Published 19 October 2000
I HEAR from Adrian Westwood, of Wye that he is researching a book on
Kent’s Secret Army, a clandestine movement set up in 1940 to counter any
attempt by Hitler to invade the UK after the epic evacuation of our troops
from Dunkirk. The units were known either as Home Guard Auxiliary Units or
XII Corps Observation Units he says, and he wants to hear from any reader
who may know anything about them.
I seem to recall the Herald featured one of the men who served in one of
these units about 10 to 15 years ago, possibly more. Adrian’s phone/fax
numbers are 01233 $13230 and 01233 330610.
Folkestone, a Journey Through Time, is the projected title for one of the
books which are featured in an illustrated pamphlet being sent out to entice
people to put their names down for copies which will incorporate the names
of these buyers if registered by the end of December.
A book with a similar title is
also planned for Dover.
The large format books (30 X 21 cm) will range from a standard edition at
£18.90, with hardback plasticised cover, to a ‘luxury’ edition with faux
leather and gold leaf lettering, for another £6 and there will be 50 copies
only of a ‘collectors’ edition’ which will cost £54.90.
area - things that people find attractive, dramatic and interesting."
Those interested should write to "Folkestone in Words and Pictures,"
Penhaligon Page, Remus House, Coltsfoot Drive, Woodston, Peterborough PE2
9JX - but your letters have to get there by November 30.
Right is part of another photograph for the proposed new book on Folkestone,
with David Niven judging a fashion parade in 1950.
FISHERMEN unloading their boat at Folkestone harbour, circa 1900 says the
caption to this photo which is to be included in the new book.
Unique journey
This will have a “beautiful cover within a faux-leather presentation case”
and incorporate a limited edition watercolour painting of a Folkestone scene
The publishers identify themselves only by their address which is His Story,
AA 595, PO Box 995, London EC1A 1AY.
In their sales pitch they say: “We have recently obtained an exclusive
collection of photographs of Folkestone, many previously unpublished,
depicting life in the town over the past 100 years.
“We are delighted to be able to offer you the opportunity to share with us
this unique pictorial journey through the colourful history of your
“Folkestone has seen many changes over the last century, and its proximity
to the continent has put it in the forefront of English history throughout
the ages.
“This collection offers a fascinating insight into the past, captured by the
buildings, street scenes and portraits...”
At the same time the publishers offer a full colour reprint of an antique
map of East Kent of 1709 by Henry Fricx to
HEARD this week of two sumptuous new books of old photographs of the local
area showing life over the past century, which are due to be published soon
if the owners of the pictures gauge there is enough demand. Possibly by the
end of December.
MEMORIES of an almost bygone era are evoked by this old postcard picture of
fishing boats in Folkestone harbour about 70 years ago shown to me by
Memories reader Peter Hooper, of Folkestone, who is keenly interested in the
history of the district.
subscribers for £19.90. The price to non subscribers will be £20 more.
The search is on for words and pictures about life in Folkestone for another
series of books to be published early in 2001.
Publishers, Penhaligon Page, invite people who live in Folkestone and the
surrounding district to send opinions, myths, poems, anecdotes, factual
accounts and photographs for possible I inclusion in the work.
Editor Suzy Walton says: "We intend to produce a full and fascinating
picture of Folkestone and are looking for material that will bring out all
aspects of the

Felix writes of'cannibal den’-in Tontine Street.
it Q/\/\IRATE writer in the Herald Felix was questioning the different
treatment meted out to ‘entertainers.' He said he had never known so
much public indignation as there had been against a Council decision to
outlaw certain "outdoor entertainers" and was scathing about a local
'den' of Councillor Payer, in Tontine Street with its open door to the
street inviting people in to sec a palmist and other delights. “During
the past few days a savage king of the cannibal islands has been holding
seances in a hall popularly known as the Cave of Adullam, in Tontine
Street." he wrote. And the police were kept busy making crowds move on
as they tended to gather outside. "Within the walls of the cave a
piano-organ has been turning out music with astonishing vigour. The
noise has been deafening." So different he added, to the singing of the
outlawed street entertainers. Meanwhile an anonymous resident of
Cheriton had written complaining not only of flies but rats which were
openly playing on lawns, eating the bulbs in the garden, making holes in
the floors of cycle sheds and In the garden too. Rats carried not only
the plague but other diseases, said tin* rr.ulir.
