officers were guests at a luncheon at the
Hotel Metropole. warrant officers had a dinner at the Royal Pavilion
Hotel (now the Burstin) and were afterwards entertained at the
Folkestone Rowing Club, while other events included a cricket match
between a King -Turner's XI and team from HMS Cleopatra and Caledon.
Felix was writing of the unfounded criticism - East Street, which some
branded as slums. Old they might be. he said, but he could vouch for
some cottages which were the "acme of comfort and cleanliness.” And he
said he would like to see a cleaner or better kept home than that of
fisherman Mr G.L. Fagg. of 16 East Street, who had just died. He and his
wife had brought up eight healthy sons and four daughters there. Who in
the west end of the town could match that family record? It might be
sentiment, but he would be ‘'sorry to see the picturesque old Stade
wiped out of existence" - a view echoed by many.
Dungeness life-savers toast 150 years of heroic service
rf THE LONG and heroic history of the lifeboat
I O station at Dungeness reached another high water mark with a
celebration to mark its 150th years of service at the Lifeboat House.
The life-savers also remcm-iL-rcd l> n of their forebears who lost their
lives in the service in the 19th Century. During the week's events there
was an exhibition of oil paintings at The Britannia pub, some of
lifeboat coxswains since the 1890s. and si m Is were on view listing
crews since 1915 as well as photographs giving a pictorial history of
rescues carried out by the famous lifeboat station. From the Herald
editor came strong words about local politics. "The day when political
beliefs destroy reason Is the day when fair local government dies. And
that day must surely have been reached in Shepway," he warned. “One of
three groups of district council members has been barred from
proportional representation on the main, policy-making committee. That
group, of 12 Independent and liberal councillors, represents more than
13.000 voters,” he pointed out. And he blamed a group of "influential
diehard Tories" who had cajoled colleagues to back them. It was putting
political beliefs before district interests, he said. After the biggest
cash crisis in its history Folkestone FC announced a £20.000 rescue bid
with a variety of cost cutting plans and Sidney de Haan became a
director. |