Published 24 April 2003

BELOW: GROVE Cinema, Hythe, which once stood on the corner of Mount
Street. On the opposite comer was the Institute, famed for its spacious
dance floor, which has also been demolished. The Grove building ceased to be
a cinema some time before it was demolished for road improvement, in
September 1961. The photo was shown to me by postcard collector Peter
Hooper, of Folkestone, after Memories reader Mrs Allen told me of her hunt
for a photo for a new book on Hythe. She is still looking for a picture of
the old Ritz Cinema and the former Bailey bridge which linked Rampart Road
with Stage Street.
THE NOSTALGIC photograph in Memories recently of a train steaming up the
Tram Road track at the back of the Durlocks, brought memories flooding back
for Mrs Sheila Elsey.
She contacted me by email to tell me how she used to live in one of the
flats, at No 32 The Durlocks.
“I lived there from when I was born, in 1946, until 1960, when we swapped
with a lady who lived on her own in a house opposite the flats. I continued
to live there until I left home in 1967.”
But, as Mrs Elsey writes, some people living' near the track were not so
pleased when several steam locomotives were used to haul carriages up the
steep incline.
“I remember all of the washing on the washing lines getting covered in black
coal dust!” she writes, going on to add that the family used to go indoors
quickly if they were out on the verandah at the back, when they heard a
train coming!
“But we used to get very excited when the Golden Arrow train was coming
“When my mother was a young girl she was pushing her sister along Tram Road
one day, when a train came along and showered them with cinders - and my
mother had a bad burn on her chin which left her with a bad scar for the
rest of her life.
“I could go on and on with my childhood
memories, but I thought you might like a little bit of history about the
steam trains,” she says.
I was also interested to hear last week of an old Folkestone newspaper I had
never heard of, the Folkestone Gazette, of 1841.
This was a different newspaper from the Folkestone Herald’s former midweek,
The Folkestone & Hythe Gazette, which was not launched until after the
Second World War. This later became a free paper.
I heard of the existence of the old paper from a descendant of William Henry
Willis, the Folkestone Gazette editor of 1841, a well known local
William Willis had a great deal of property around the harbour and, for many
years, owned a coal merchant’s business in Beach Street. This was
subsequently taken over by a Mr Scrivener. The premises were demolished by
enemy action in the 1940s.
His descendant, Richard Willis, of Blenheim Gardens, Kingston upon Thames,
Surrey, contacted the Folkestone Herald for a photocopy of the Folkestone &
Hythe Herald which carried a feature about the old newspaper, by our
one-time columnist The Roamer, back in 1958.
He told how the first Folkestone Gazette, only 6.5 inches (14cm) x 4.5
inches (11.5cm) and with only six pages, was published on September 5, 1841.
An unusual feature about it is that it was all laboriously handwritten, with
attractive hand-drawn
sketches and other illustrations.
It was quite possible, he wrote, the newspaper was never publicly circulated
but passed around among friends.
Although small it was meticulously produced, he wrote, and curiously, the
title Folkestone Gazette seems to have appeared in different lettering in
each issue.
The only local news in the first issue concerned the sudden death of a
waggoner, Mr Daniels, of Farlingash, who was leading a horse-drawn wagon of
corn when he had a fit and died. And success in a local regatta for a
four-oared craft, La Lucia, of Sandgate, belonging to T Hodges Esq, crewed
by Folkestone men, was also noted.
Issue No 2 was more exciting, telling how ‘a gentleman lately in Folkestone’
had a lucky escape during a visit to Russia. He
outwitted and shot dead an innkeeper who was apparently ‘in the habit of
murdering all travellers who stopped at his house!’
On arrival at St Petersburg our anonymous Folkestone hero had with him ‘a
maid from the inn and her mistress.’
The maid was apparently engaged as maid of honour to Queen Catherine but for
reasons Roamer did not explain the ‘mistress’ was given a beating and
banished for life to Siberia!
The Gazette’s issue No 4 told of a ‘dreadful accident’ when a boy of three
called Lanes, living at the Folly, was ‘knocked down and gored in a shocking
manner about the face’ by a young ram at a stile.
Happily, the ram was driven away, otherwise the boy would have been killed.
At the Folly, near Warren Road, there were several small cottages.
