Published 24 January 2002

CAPEL resident Vera Leveson, 85, came into the Folkestone Herald office to
see me with a copy of an old engraving, thinking Memories readers might be
interested to see what Bouverie Square used to look like before the changes
of recent times, and more due to take place.
"We lived there when I was five," she said. "And I remember there used to be
a tennis court in the Square. It was privately owned and we, the residents
who lived in the houses around it, used to pay 75p a year towards its
Archibald Gardener, the one-time Folkestone solicitor, with his son Eric.
either to the Council or Lord Radnor; I am not sure which."
Each resident, said Mrs Leveson, had a key to let themselves into the tennis
court area which was enclosed by railings surrounding gardens.
Mrs Leveson told me her uncle, Samuel Barnard lived in a big house in the
square, owning Nos 6, 7, 8 and 9 at one time, as well as another property in
Sandgate Road.
Her family lived in No 6, which her uncle left to the family.
Meanwhile Mrs Ann Webb, of Cheltenham and her brother are embarking on some
family history and are trying to find all they can about their father Eric
Gardener, who was born at 11 Marten Road, Folkestone on May 18, 1908.
They seek information too, about his solicitor father, Archibald and his
wife, and also about Eric's early years - and any other family history.
Archibald Gardener was a solicitor with the firm of Wightwick and Gardner in
Folkestone, but was not one of the partners, coming from a different family.
Little is known about Eric's early years prior to his going to Cranbrook
School, in September 1921.
Archibald Gardener died on March 22, 1922, after having apparently
encountered considerable financial difficulties during the First World War
and afterwards. He is buried at Newington where his wife Elizabeth (nee
Holdom) had some property and there are family graves.
Leaving Cranbrook in December 1925 or early 1926, Eric taught for a short
time at a prep school in Hastings or St Leonards and then
READERS continue to contact me about the wartime shelling of Folkestone. Mrs
M.K. Philpott, of Canterbury Road, tells me her mother was born in Saffron's
Place in 1903 and was a first cousin of John Punnett, who also hails from
there. "My gran and his mother were sisters. They were daughters of a
fisherman named Fagg."
Mrs Philpott goes on to say she remembers John Punnett when he worked at
Pain's the grocers before the war. "I often saw him outside the shop. He now
lives opposite my son in Downs Road. Unfortunately, my mother died in 1959,
aged 55."
BOUVERIE Square, as it was in 1862, the inscription states under this
engraving. Note the old Sandgate service horse-bus on the right of the
picture, shown to me by Mrs Leveson.
became an engineer with the A.E.C. company.
But his heart had really been in growing things and he and his wife were
able to set up a market garden in Wiltshire, in 1937.
Alongside working and running this he became involved in horticultural
politics and rose eventually to high office in the National Farmers' Union,
including that of deputy president.
He was awarded the CBE for his service to horticulture, but died of cancer
in 1971 aged 63.
He pre-deceased his elder brother and sister, both of
whom have since died. Mrs Webb kindly enclosed a tasty recipe for a white
Christmas cake, incorporating paw paw or pears, pineapple and numerous other
fruits. Sadly I wasn't able to incorporate it in my column in time for
anyone to make one in time for the 2001 festivities!
If anyone can help Mrs Webb, who has recently visited the Folkestone office
to consult Herald newspaper files, her address is Woodwards, Caudle Green,
Cheltenham, Glos. GL53 9PP or she can be contacted on 01285 821213.
Build new police station or else, Council warned
«| Qf\QTHE HERALD issued a solemn warning, backing up a statement by the
mayor, Earl Radnor, that ratepayers could be made to foot all of the
cost of policing the town and running its magistrates court unless the
Council took steps to build a new police station and prutidi- .in
improved courtroom and cells. The Home Office had issued a serious
warning it could withdraw its 50% grant unless this was done by
September. Some councillors wanted a police station completely separate
from the Town Hall. Meanwhile the Council was considering a
municipally-run phone service, not to mention a tramway! The Herald was
celebrating its 12th birthday with a 16-page broadsheet paper and, as a
veteran and classic car enthusiast I was interested to see a prominent
advertisement with illustrations of cars of the time, one reminiscent of
the old horse-drawn cabs, for sale or hire from J.W. Cann, at Chcriton
Road. An engineer, he was to become a pioneer of charabanc pleasure
motoring. similar to coach proprietors of today. I also noted an
advertisement for umbrella specialist W. Martin Walter, who later
founded the East Kent motor company of the same name.