Parachutes promise for RAF - after pilot killed.
nl qaf A VERDICT of misadventure was recorded JL«7d>>3 at the inquest on
experienced RAF flier Flight Lieut Arthi-r Cuddon-Davis. 29, from
Hawkingc. whose Sopwith Snipe biplane crashed out of control near the
waterworks reservoirs after a fault caused one set of wings to fold-up.
It was suggested his life might have been saved if he had been wearing a
parachute and an RAF spokesman said it had been decided RAF pilots
would, in future, be equipped with them. The name of Herbert George
Martin Copping. 21. of Denmark Street, was being inscribed on the
Carnegie Roll of Heroes, the Herald reported, to commemorate his efforts
in saving a boy from drowning in a pond at the Warren, in July. The boy,
Arthur Waller, 15. of Bridge St, was brought to safety by Reginald
Parker, of Myrtle Road, after George Copping became exhausted and
drowned. The Royal Humane Society also honoured Mr Copping, who was out
walking at the time with his fiancee when he made the ill-fated rescue
bid. Local garage firms Martin Wiiltci and Rowland-Rouse competed with
each other for two weeks in the size of their advertisements announcing
their role in the London Motor Show at Olympia, both being involved with
the stands of different car manufacturers, while Harbour Garages Ltd
took a much smaller space.
Moves to clear up local devastation of last war.
QCrtTHE COUNCIL received Government .L«70U sanction for its plans to
deal with war-damaged property and announced that compulsory purchase
powers would be used to clear dangerous buildings in the harbour area.
But the Ministry of Town & Country Planning said the war damage area
should be divided up into sections and those intended to be redeveloped
with housing should be dealt with first. It was also advocated the
Ministry of Transport should be consulted over a new road line for
Harbour Street. Some councillors said they still had inadequate powers
to deal with dilapidated property which gave a bad impression of the
district to visitors, particularly those arriving by sea. Cllr F.W.
Archer said the first view they got was of ''pretty dilapidated and
disgusting" property. The Brough theatre partnership of Arthur Brough
and his wife Elizabeth Addyman, heading a company long known as the
Brough Players, was celebrating 21 years of repertory in Folkestone at
the Leas Pavilion. They started off with a capital of £50. which was all
they had, and ran a successful little theatre for years. The achievement
was detailed in a lengthy feature in the Herald, naming particularly
stage manager Bert Mason, who estimated he built 1.500 sets in 21 years.
Tied Piper’ mayor Thomas praised for kids’ holiday.
>4 FOLKESTONE'S "Pied Piper" mayor, Cllr.
_L^7 / 9 George Thomas was praised in the town's parish magazine for his
work in bringing 240 children to the town for a holiday break away from
the troubles of Northern Ireland. But not everyone was happy about the
children. Inevitably, perhaps, in a group of 240 children there were the
odd 'bad eggs' and there were complaints of two young girls staying out
all hours and of stealing from their hosts. It seemed scarcely
believable that Folkestone and Hythe were so behind in their thinking
that they dumped three million gallons of untreated sewage into the sea
every day, wrote the Herald editor in an editorial. The official line
that been that the risk to health was minimal, he wrote, but to the
layman concerned with hygiene this seemed extraordinary. At the same
time the district was trying to sell itself as a resort: "Let us hope
that first impressions prove to be wrong.....before all of us get a
grandstand seat at the epidemic." Councillors thought nothing should be
done about suggestions the district should have a site designated for
gipsies to cope with any need that should arise. One member summed up
the feeling of the majority when he said "If you have not got a problem,
why make one?" Hythe man Cyril Hardy was made a Knight of the Order of
Pope St Sylvester in recognition of his work for Roman Catholics in the
island state of Bahrain in the oil-rich Arabian Gulf. |