Town’s image is tarnished by Leas fence squabble
>« Q/"kO THERE were fears that a Leas fence JL«7UOdispute over use of a
road leading to the Leas, which passed between property owned by Gordon
Hotels on one side and Lora Radnor on the other, would hamper moves to
improve the rail service to and from: Folkestone. The Folkestone Rowing
Club could look back on a successful racing season in 1902 but was in
need of new galleys, the Herald reporting that the club lagged behind
other resorts in its equipment, although it had worked wonders thanks to
the enthusiasm of a few keen members. The group of councillors, an
official and a Chamber of Commerce representative, studying the long
drawn-out and controversial question of a Folkestone tramway service
were off on another 'junket,' as some people called it to inspect
another tramway, this time at Ilford. The party of seven were this time
to see a demonstration of the experimental 'GB surfaco contact system,'
said to use magnets to transmit power to the cars. Due at Shomcliffe
Camp from service in India were the 2nd Battalion South Lancs Regt who
were to be joined by other members of the regiment already quartered in
Cheerful Sparrows fund raisers wind up society
QCQTHE YEAR 1953 marked a turning Ji«IOOpoint for local charities with
the winding up of the highly successful band of volunteers known as the
Folkestone Brotherhood of Cheerful Sparrows, whose hardworking members
raised thousands of pounds for the needy in Folkestone for 19 years
leading up to the Second World War. Their work was revived after the war
but with many of the Sparrows'having passed on and others getting on in
years, there wasn't the same enthusiasm after another eight years and
the brethren decided to disband. A unanimous vote of thanks went to Mr L
Daughters for looking after the affairs of the Brothers. Shepwav was
mourning the passing of Queen Mary, who lived to see the suffering
across the world caused by two world wars but endeared herself to the
people, and during the reign of King George V made more than one
memorable visit to the district. She went to see Folkestone's MP for 25
years. Sir Philip Sassoon, at his home at Port Lympne, in 1936. In July
1939 she was at Shomcliffe Camp to see the 13th/18th Hussars and the
first young men called up for the militia, or national service; having
arrived by royal train at Shorncliffe Station.
Radio station bid to improve safety in the busy Channel
<f qaqPLANS were revealed to build an ■L«/&Oimportant radio station at
Dungeness in a bid to improve maritime safety in the busy Strait of
Dover. Trinity House planned to upgrade its 'beacon' system and switch
to radio equipment at the new station: on a loop system. It was to be
the first of its kind and was seen as an experiment. It was to be built
on the Point and it was hoped work would begin before the end of 1928.
Those fearing interferenco with their home radio reception were told
there should be little if any problem; due to the use of a wavelength of
1,000 metres. Sir Montagu de P Webb, CBE, President of the Air League of
India and vice-president of the Cinque Ports Flying Club based at Lympne,
told how, while in India, he experimented with aircraft models after
watching the flying of hawks and went on to build a glider. That was
back in 1894, a few years before Wilbur Wright made the world's first
powered flight. He built a 30ft aircraft, using bamboo cane, with cloth
laced over the wings of the glider and flew this craft from the
sandhills of Karachi.
Dustcart ploughs into home and wrecks new parked car
j <V7QTHERE was drama in Dudley Road, i ©Folkestone, when: a council
dustcart crashed into three parked vehicles and then ploughed into the
home of Alf Sneath, next door to a corner shop. The property had only
just been repaired after storm damage. Added to that Mr Sneath's Morris
Traveller car, which he needed for his work, was left a write-off. A
neighbour, meanwhile, had a brand new Citroen car badly damaged.
Prospective Liberal parliamentary candidate Ken Vaus hit out at the poor
housing record of Shepway at the annual meeting of a local Shelter group
which was campaigning to help the homeless; "Shepway has a very bad
record on housing and house building," he declared. He went on to
suggest that it would greatly help the situation if property was
renovated, instead of being destroyed, while a hostel for the
temporarily homeless could save ratepayers' money, he said. A Dudley
Road resident was recalling the aftermath of an attack on the town in
1942 by four German planes. "I was amazed at what I imagined was
hundreds of birds in the sky. I suddenly realised that the 'birds' were
prayer and hymn books, and I knew then that Christ church had been hit,"
she said. |