Builder pledges ‘no housing estate on beauty spot site*
1 Q07THE TOWN Council engaged in hours of I debate over the proposed
appointment of a Musical Director for the Leas Cliff Hall with a view to
holding events round the year. Many people feared the Council's
financial expenditure would escalate as a result of the appointment. As
Folkestone was speculating about the future of the Leas Cliff Hall Felix
was looking back to the days when Folkestone had no “Music Hall" and
“half Folkestone'' would walk to Sandgate to see a good show at the old
Alhambra music hall in Sandgate. It was nicknamed “The Bricks" for it
used to be the Bricklayers' Arms. Queen Stim-t bjilder Mr F Menpes,
whose families had been in the district since 1S77, pledged he would not
put up streets of houses on the several acres of “Killing Wood," a
beauty spot he bought on hills near Folkestone. He said he might build
one mansion, with tennis courts and a carriage drive, but intended to
preserve the wood as it was. A writer called for improvement in access
to East Cliff and the building of a carriage road into the Warren to
open it up as an amenity .irea. The New Year's honours list included a
knighthood for Hythe-born Percival Bower, MBE, Lcrd M.nor Birmingham foi
1924-6, who was born in 1879. the son of soldier at Hythe School of
Salary cut for new parks boss - in economy move
<f QrrtA NUMBER of East Kent soldiers wore .L«/9^home from leave from
the Korean war after 14 months. In a money-saving bid Folkestone Town
Council decided to appoint a new parks superintendent at a salary one
grade lower than that of the departing official. Some councillors had
wanted to go even lower so that instead of earning £1,000 a year he
would get a maximum of £810. The last parks superintendent's salary was
based on many year’s service and one councillor said at the lower rate
they could still get a well qualified man ready to prove his mettle.
Folkestone Council. New Romney Council and Romney Marsh Rural Council
all decided to oppose the latest bus fare increases proposed by the East
Kent Road Car Company. The planned fare rise would make the Lydd to
Folkestone run cost the best part of four shillings. So much sea water
was whipped up and over houses in Sandgate In recent storms that in
running away it swept through several side streets and flooded some
basements to a depth of 5ft. And drains wore so full the local firemen
could do nothing to pump it out until thi- tide wont out. The Vicar, the
Rev JC Gethin-Joncs. Munched a relief fund to help those who lost
property destroyed by strong winds and the flood water.
Burglar caught in nail-biting police chase over viaduct
«f Q“p"yA FOLKESTONE soldier who went absent J.9 f I from his unit in
Germany to get back to his wife and young child in the town, was
arrested after a nail-biting chase across the town's railway viaduct. He
was later charged with a string of burglary offenccs. There was a new
air of confidence among Folkestone hoteliers' who had been through a
lean patch. And chairman of the hoteliers' ■isuicidtiun, Mrs Elsa Page,
predicted a rosy future ahead for the town. She said the local hotel
industry was “a long way from being ready to call in the pallbearers."
The association, she said, was neither dying nor dead. “Tourism in
Shepway is very much alive." Her optimism was endorsed by vice-chairman
John Harrison, who spoke of a wolcome boost in Continental visitors
attracted by the low pound. An ambulance responding to an emergency in
Saltwood was badly damaged when it crashed on an icy road, one member of
the crew being injured and the driver treated for shock. An obsolete
Council computer went haywire and almost stopped staff being paid! The
'crazy' computer, shared with Ashford, went wrong once a week, and was
to be scrappcd and a replacement bought, costing £61,000, the council to
pay half plus £4,000 a year running costs. The oid one overheated and
burned out circuit boards. Staff had to travel to Eastbourne and use a
council computer there to get pay cheques out in time. |